Breweries with the most highly ranked beers in Idaho
Breweries with the most highly ranked beers in Idaho
In a world where just a small number of massive companies dominate the beer market, sipping on a brew created close to home can be all the more satisfying.
The last decade has seen an explosion of breweries that operate on a smaller scale and offer a wider, and sometimes more experimental, selection of beer. While craft beer often has a higher price tag than your average domestic beer, consumers are clearly willing to pay more: In 2020, craft beer accounted for almost a quarter of the U.S. retail beer market.
Stacker compiled a list of the breweries with the most beers ranked in the top 69 in Idaho using data from BeerAdvocate. Any ties were broken by the highest-ranking beer. Continue reading to find out which Idaho breweries have the tastiest offerings.
#20. Sun Valley Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in Idaho:
--- #69. Gretchen's Gold Lager (Helles)
#19. Wildlife Brewing & Pizza
- Highest ranked beers in Idaho:
--- #52. Mighty Bison Brown Ale (American Brown Ale)
#18. Crescent Brewery
- Highest ranked beers in Idaho:
--- #38. Skull Splitter (Imperial IPA)
#17. Edge Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in Idaho:
--- #35. Obligatory Double IPA (Imperial IPA)
#16. Salmon River Brewery
- Highest ranked beers in Idaho:
--- #31. Shiver (American IPA)
#15. Mad Swede Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in Idaho:
--- #30. Naked Sunbather (English Brown Ale)
#14. Idaho Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in Idaho:
--- #24. Highlands Scotch Ale (Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy)
#13. Trickster's Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in Idaho:
--- #12. J-Box IPA (American IPA)
#12. Portneuf Valley Brewing
- Highest ranked beers in Idaho:
--- #42. Midnight Satin (American Stout)
--- #65. Grog (American IPA)
#11. McCall Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in Idaho:
--- #33. Wobbily Man (Scotch Ale / Wee Heavy)
--- #58. Mackinaw Red (American Amber / Red Ale)
#10. Wallace Brewing / Orehouse Tasting Room
- Highest ranked beers in Idaho:
--- #32. Red Light (Irish Red Ale)
--- #49. 1910 Black Lager (Schwarzbier)
#9. Selkirk Abbey Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in Idaho:
--- #17. Infidel (Belgian IPA)
--- #20. Guilt (Imperial Porter)
#8. Sawtooth Brewery
- Highest ranked beers in Idaho:
--- #15. Myopia Hazy IPA (New England IPA)
--- #37. Sunnyside Ale (American Pale Wheat Beer)
--- #45. Idahome IPA (American IPA)
#7. Boise Brewing
- Highest ranked beers in Idaho:
--- #8. Black Cliffs (American Stout)
--- #25. Dark Daisy Chocolate Milk Stout (Sweet / Milk Stout)
--- #29. Syringa Pale Ale (American Pale Ale)
#6. Sockeye Grill & Brewery
- Highest ranked beers in Idaho:
--- #2. Barrel Aged Seven Devils Imperial Stout (Brewers' Private Reserve) (American Imperial Stout)
--- #23. Dagger Falls (American IPA)
--- #27. Dagger Falls (American IPA)
#5. Woodland Empire Ale Craft
- Highest ranked beers in Idaho:
--- #1. Ada County (American Imperial Stout)
--- #14. Big Sticky Red (American Amber / Red Ale)
--- #34. Old Boise Lager (American Lager)
#4. Bombastic Brewing
- Highest ranked beers in Idaho:
--- #3. Big Dumb Beer (American Imperial Stout)
--- #4. 5th Anniversary (Russian Imperial Stout)
--- #5. Attempted Murder (Russian Imperial Stout)
#3. Laughing Dog Brewing
- Highest ranked beers in Idaho:
--- #18. De Achste Hond (Peach Sour) (Wild Ale)
--- #28. The Dogfather (American Imperial Stout)
--- #48. The Dogfather (Bourbon Barrel Aged) (American Imperial Stout)
#2. Payette Brewing
- Highest ranked beers in Idaho:
--- #22. Bourbon Barrel Aged 12 Gauge (American Imperial Stout)
--- #26. Embers Mexican Chocolate Porter (American Porter)
--- #36. Gummy Bear Apocalypse (New England IPA)
#1. Grand Teton Brewing Co.
- Highest ranked beers in Idaho:
--- #6. Wake Up Call Imperial Coffee Porter (Imperial Porter)
--- #7. 2016 Coming Home Holiday Ale (American Barleywine)
--- #11. Pursuit Of Hoppiness (Imperial Red Ale)