Highest-paying states for doctors

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May 22, 2020
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Highest-paying states for doctors

The work of doctors and medical professionals is highly important at this moment. Physicians have long been perceived as having well-paying jobs, but the amount they receive varies by state (and some have begun arguing that doctors and other essential workers should receive hazard pay for their work through the coronavirus pandemic).

Stacker used 2019 data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics to rank which states are the highest-paying for different types of doctors. The states are ranked by the general internal medicine physician average salary, and ties are broken by the family medicine physician average salary. For any statistics that are not listed, the BLS did not release the wage or employment data, as medical professions are hard to consistently track on a national level.

COVID-19 statistics come from The COVID Tracking Project, which publishes up-to-date testing data (latest data and data release date: May 22, 2020). All of the information, updated daily by 5 p.m. EST, comes from state, district, and territory public health authorities, official press releases, trusted news reporting, and (infrequently) tweets or Facebook posts from state public health authorities or governors.

The slides include how each state's doctors have been operating over the past few months. Rural doctors' offices and hospitals are being hit particularly hard, while many medical schools graduated students early to send them into the field to fight this coronavirus. Younger students are helping make personal protective equipment (PPE) or chipping in by babysitting and running errands for doctors who are working round the clock.

Many states stopped elective procedures during lockdown, which had a damaging effect on the health care industry—particularly hospitals that rely on income from performing surgeries and regular patient visits. No matter the circumstances, each state's doctors and health care workers are toiling to protect the public. See how doctors in your state are pushing through, and how much they earn.

#51. Georgia

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $95,690 (Employment: -)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $205,960 (Employment: 2,260)
- All other physician average salary: $236,530 (Employment: 11,040)
- Surgeon average salary: $247,390 (Employment: -)
- Pediatrician average salary: $156,320 (Employment: 640)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $221,380 (Employment: 610)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 40,405
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 7,235

Many doctors in the state are facing financial trouble because of a reduction in patients. The counties around Atlanta have seen the highest tally of cases, but rural Georgia doctors worry about the danger from the state’s reopening.

#50. West Virginia

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $146,840 (Employment: -)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $169,340 (Employment: 280)
- All other physician average salary: $207,040 (Employment: 2,230)
- Surgeon average salary: $250,940 (Employment: -)
- Pediatrician average salary: data not available
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $267,200 (Employment: 170)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 1,593
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: data not available

West Virginia opened outpatient healthcare on April 30. Elective surgeries in hospitals were authorized earlier in the month. Elsewhere in the state, university doctors have come together to make “digital PPE.”

#49. Arkansas

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $146,900 (Employment: 130)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $218,870 (Employment: 1,310)
- All other physician average salary: $174,440 (Employment: 3,170)
- Surgeon average salary: $248,380 (Employment: 170)
- Pediatrician average salary: $201,280 (Employment: 100)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $241,710 (Employment: -)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 5,458
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 535

Some Arkansas hospitals are restricting elective procedures, but some residents believe those measures were too late in stopping COVID-19-related deaths when the coronavirus first reached the state. To help spread vital information about coronavirus, doctors are joining professors at the University of Arkansas to teach online forums.

#48. Texas

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $160,180 (Employment: 4,520)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $222,900 (Employment: 8,380)
- All other physician average salary: $200,590 (Employment: 23,490)
- Surgeon average salary: $237,240 (Employment: 3,480)
- Pediatrician average salary: $186,410 (Employment: 2,250)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $241,090 (Employment: 2,550)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 51,323
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: data not available

Some Texas doctors voiced their opinion that the state is far behind where it needs to be in coronavirus testing. Others have questioned the efficacy of swab tests, while the state still reopened in early May. As in-patient visits dropped in Texas, doctors began to worry about the future of their practices.

#47. Washington D.C.

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $165,080 (Employment: 1,500)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $172,380 (Employment: -)
- All other physician average salary: $182,120 (Employment: 1,990)
- Surgeon average salary: $242,640 (Employment: 330)
- Pediatrician average salary: data not available
- Anesthesiologist average salary: - (Employment: 180)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 7,788
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: data not available

In early April, doctors in the D.C. area, seeing the overcrowding of hospitals in New York, began warning physicians of what to expect when COVID-19 cases rose in number near the nation's capital. As citizens search for testing, some doctors in Washington D.C. are confronting the trouble by offering antibody tests, but having to charge expensive prices for them. Reproductive health clinics are still open for service.

#46. Michigan

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $171,210 (Employment: 2,290)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $207,330 (Employment: 3,270)
- All other physician average salary: $168,190 (Employment: 15,810)
- Surgeon average salary: $228,660 (Employment: 1,670)
- Pediatrician average salary: - (Employment: 1,150)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $234,970 (Employment: 990)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 53,510
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: data not available

Michigan doctors looking to find a coronavirus treatment are split on possible remedies. Meanwhile, the Michigan Health and Hospital Association is still urging patients to seek critical care if needed during the pandemic. Some doctors in the state are holding visits online.

#45. Rhode Island

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $171,280 (Employment: -)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $237,600 (Employment: -)
- All other physician average salary: $205,090 (Employment: 2,810)
- Surgeon average salary: $278,020 (Employment: -)
- Pediatrician average salary: $200,300 (Employment: 250)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: data not available
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 13,571
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 1,506

Throughout the pandemic, Rhode Island residents could still visit some dentists' and doctors' offices with proper precautions. But some physicians worry that a drop in emergency room visits might mean some sick people were not getting treated for serious conditions—perhaps due to fear of contracting the coronavirus. Elsewhere in the state, there were signs of positivity, as two doctors took a break from serving patients to get married.

#44. Idaho

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $173,190 (Employment: 120)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $227,160 (Employment: 830)
- All other physician average salary: $234,390 (Employment: -)
- Surgeon average salary: $250,670 (Employment: 190)
- Pediatrician average salary: $181,210 (Employment: 80)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $267,700 (Employment: -)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 2,506
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 221

Idaho physicians whose businesses were struggling collaborated to send a letter to the governor asking for aid. There are mixed opinions among state doctors about the phased reopening, while some administrators are seeking ways to provide access to mental health resources for doctors helping with coronavirus patients.

#43. New York

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $188,370 (Employment: -)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $194,070 (Employment: -)
- All other physician average salary: $179,110 (Employment: 38,380)
- Surgeon average salary: $230,890 (Employment: -)
- Pediatrician average salary: $168,800 (Employment: -)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $212,730 (Employment: 1,540)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 356,458
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 76,608

Scores of health care workers came to New York as the state’s hospitals, particularly in New York City, became overwhelmed by COVID-19 cases. As hospitals ran short on PPE and beds, some workers went to social media and made calls for more help. Medical school students from Columbia and other institutions immediately jumped in to volunteer and help combat the outbreak throughout the state.

#42. Louisiana

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $188,650 (Employment: 140)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $207,000 (Employment: 590)
- All other physician average salary: $193,670 (Employment: 4,960)
- Surgeon average salary: $252,510 (Employment: 180)
- Pediatrician average salary: $146,300 (Employment: 230)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $269,520 (Employment: 200)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 36,504
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: data not available

Medical clinics are reopening throughout the state, although doctors fear a huge backlog of patients. Some doctors have gone beyond the walls of hospitals, taking care of their community by donating basketball hoops for children who can't go to parks, for example. For doctors overwhelmed by caring for coronavirus patients, other physicians are stepping in to provide mental health care.

#41. Oklahoma

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $190,030 (Employment: 370)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $217,520 (Employment: 2,340)
- All other physician average salary: $177,420 (Employment: -)
- Surgeon average salary: $286,320 (Employment: 310)
- Pediatrician average salary: $110,740 (Employment: 150)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $278,540 (Employment: 390)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 5,680
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 917

Plans for reopening Oklahoma were met with skepticism by some physicians, noting a lack of widespread testing and the growing number of cases. There are even worries by some doctors of a post-pandemic increases in preventable diseases, due to patients being unable to receive routine care for the past several months.

#40. Colorado

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $195,190 (Employment: 550)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $202,740 (Employment: 2,510)
- All other physician average salary: $220,710 (Employment: 3,480)
- Surgeon average salary: $250,480 (Employment: 790)
- Pediatrician average salary: $162,010 (Employment: 340)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $268,160 (Employment: 610)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 22,797
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 3,990

In Colorado, differing state and local orders about reopening causing confusion for some doctors. Colorado, like many other states, also noticed an increase in patients skipping non-COVID-related issues to avoid hospitals during the pandemic. Despite these difficulties, a number of Colorado doctors traveled to New York City to help with the outbreak there in April.

#39. Ohio

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $196,860 (Employment: 1,860)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $181,940 (Employment: 2,940)
- All other physician average salary: $213,930 (Employment: 16,910)
- Surgeon average salary: $280,030 (Employment: 1,580)
- Pediatrician average salary: $163,050 (Employment: 1,850)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: - (Employment: 1,150)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 30,167
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 5,295

Ohio health director Dr. Amy Acton witnessed protests in front of her house in reaction to the state’s shutdown; they were later countered by medical professionals supporting Acton’s actions. In the early stages of the state’s reopening, some doctors were cautious to reopen offices. One Cincinnati doctor created specialized PPE for health care workers running low on supplies in New York City.

#38. Tennessee

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $199,720 (Employment: 490)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $207,250 (Employment: 980)
- All other physician average salary: $192,190 (Employment: 6,790)
- Surgeon average salary: $270,180 (Employment: 170)
- Pediatrician average salary: $179,320 (Employment: 1,000)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $266,670 (Employment: 920)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 18,961
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 1,539

As states began laying out plans for reopening, some Tennessee doctors prioritized rapid testing before the state’s economy could start back up, even though some elective surgeries were allowed. During the shutdown, telemedicine became a popular way to receive care.

#37. Montana

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $202,100 (Employment: 80)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $219,990 (Employment: 440)
- All other physician average salary: $247,720 (Employment: 1,170)
- Surgeon average salary: $219,320 (Employment: 130)
- Pediatrician average salary: $245,090 (Employment: 80)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: - (Employment: 130)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 479
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 65

The state wrestled with physicians who passed along conspiracy theories attempting to debunk the seriousness of the virus. For those residents who chose to follow stay-at-home orders, some turned to online doctor visits when care was needed, but some facilities unable to keep up with costs had to furlough hundreds of health care employees.

#36. Maryland

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $203,270 (Employment: 1,140)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $193,080 (Employment: 1,590)
- All other physician average salary: $191,690 (Employment: 10,680)
- Surgeon average salary: $278,720 (Employment: 590)
- Pediatrician average salary: $178,160 (Employment: 720)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: data not available
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 43,531
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 7,485

Maryland doctors worried about a drop in reported heart attacks and strokes during lockdown, fearing patients were not coming to hospitals for care. In early May, Maryland allowed elective medical procedures to resume. The state is also encouraging prospective nursing school students to remain on their career path in the face of the pandemic.

#35. Florida

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $204,690 (Employment: 1,240)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $217,870 (Employment: 11,830)
- All other physician average salary: $212,780 (Employment: 27,380)
- Surgeon average salary: $189,260 (Employment: 1,580)
- Pediatrician average salary: $156,900 (Employment: -)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $268,470 (Employment: 1,180)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 48,675
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 9,200

Florida initially authorized the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat coronavirus patients, though later studies showed it to be less effective than once thought. Doctors in the state also began researching stem cell treatment to fight the coronavirus. Researchers at the University of South Florida are producing disposable face shields that can be created in less than a minute for under $1.

#34. Connecticut

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $206,200 (Employment: 520)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $190,440 (Employment: 920)
- All other physician average salary: $208,310 (Employment: 6,130)
- Surgeon average salary: $225,150 (Employment: 560)
- Pediatrician average salary: $200,090 (Employment: 540)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $259,130 (Employment: -)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 39,208
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 10,946

With one of the highest per-capita counts of coronavirus deaths, Connecticut doctors struggled with overwhelmed hospitals and stress. To assist in PPE shortages, Connecticut joined other states in consolidating PPE acquisitions. By mid-April, at least 300 Yale nursing students and faculty had volunteered to help coronavirus patients.

#33. Vermont

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $207,920 (Employment: 80)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $204,300 (Employment: 450)
- All other physician average salary: - (Employment: 640)
- Surgeon average salary: - (Employment: 140)
- Pediatrician average salary: - (Employment: 120)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: - (Employment: 80)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 950
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: data not available

The Vermont National Guard prepared for coronavirus patients by building a 400-bed hospital, but smaller Vermont hospitals struggled to stay afloat, in part because of the postponement of many medical procedures. Pediatricians also noted a drop in vaccinations among children.

#32. Delaware

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $208,750 (Employment: 80)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $212,980 (Employment: 450)
- All other physician average salary: $224,130 (Employment: 1,760)
- Surgeon average salary: $275,720 (Employment: 150)
- Pediatrician average salary: $205,390 (Employment: 240)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: data not available
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 8,386
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: data not available

Delaware hospitals began joining together to conduct COVID-19 testing. One problem in the state—home to numerous poultry farms—has been doctors' realization that many poultry workers were advised to put business first over their health and that of others.

#31. Kentucky

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $209,700 (Employment: 260)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $202,910 (Employment: 1,070)
- All other physician average salary: $225,240 (Employment: 3,280)
- Surgeon average salary: $270,580 (Employment: 420)
- Pediatrician average salary: $194,800 (Employment: 400)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $265,930 (Employment: 330)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 8,167
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 2,016

Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, drew a lot of criticism for his lax stances on the coronavirus outbreak, despite outcries of harsh working conditions from medical workers in the state. Rural hospitals in particular are incurring a hard financial hit during the pandemic.

#30. Kansas

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $211,770 (Employment: -)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $233,970 (Employment: 550)
- All other physician average salary: $182,180 (Employment: 2,930)
- Surgeon average salary: $269,460 (Employment: 120)
- Pediatrician average salary: $156,620 (Employment: 90)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $276,800 (Employment: 190)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 8,539
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 760

Kansas began reopening in May, but many doctors fear a second wave of infections. One hospital in Overland Park closed due to a disruption in services. The Kansas University school of engineering has been busy producing PPE equipment.

#29. Illinois

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $211,950 (Employment: 2,390)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $212,310 (Employment: 7,400)
- All other physician average salary: $190,750 (Employment: 10,680)
- Surgeon average salary: $261,880 (Employment: 1,310)
- Pediatrician average salary: $198,770 (Employment: -)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $262,890 (Employment: 1,500)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 102,686
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: data not available

Some lawmakers are worried about the financial state of Illinois hospitals. A report in the Chicago Tribune said hospitals were losing $1.4 billion monthly from canceled surgeries and other hurdles. Some in the field are debating whether or not to push for hazard pay.

#28. California

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $212,510 (Employment: 3,410)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $203,320 (Employment: 11,050)
- All other physician average salary: $210,140 (Employment: 32,070)
- Surgeon average salary: $248,100 (Employment: 3,650)
- Pediatrician average salary: $200,270 (Employment: 3,160)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: - (Employment: 3,850)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 86,197
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: data not available

Early-career medical workers in California are chipping in during the pandemic. Medical school students at UCLA graduated early to help coronavirus patients. Other medical students are filling in for doctors by babysitting and running errands.

#27. Alabama

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $213,790 (Employment: 220)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $236,060 (Employment: 730)
- All other physician average salary: $196,650 (Employment: 4,650)
- Surgeon average salary: $258,110 (Employment: 560)
- Pediatrician average salary: $214,220 (Employment: 490)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $274,260 (Employment: 270)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 13,119
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 1,528

Birmingham is doing a lot to adapt during this time, as the University of Alabama-Birmingham is producing face shields with 3-D printers. The school's doctors have seen up to 1,400 patients per day in telehealth visits. But rural hospitals in Alabama are at threat of closing due to a decrease in income.

#26. Missouri

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $216,350 (Employment: 90)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $209,990 (Employment: 5,870)
- All other physician average salary: $205,580 (Employment: 3,670)
- Surgeon average salary: data not available
- Pediatrician average salary: $210,320 (Employment: 320)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $263,990 (Employment: 480)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 11,340
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: data not available

In April, Missouri put a call out for residents with medical backgrounds to volunteer to help combat coronavirus cases. Even high school students are producing face shields. Like many midwestern states, rural hospitals here are suffering during the pandemic. In Kansas City, doctors are conducting virtual checkups on patients to keep pushing ahead.

#25. Iowa

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $216,910 (Employment: 280)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $235,980 (Employment: 1,590)
- All other physician average salary: $218,830 (Employment: 2,410)
- Surgeon average salary: $249,920 (Employment: 300)
- Pediatrician average salary: $238,990 (Employment: 320)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: - (Employment: 350)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 16,170
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: data not available

May is Stroke Awareness Month, and doctors in Iowa are particularly concerned for potential stroke victims. Some doctors in areas without many COVID-19 cases might be deployed around the state to help with more hard-hit areas. Other doctors have reported struggles with telehealth services.

#24. Arizona

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $218,630 (Employment: 740)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $222,230 (Employment: 4,110)
- All other physician average salary: $216,200 (Employment: 6,690)
- Surgeon average salary: $280,860 (Employment: -)
- Pediatrician average salary: $152,600 (Employment: 1,010)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $280,030 (Employment: -)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 15,315
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 1,830

To negate risks associated with assisting infected patients, Arizona doctors are researching tactics made available by health officials around the world, including DIY intubation boxes. The University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix graduated students early to help with combatting the coronavirus.

#23. Mississippi

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $218,830 (Employment: 210)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $208,500 (Employment: 850)
- All other physician average salary: $171,050 (Employment: 2,020)
- Surgeon average salary: $276,170 (Employment: 250)
- Pediatrician average salary: $249,270 (Employment: 130)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: data not available
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 12,222
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 1,932

In Mississippi, some immigrant doctors are helping COVID-19 patients despite risks of deportation. Some hospitals are using inventive methods to overcome supply shortages, such as creating ventilators that cost as little as $50, and using robot technology to disinfect and reuse N95 masks.

#22. New Jersey

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $220,790 (Employment: 1,150)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $215,980 (Employment: 1,900)
- All other physician average salary: $207,440 (Employment: 16,650)
- Surgeon average salary: $279,660 (Employment: 1,500)
- Pediatrician average salary: $215,040 (Employment: 930)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: - (Employment: 1,160)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 151,472
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: data not available

In April, New Jersey began issuing temporary emergency physician licenses for foreign doctors. Some students at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School graduated early to assist on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic. Students at other schools founded the New Jersey COVID-19 Medical Student Coalition to collaborate on ways to treat patients.

#21. Washington

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $224,940 (Employment: -)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $238,150 (Employment: 1,170)
- All other physician average salary: $238,350 (Employment: 8,610)
- Surgeon average salary: $232,700 (Employment: -)
- Pediatrician average salary: $194,510 (Employment: 690)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $257,660 (Employment: -)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 18,971
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 3,125

Washington doctors were some of the first to examine the long-term effects of the pandemic. Some voiced concerns that the lack of patients could lead to shuttering of practices, which would be devastating for communities in the years to come. In doing their best to fight the virus, doctors are going online to play matchmaker with other physicians in finding supplies, while med schools are reaching out to help local homebound seniors.

#20. Pennsylvania

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $227,650 (Employment: -)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $201,220 (Employment: 3,210)
- All other physician average salary: $198,750 (Employment: 22,160)
- Surgeon average salary: $258,650 (Employment: 710)
- Pediatrician average salary: $191,450 (Employment: 460)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $248,250 (Employment: 480)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 65,392
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: data not available

Students from the Penn State College of Medicine are helping consult and identify COVID-19 patients. Elsewhere in the state, medical students and aspiring nurses and doctors are pitching in with relief efforts; but given the stress level of the work, some question if they will continue on after the pandemic. Smaller Pennsylvania towns less affected by coronavirus have doctors, nurses, and volunteers prepping to help wherever needed.

#19. Alaska

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $230,160 (Employment: -)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $254,270 (Employment: 400)
- All other physician average salary: $258,550 (Employment: 710)
- Surgeon average salary: - (Employment: 50)
- Pediatrician average salary: data not available
- Anesthesiologist average salary: data not available
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 402
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: data not available

Dr. Anne Zink, Alaska’s chief medical officer, gained a small level of celebrity in the state for her calm, concise medical updates during the pandemic. This led to the creation of a hashtag #ThinkLikeZink. Still, there are concerns around the state that hospitals may close because of the cancellation of so many surgeries and visits.

#18. Utah

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $230,170 (Employment: 150)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $194,290 (Employment: 1,280)
- All other physician average salary: $209,420 (Employment: 1,980)
- Surgeon average salary: $270,260 (Employment: 350)
- Pediatrician average salary: $228,440 (Employment: 190)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $180,630 (Employment: -)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 7,874
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 647

Before Utah had many COVID-19 cases, doctors and nurses from the state travelled to New York to help with the outbreak. Armed with experience, these doctors hope to apply that knowledge back home as interior states see a spread of the virus. Physicians and health care workers will receive some immunity from legal liability due to a new bill passed by state lawmakers.

#17. Massachusetts

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $232,970 (Employment: 2,980)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $213,200 (Employment: 2,200)
- All other physician average salary: $186,040 (Employment: 16,510)
- Surgeon average salary: $242,310 (Employment: 2,210)
- Pediatrician average salary: $199,360 (Employment: 1,460)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $214,830 (Employment: 670)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 90,084
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 9,040

Harvard University, Boston University, the University of Massachusetts, and Tufts University are among the Massachusetts schools to offer early graduation to med school students to help tackle COVID-19 infections. Like many other states, Massachusetts hospitals are feeling a crunch from a decline in services and are projected to lose $5 billion through July. But that doesn't mean health care workers aren't doing their best to lift spirits; some hospital workers play the "Rocky" theme to patients who have recovered from COVID-19.

#16. Virginia

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $234,220 (Employment: -)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $206,650 (Employment: 4,230)
- All other physician average salary: $187,740 (Employment: 9,140)
- Surgeon average salary: $261,220 (Employment: 790)
- Pediatrician average salary: $186,680 (Employment: 490)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: data not available
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 69
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: data not available

Doctors in Virginia have been proactive in urging patients against delaying elective procedures once state bans are lifted. Local biotech firms have been stockpiling tests, ready to be deployed when needed, and some medical school students are providing child care to health care workers in need.

#15. Hawaii

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $235,770 (Employment: 330)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $236,440 (Employment: 330)
- All other physician average salary: $229,310 (Employment: 1,490)
- Surgeon average salary: $250,180 (Employment: 140)
- Pediatrician average salary: $173,290 (Employment: 200)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: data not available
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 643
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 82

Retired nurses and doctors are chipping in to help battle the coronavirus pandemic throughout Hawaii. But a decrease in emergency room visits has Hawaii doctors worried that residents are delaying care.

#14. Oregon

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $237,910 (Employment: 270)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $233,490 (Employment: 880)
- All other physician average salary: $195,930 (Employment: 5,580)
- Surgeon average salary: - (Employment: 240)
- Pediatrician average salary: $198,630 (Employment: 410)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: - (Employment: 710)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 3,817
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 732

Oregon doctors have become alarmed at the disproportionate number of Latino residents being infected, and have stepped up testing. However, some in the medical field disagreed with the governor’s decision to allow non-urgent visits through April. One Oregon doctor is running for state legislature to increase resources for medical professionals.

#13. Maine

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $239,460 (Employment: 170)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $199,080 (Employment: 710)
- All other physician average salary: $251,930 (Employment: 2,200)
- Surgeon average salary: $281,470 (Employment: 240)
- Pediatrician average salary: $189,970 (Employment: 150)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: - (Employment: 120)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 1,877
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 235

Maine medical leaders cautioned early against using drugs that have since proved to be unreliable in treating COVID-19. In another pre-emptive protective measure, early graduates from Tufts University were quickly deployed throughout the state to help with aid.

#12. New Hampshire

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $241,240 (Employment: 150)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $262,620 (Employment: 800)
- All other physician average salary: $257,220 (Employment: 1,220)
- Surgeon average salary: - (Employment: 440)
- Pediatrician average salary: $236,670 (Employment: 250)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: - (Employment: 120)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 3,868
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 385

New Hampshire physicians jumped into action quickly. Doctors here were early adopters to using telemedicine and others volunteered to work in hot spots like New York City. They were also not afraid to speak up and press the government for more testing.

#11. Minnesota

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $242,390 (Employment: 1,390)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $236,060 (Employment: 2,790)
- All other physician average salary: $236,270 (Employment: 9,130)
- Surgeon average salary: - (Employment: 950)
- Pediatrician average salary: $217,450 (Employment: -)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: - (Employment: 370)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 18,200
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 2,380

The Mayo Clinic, located in Rochester, is at the forefront of developing antibody tests and possible vaccines. Employees at the University of Minnesota’s medical school are also working on clinical trials and created low-cost ventilators.

#10. South Carolina

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $248,760 (Employment: 690)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $229,710 (Employment: 2,340)
- All other physician average salary: $201,290 (Employment: 3,040)
- Surgeon average salary: - (Employment: 170)
- Pediatrician average salary: $172,110 (Employment: 110)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $258,320 (Employment: 710)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 9,175
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 1,444

South Carolina doctors fear the state opened too early but are working ardently to help as many patients as possible. Dr. Sarah Farris of Greenville and her husband created a machine for sharing ventilators. Able to witness what other states went through first, South Carolina’s medical professionals created a surge plan to protect against an expected rush of patients.

#9. Nebraska

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $249,510 (Employment: 240)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $233,480 (Employment: 1,040)
- All other physician average salary: $177,080 (Employment: 2,230)
- Surgeon average salary: - (Employment: 280)
- Pediatrician average salary: $168,500 (Employment: 180)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: - (Employment: 160)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 11,122
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: data not available

The University of Nebraska Medical Center has deployed mass antibody tests to other parts of the country and are working on several possible COVID-19 treatment tests. But hospitals in rural areas are struggling just to stay afloat.

#8. Wisconsin

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $253,900 (Employment: 510)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $251,710 (Employment: 1,200)
- All other physician average salary: $246,060 (Employment: 8,280)
- Surgeon average salary: - (Employment: 650)
- Pediatrician average salary: $258,850 (Employment: 450)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $242,770 (Employment: 410)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 13,885
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 2,218

Doctors throughout the state are collaborating on ways to repurpose ventilators. The state is offering widespread testing, but some medical workers in the state are unclear about testing availability and procedures. Researchers at the Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine conducted tests showing that cats can be infected with COVID-19 and transmit it to other cats.

#7. Nevada

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $253,920 (Employment: 390)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $189,470 (Employment: 710)
- All other physician average salary: $219,430 (Employment: 2,850)
- Surgeon average salary: $258,890 (Employment: 150)
- Pediatrician average salary: $247,360 (Employment: 90)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $252,250 (Employment: 460)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 7,255
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: data not available

While other states provided daily reports of COVID-19 cases, some authorities in Nevada tried to keep data secret. The state's hospitals are now prepping for public reopenings, while graduates of the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine took place in a virtual hooding ceremony, and then prepared to enter the field and help aid in coronavirus relief.

#6. North Carolina

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $256,000 (Employment: 280)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $217,690 (Employment: 1,270)
- All other physician average salary: $185,290 (Employment: 14,080)
- Surgeon average salary: $274,240 (Employment: 600)
- Pediatrician average salary: $173,760 (Employment: 800)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $274,610 (Employment: 670)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 20,860
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: data not available

Doctors in North Carolina who normally don’t work in intensive care units didn’t hesitate to join colleagues battling the pandemic. In the spirit of chipping in, students at North Carolina State University are producing surgical masks, N95 masks, and plastic face shields.

#5. Indiana

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $257,270 (Employment: -)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $232,630 (Employment: -)
- All other physician average salary: $244,980 (Employment: 9,070)
- Surgeon average salary: $216,040 (Employment: 820)
- Pediatrician average salary: $184,410 (Employment: 550)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $272,630 (Employment: 760)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 29,936
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 4,389

Indiana professionals took testing into their own hands when federal directives were lacking. Medical students from Indiana University graduated early to join the fight against COVID-19. Still, many hospitals are in need of blood donations during the pandemic.

#4. North Dakota

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $266,540 (Employment: 60)
- Family medicine physician average salary: data not available (Employment: -)
- All other physician average salary: $229,550 (Employment: 880)
- Surgeon average salary: - (Employment: 50)
- Pediatrician average salary: $258,680 (Employment: 30)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: data not available
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 2,229
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 144

North Dakota has faced unique challenges in battling COVID-19. The state’s doctors are faced with Native American populations heavily affected by the spread of coronavirus. Some foreign health care workers wishing to help are being held back due to visa complications.

#3. Wyoming

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $273,570 (Employment: 60)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $233,260 (Employment: 250)
- All other physician average salary: $225,190 (Employment: 480)
- Surgeon average salary: $269,830 (Employment: 120)
- Pediatrician average salary: $215,250 (Employment: 50)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $281,070 (Employment: 50)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 787
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 75

In surveys, Wyoming doctors worry about supply shortages and practices coming under financial stress. Despite $48 million in coronavirus relief funding, rural hospitals are closing.

#2. New Mexico

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $280,620 (Employment: 130)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $164,400 (Employment: 710)
- All other physician average salary: $229,770 (Employment: 2,120)
- Surgeon average salary: $248,740 (Employment: -)
- Pediatrician average salary: $192,390 (Employment: 140)
- Anesthesiologist average salary: $277,140 (Employment: -)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 6,317
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 1,139

As Native American communities are getting hit hard by COVID-19 infections, Doctors Without Borders is aiding Navajo Nation residents throughout the Southwest. New Mexico hospitals, which suffered an estimated $250 million loss in April, hope to keep their doors open with the help of $66 million in federal funding for increased Medicaid payments.

#1. South Dakota

- General internal medicine physician average salary: $281,590 (Employment: 220)
- Family medicine physician average salary: $219,360 (Employment: 400)
- All other physician average salary: $218,290 (Employment: 400)
- Surgeon average salary: $285,320 (Employment: 260)
- Pediatrician average salary: data not available
- Anesthesiologist average salary: - (Employment: 80)
- COVID-19 case count as of May 22: 4,250
- COVID-19 cumulative hospitalizations as of May 22: 342

Some doctors wish the state had done more to close down and prevent a spread of cases. Meatpacking plants in the state are at risk of becoming outbreak centers. Still, diligent students at the University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine are helping health care workers on the front lines.

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