Stacker Editorial Standards

Stacker is on a mission to produce and distribute engaging data journalism to the world’s news organizations. Since 2017, we’ve combined data analysis with rich editorial context to drive a unique blend of storytelling made easily available to publishers and readers across the country.

Today, Stacker is read by millions each month on as well as across our vast network of publishing partners. Our newswire of local and national features provides a sustainable source of engaging content for thousands of newsrooms across the country, including MSN, Newsweek, and Hearst Newspapers. 

Additionally, Stacker Studio works with select brands to fund the production of even more stories. By lending our journalistic expertise to third parties, we’re able to help brands reach new audiences through newsworthy, data-driven storytelling while providing even more objective, data-driven journalism to our publishing partners. Readers and publishers alike trust us to maintain the same Stacker ethos of rigorous data analysis, fact-checking, and editorial standards to all Studio pieces as we do our own, native content.

Stacker Newsroom

Stacker’s newsroom consists of two teams of journalists: researchers who analyze data and writers who contextualize that data for our readers. Every story starts with in-depth examinations of public and private data sets. From there, our editorial team brings data to life, weaving in rich insights and images to produce engaging stories through various formats from rankings and lists to quizzes and data visualizations.

In addition to data-driven stories, Stacker independently curates lists that serve to contextualize history, explain today’s biggest stories, or enrich our understanding of the natural world. Whether celebrating milestones in women’s history, exploring stats around the U.S. prison system, or tracking historic weather events of the last 100 years, our deep network of expert writers and access to rich image archives afford us novel approaches to making sense of the world around us.

Stacker Studio

Content tagged with Stacker Studio is produced in partnership with third parties. What does that mean?

Stacker Studio partners with companies that underwrite content on topics related to their industry. All Studio-produced content is created by our newsroom with journalistic integrity and the same editorial standards applied to every Stacker story.

This revenue stream allows us to produce even more unique content for news organizations, and ensures we can continue to offer our newswire to local newsrooms across the country. 

To ensure transparency, the original version of each Studio piece is published on the site of the company that funds them, as well as on, accompanied by the Stacker Studio tag at the top of the story. 

Stories are also made available to syndicate through Stacker’s Newswire and our onsite Republish button, with an Editor’s Note at the bottom of the syndicated story identifying the underwriter. Stacker retains full license to all content and retains a perpetual right to distribute and syndicate content to publishers across the country.

With this unique model, Studio clients have the opportunity to fund journalism that reaches local and national markets throughout the U.S.

Stacker’s Principles

Every Stacker story is created using reliable information from vetted, credible sources and objective, data-driven reporting that has been fact checked by our newsroom. Studio clients and Stacker readers can rest assured that these principles serve as the common thread through all Stacker content.

Stacker’s editorial team maintains the final say on every story we publish. Even when research is underwritten by a third party, Stacker content will never advertise or promote products, services, or brands.

We promise full transparency. Every piece produced through Stacker Studio clearly communicates the underwriter and cites the original source data and research methodology in the article. We do not integrate promotional content into our pieces.