How long has it been since your state raised its gas tax?

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July 6, 2018

How long has it been since your state has raised its gas tax?

Every time a vehicle is filled with gas, a proportion of the cost helps pay for the roadways and bridges those cars, trucks, and semis wear down. Most government officials don't want to bear the responsibility of raising the price at the pump, but many states are revising their gas tax policies so they can pay for their aging infrastructure. States are adjusting their rates because taxes in recent years haven't brought in enough revenue to keep up with increased fuel efficiency, and rising costs of building and maintaining transportation infrastructure.

The federal gas tax stands at 18.4 cents a gallon, which supports the Federal Highway Administration and hasn't been raised since 1993. States institute a flat-rate gas tax, a percentage on the price of wholesale fuel or a general sales tax on top of that, meaning the total amount paid includes the cost of gas plus federal and state taxes.

More than half of U.S. states have raised gas taxes since 2013, with some states increasing their gas tax rates annually according to inflation rates tied to the Consumer Price Index. However, Alaska hasn't increased their state tax on fuel since the 1970s, and the last time Mississippi increased their gas tax was in the 1980s. Using data from the American Petroleum Institute and the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, Stacker compiled a list to show the last time each state raised their gas tax. Click through to see where each state stands.

RELATED: Click here to see the cost of gas the year you started driving.

#51. Oklahoma

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 0

On June 27, Oklahoma increased its tax on motor fuel for the first time in more than 30 years. The new rate increased the tax from 3 cents to 19 cents per gallon. The state decided to raise the gas tax because general funds that were previously used to fund transportation are currently being used for teacher pay.

#50. Vermont

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 0.1

Vermont instituted a 5.9-cent restructuring on their gas tax in 2013, and a .42-cent increase went into effect on July 1. The state’s tax is linked to the price of gasoline, so the amount customers pay varies. However, the price on gas is a little confusing in this state, with motorists paying the federal tax, as well as a state tax and two assessments.

#49. New York

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 0.3

The gas tax increased .65 cents at the beginning of 2018. Counties in New York apply a sales tax to fuel based on percentage or cents-per-gallon, so the total amount a customer pays depends on which county they purchase the gas in.

#48. Florida

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 0.3

Florida’s tax rate increased .5 cents at the beginning of 2018. The overall cost of gas varies by county, but the annual tax is adjusted for inflation every January.

#47. Georgia

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 0.3

Georgia enacted a 6.7-cent increase in 2015, but their new tax formula allows for automatic increases that allow adjustments for inflation and fuel efficiency. A .3-cent increase took place on Jan. 1,  2017, and the latest increase took effect on Jan. 1, 2018.

#46. North Carolina

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 0.3

In 2015, the gas tax increased by 4.4 cents. A recent increase of .8 cents occurred on Jan. 1 because the state’s new gas tax formula takes population and energy prices into account, allowing for future increases.

#45. Nebraska

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 0.3

Gov. Pete Ricketts vetoed an increase in 2015, but the 6-cent tax hike was enacted anyway. The increase will take place in 1.5-cent increments, with the last increase on Jan. 1, 2019. Nebraska’s tax rate actually fell by 4 cents on July 1 because their current formula is based on fuel prices and infrastructure spending.

#44. Oregon

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 0.3

In 2017, Oregon passed legislation enacting a 10-cent increase on gas that will be implemented in four stages. A 4-cent increase took effect at the beginning of the year, and the final 2-cent increase will take place on Jan. 1, 2024.

#43. Indiana

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 0.4
Note: Indiana applies general sales tax to gasoline, so its gas tax rates are updated based on changes in the price of gas, but this is not reflected in the data.

Indiana passed a law in 2017 that increased the gas tax by 10 cents, with a 1-cent increase annually through 2024. The latest increase went into effect on July 1. The new formula takes into account inflation and the rate of Indiana’s personal income growth.

#42. California

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 0.5

On Nov. 1, 2017, California raised their tax by 12 cents on gasoline, an unpopular decision with voters. In November, California voters will decide whether to repeal the new vehicle and gas taxes.

#41. Maryland

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 0.8

Starting in 2013, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley implemented a gas tax reform that takes inflation and fuel prices into account. The tax has increased 10.3 cents, with the latest increase of 1.5 cents having taken effect on July 1.

#40. West Virginia

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 0.8

Since West Virginia’s gas tax is linked to the price of gas—which produces less revenue when it falls—the state increased the floor on their gasoline tax by 3.5 cents on July 1, 2017.

#39. Montana

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 0.8

On July 1, 2017, Montana increased its tax on gasoline an additional 4.5 cents to help pay for the state’s highways and roads. The rate will eventually increase to 6 cents by 2023. This is the first gas tax increase Montana has enacted in 23 years.

#38. Tennessee

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 0.8

The Volunteer State increased its gas tax by 1 cent on July 1 after an initial 4-cent increase went into effect July 1, 2017. A poll by The Tennessee Star shows voters are not fans of the tax increase, which is set to increase a total of 6 cents by July 2019.

#37. South Carolina

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 0.8

South Carolina raised their tax rate by 2 cents on July 1. The state is set to annually raise the gas tax by 2 cents until 2022.

#36. Michigan

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 1.3
Note: Michigan applies general sales tax to gasoline, so its gas tax rates are updated based on changes in the price of gas, but this is not reflected in the data.

Michigan raised its gas tax by 7.3 cents on Jan. 1, 2017. Starting in 2022, the tax will increase annually in relation to inflation.

#35. Pennsylvania

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 1.3

Pennsylvania added 8 cents to its gas tax on July 1, 2017. The state linked its gas tax to fuel prices starting in 2014, which has increased the tax rate by 26.4 cents.

#34. New Jersey

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 1.5

The Garden State increased its gas tax by 22.6 cents on Nov. 1, 2016, the first boost in 28 years. In the future, New Jersey will raise the tax based on a targeted amount of revenue

#33. Washington

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 1.8

Washington increased their gas tax in two stages: The first rate hike of 7 cents went into effect on Aug. 1, 2015. The second increase of 4.9 cents took place on July 1, 2016.

#32. Utah

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 2.3

An increase of 4.9 cents went into effect on Jan. 1, 2016. In the future, Utah will raise its gas tax with fuel prices and inflation in mind. Almost half of Utah voters are in favor of gas tax increases to fund improvements for roads.

#31. Rhode Island

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 2.8

Under legislation enacted in 2014, Rhode Island linked their gas tax to inflation and will adjust the rate every two years. This resulted in a 1-cent increase on July 1, 2015.

#30. Idaho

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 2.8

Idaho instituted a gas tax increase of 7 cents on July 1, 2015. In 2017, legislation proposing an additional 5-cent increase was voted down.

#29. South Dakota

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 3.1

South Dakota increased their gas tax by 6 cents on April 1, 2015. The gas tax was previously increased in 1999.

#28. Iowa

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 3.2

On March 1, 2015, Iowa increased their gas tax by 10 cents. The revenue helped repair ailing bridges and roads in almost every county in the state.

#27. Virginia

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 3.3

Earlier this year, Virginia legislators voted to set a "floor" for gas prices. In 2013, Virginia raised gas taxes in the Hampton Roads area. Outside of this area, taxes decreased because the state switched from charging price-per-gallon to charging a percentage of the cost of gasoline. At the beginning of 2015, a 5-cent increase on wholesale gas went into effect.

#26. New Hampshire

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 3.8

On July 1, 2014, New Hampshire raised their gas tax by 4.2 cents. Revenue generated by the tax hike helped the state pay for a variety of road and bridge projects.

#25. Kentucky

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 3.8

In 2015, Kentucky settled on a minimum “floor” for the state’s gas tax, which is tied to the wholesale price of gasoline. This resulted in a 3.5-cent increase. Earlier this year, lawmakers proposed raising the gas tax by 10 cents to pay for road projects and bridge improvements.

#24. Massachusetts

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 4.8

Massachusetts implemented a 3-cent gas tax increase on July 31, 2013—the first increase in more than 20 years. The following year, voters decided against keeping the part of the gas tax that would help Massachusetts keep up with inflation automatically.

#23. Wyoming

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 4.8

A 10-cent gas tax increase went into effect on July 1, 2013. Enacting this increase made Wyoming the first state to green light a gas tax in almost four years.

#22. Connecticut

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 4.8

Connecticut raised their gas tax rate—which is based on the wholesale price of gasoline—in July 2013, from 7% to 8.1%. Gov. Dannel Malloy proposed legislation this year seeking a 7-cent increase over four stages.

#21. Minnesota

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 5.8

Minnesota last raised its gas tax in 2008, with an initial 5-cent bump and an additional 3.5 cents phased in over five years. In November, Minnesotans will vote on whether sales tax from auto-related purchases—like oil changes or car rentals—should go toward funding infrastructure.

#20. Maine

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 6.8

Maine’s gas tax has stayed the same since 2011, when the state voted to stop adjusting annually for inflation. Like many other states, Maine’s infrastructure needs more funds to repair roads and bridges, but legislation to increase the gas tax by 7 cents was unsuccessful in 2017. Earlier this year, democratic lawmakers voted down a proposal that would have collected an annual fee for owners of hybrid and electric cars.

#19. Washington, D.C.

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 8.6

Legislation enacted in 2013 got rid of the city’s 23.5-cent-per-gallon gas tax and replaced it with an 8.3 percent tax on the wholesale purchase of gasoline. The rate has the potential to increase the District of Columbia’s tax rate since it is now joined with fuel prices.

#18. Hawaii

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 10.8
Note: Hawaii applies general sales tax to gasoline, so its gas tax rates are updated based on changes in the price of gas, but this is not reflected in the data.

Hawaiian motorists pay the country’s fourth-highest gas taxes because additional taxes and fees are added on top of the state tax rate, which hasn’t changed in a decade. Hawaii unsuccessfully tried to increase the fuel tax in 2016.

#17. Wisconsin

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 12.1

Legislators voted to stop the annual inflation adjustment to Wisconsin's gas tax in 2005, leaving the last increase occurring in 2006. Gov. Scott Walker has clashed with Wisconsin lawmakers who want to increase the state's gas tax to pay for maintaining highways and local roads. Some want to boost the tax by a set amount, while others would like an automatic increase annually based on inflation.

#16. Ohio

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 12.8

Ohio raised the gas tax by 6 cents on July 1, 2005. Since the state hasn’t increased the tax on gasoline in more than a decade, lawmakers have proposed replacing the 28-cent gas tax with a $140 annual fee for license plates.

#15. North Dakota

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 12.8

North Dakota last raised their gas tax by 2 cents in 2005, from 21 cents per gallon to 23 cents. To pay for the upkeep of North Dakota highways, the state legislature may consider a tax increase on fuel when they convene in 2019.

#14. Kansas

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 14.8

The 24-cent tax on gasoline has not been adjusted since 2003. The legislation discussed raising the fuel tax by 5 cents in 2017, but didn’t take action.

#13. Arkansas

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 16.8

The gas tax in Arkansas settled on 21.5 cents in 2001. This leaves the state’s gas tax below the national average.

#12. Missouri

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 22.1

In November, voters in Missouri will get the opportunity to decide on raising the state's gas tax 10 cents to help fund the Missouri Highway Patrol. The increase would be implemented in 2.5-cent increments over four years. Missouri's gas tax hasn't been raised for more than 20 years.

#11. Delaware

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 23.3

Lawmakers proposed raising the state gas tax by 10 cents in 2016, but the last time Delaware motorists saw an increase on the gas tax was in 1995.

#10. New Mexico

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 24.8

New Mexico has not raised their gas tax in more than two decades. The New Mexico Senate tried to increase the state gas tax by 10 cents in 2017, but the bill couldn't get past a veto from Gov. Susana Martinez.

#9. Nevada

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 25.6

The state gas tax of 23 cents hasn’t increased since 1992. However, motorists in Nevada still pay some of the country’s highest gas prices because of additional fees and taxes that vary by county.

#8. Alabama

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 25.9

Alabama hasn’t increased it’s 18-cent tax since 1992. While recent attempts to raise the gasoline tax have failed, lawmakers may bring up the option to increase the tax in 2019.

#7. Texas

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 26.6

The Lone Star State's 20-cent tax has stayed steady since 1991. According to a 2016 poll by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute, increasing the state gas tax by 5 cents or linking it to yearly inflation were the most supported ways to increase revenue for infrastructure.

#6. Colorado

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 27.3

The state gas tax hasn’t risen in Colorado since 1991. This might be because Colorado voters must approve any tax hikes, according to the state’s Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights.

#5. Arizona

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 27.6

In 2017, a lawmaker tried to raise the state gas tax by 10 cents, but the tax hasn’t increased in almost 30 years. It has stayed at 18 cents since 1991.

#4. Illinois

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 28.3
Note: Illinois applies general sales tax to gasoline, so its gas tax rates are updated based on changes in the price of gas, but this is not reflected in the data.

Earlier this year, the Illinois Economic Policy Institute proposed raising the state’s gas tax from 34 cents per gallon to 85 cents or higher. Illinois hasn’t raised their state tax on gas in almost 30 years, but motorists pay a general sales tax to fuel purchases, resulting in one of the country’s highest price tags at the pump.

#3. Louisiana

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 28.3

In 2017, a Louisiana House Panel voted to raise the gas tax by 17 cents, but the bill didn’t get widespread support. Earlier this year, a bill that would have allowed East Baton Rouge and other parishes to raise their own gas tax failed to pass.

#2. Mississippi

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 29.3

Mississippi's 18.4 cent gas tax is the fourth lowest in the nation, but the state is still having a hard time increasing the almost 30-year-old rate. Earlier this year, Mississippi House leaders proposed decreasing the income tax and increasing the gas tax by 8 cents over four years and tying it to inflation.

#1. Alaska

Years since last gasoline tax increase: 48

Residents of Anchorage started paying an extra 10 cents per gallon after the city levied their first-ever tax on fuel earlier this year, but the state of Alaska hasn’t raised the gas tax since May 1970 despite Gov. Bill Walker’s proposal of tripling the 8-cent base fuel tax in 2016.

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