Breweries with the most highly ranked beers in Iowa
Breweries with the most highly ranked beers in Iowa
In a world where just a small number of massive companies dominate the beer market, sipping on a brew created close to home can be all the more satisfying.
The last decade has seen an explosion of breweries that operate on a smaller scale and offer a wider, and sometimes more experimental, selection of beer. While craft beer often has a higher price tag than your average domestic beer, consumers are clearly willing to pay more: In 2020, craft beer accounted for almost a quarter of the U.S. retail beer market.
Stacker compiled a list of the breweries with the most beers ranked in the top 100 in Iowa using data from BeerAdvocate. Any ties were broken by the highest-ranking beer. Continue reading to find out which Iowa breweries have the tastiest offerings.
#13. Lake Time Brewery
- Highest ranked beers in Iowa:
--- #99. Peanut Butter Porter (American Porter)
#12. Confluence Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in Iowa:
--- #98. Mayday Mayday Maibock (Maibock)
#11. Exile Brewing Co.
- Highest ranked beers in Iowa:
--- #93. Jesus On A Forklift (American Imperial Stout)
#10. Kalona Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in Iowa:
--- #88. Start-Up Stout (American Stout)
#9. Big Grove Brewery & Taproom
- Highest ranked beers in Iowa:
--- #55. Color TV (New England IPA)
#8. Adventurous Brewing
- Highest ranked beers in Iowa:
--- #64. More Than Suitable (New England IPA)
--- #95. Suitable (New England IPA)
#7. Lion Bridge Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in Iowa:
--- #69. Compensation (English Dark Mild Ale)
--- #79. Yard Sale (American IPA)
--- #81. Disaster At Meux (English Porter)
#6. Barn Town Brewing
- Highest ranked beers in Iowa:
--- #42. Sticky Juice (Imperial IPA)
--- #63. Pulp Non-Fiction (American IPA)
--- #80. Neon (New England IPA)
#5. SingleSpeed Brewing
- Highest ranked beers in Iowa:
--- #72. Tip The Cow (Sweet / Milk Stout)
--- #82. Zach's Mexican Donuts (Oatmeal Stout)
--- #97. Gable (Helles)
#4. 515 Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in Iowa:
--- #18. Passé (American Pale Ale)
--- #36. Hopititis C (New England IPA)
--- #53. OJ IPA (American IPA)
#3. Big Grove Brewery
- Highest ranked beers in Iowa:
--- #26. Richard The Whale (Russian Imperial Stout)
--- #40. Richard The Coffee Whale (Russian Imperial Stout)
--- #65. Big Ed (New England IPA)
#2. Pulpit Rock Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in Iowa:
--- #25. Imperial Cake Talk (American Imperial Stout)
--- #33. Øl Tella - Barrel Aged (American Imperial Stout)
--- #34. Saftig (New England IPA)
#1. Toppling Goliath Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in Iowa:
--- #1. Kentucky Brunch Brand Stout (American Imperial Stout)
--- #2. Vanilla Bean Assassin (American Imperial Stout)
--- #3. Mornin' Delight (American Imperial Stout)