Do you know Connecticut's official state symbols?
Do you know Connecticut's official state symbols?
Each state in America boasts its own culture, history, and natural beauty. To represent such diversity, people from these states have chosen their own set of symbols and customs. Specific flags, songs, mottos, flowers, and even fruits commemorate the uniqueness of individual states. Some of these symbols border on the bizarre: Texas, for example, has made the Dutch oven its official state cooking pot. Other symbols are more universal, like state birds.
Many people remember learning about their states' history back in elementary school. But can you still remember your state bird? How about your state flower? To test your state knowledge, Stacker compiled a list of symbols in Connecticut.
Clue: Connecticut state fish
Clue: This fish's connection to the New England state of Connecticut is not merely symbolic. The state's inhabitants know it’s time to welcome spring when these fish begin running the Long Island Sound at the end of every winter.
Answer: Connecticut state fish
Answer: American shad
Clue: Connecticut state mammal
Connecticut boasts an official mammal that is the largest of its family: Males can weigh up to 45 tons. The giant animal lives in deep oceans all over the world, with a name derived from the substance this endangered marine mammal was once hunted for.
Answer: Connecticut state mammal
- State mammal: Sperm whale
Clue: Connecticut state song
Connecticut was one of the original 13 colonies and is among the states most closely associated with the American Revolution. It stands to reason, then, that its state song is one of the most famous early patriotic songs in history. In 2003, the state officially adopted another tune, this time a cantata by Dr. Stanley L. Ralph.
Answer: Connecticut state song
- Answer:
--- State song: "Yankee Doodle"
--- Cantata: "The Nutmeg, Homeland of Liberty"
Clue: Connecticut state insect
This species is famous for sometimes practicing sexual cannibalism, in which females eat their mates after copulation. Additionally, this insect is a carnivorous ambush predator, which abruptly grabs nearby prey with its legs.
Answer: Connecticut state insect
- State insect: European mantis (Mantis religiosa)
Clue: Connecticut state tree
Anyone who grew up in Connecticut is familiar with the story behind this state’s tree. Connecticut was granted a charter by King Charles II in 1662, giving the state permission to elect its own leaders, but when Charles II died and his brother James II ascended to the throne in 1685, the new king sought to bring the state under different leadership. Colonial leaders refused to give up their power: they hid the charter in a large tree, where it stayed hidden until James II died and power was restored in 1689. The state tree was named in honor of this legend.
Answer: Connecticut state tree
Answer: White oak (Quercus alba)
Clue: Connecticut state bird
This little songbird is an American favorite, ironically named by European settlers because of its resemblance to a similar bird overseas. Its song is the first you're likely to hear in the morning, as the bird likes to kick things off just before dawn.
Answer: Connecticut state bird
Answer: American robin
Clue: Connecticut state flower
These flowers, also called ivy-bush, calico bush, sheep laurel, lambkill, clamoun, and spoonwood, have a distinct star shape to them. Blooming en masse in the months of May and June, these come in shades of pink, white, or red. Grown throughout the eastern coast of the U.S., these flowers add some visual flair to travelers on the Interstate Route 95.