Record fish caught in Iowa
Anglers the world over gather regularly for fishing derbies to see who can land the biggest catch. But record-breaking fish can be caught at anytime, weighed on an International Game Fish Association-certified scale at any number of tackle shops or marinas, and compared to the IGFA's online records database. Sport-fishing enthusiasts can even have their own scales certified by the IGFA for a $40 fee.
Stacker compiled a list of record fish caught in Iowa using data from Land Big Fish. Fish pictured are not the actual record catch. Keep reading to see which bodies of water in your state hold some of the most massive fish around.
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1 / 36
M Huston // Shutterstock
Blue Catfish
- Weight: 74 lbs 8 oz
- Length: 53.375"
- Location: Missouri River
- Record set by Pat Lutz in 1999
- Length: 53.375"
- Location: Missouri River
- Record set by Pat Lutz in 1999

2 / 36
dcwcreations // Shutterstock
Bluegill Sunfish
- Weight: 3 lbs 2 oz
- Length: 12.875"
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Phil Algreen in 1986
- Length: 12.875"
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Phil Algreen in 1986

3 / 36
Miroslav Halama // Shutterstock
- Weight: 11 lbs 9 oz
- Length: 31.5"
- Location: Mississippi River
- Record set by Bill Gretten in 1994
- Length: 31.5"
- Location: Mississippi River
- Record set by Bill Gretten in 1994

4 / 36
slowmotiongli // Shutterstock
Brook Trout
- Weight: 7 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 19.75"
- Location: Fountain Springs Creek
- Record set by David Kovarik in 1996
- Length: 19.75"
- Location: Fountain Springs Creek
- Record set by David Kovarik in 1996

5 / 36
Rostislav Stefanek // Shutterstock
Brown Trout
- Weight: 15 lbs 6 oz
- Length: 29"
- Location: North Prairie Lake
- Record set by Gerold Lewis in 1995
- Length: 29"
- Location: North Prairie Lake
- Record set by Gerold Lewis in 1995
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6 / 36
Eden, Janine and Jim // Wikimedia Commons
- Weight: 64 lbs 6 oz
- Length: 41.5"
- Location: Lake Manawa
- Record set by Lake Manawa in 2007
- Length: 41.5"
- Location: Lake Manawa
- Record set by Lake Manawa in 2007

7 / 36
WH_Pics // Shutterstock
- Weight: 5 lbs 8 oz
- Length: 22"
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Michael Hurd in 1989
- Length: 22"
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Michael Hurd in 1989

8 / 36
Rostislav Stefanek // Shutterstock
- Weight: 50 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 44"
- Location: Glenwood Lake
- Record set by Fred Hougland in 1969
- Length: 44"
- Location: Glenwood Lake
- Record set by Fred Hougland in 1969

9 / 36
Aleron Val // Shutterstock
Channel Catfish
- Weight: 38 lbs 2 oz
- Length: 40"
- Location: Missouri River
- Record set by Dustin Curtis in 2005
- Length: 40"
- Location: Missouri River
- Record set by Dustin Curtis in 2005

10 / 36
dcwcreations // Shutterstock
- Weight: 4 lbs 9 oz
- Length: 21.25"
- Location: Green Castle Lake
- Record set by Ted Trowbridge in 1981
- Length: 21.25"
- Location: Green Castle Lake
- Record set by Ted Trowbridge in 1981
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11 / 36
M Huston // Shutterstock
Flathead Catfish
- Weight: 81 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 52"
- Location: Lake Ellis
- Record set by Joe Baze in 1958
- Length: 52"
- Location: Lake Ellis
- Record set by Joe Baze in 1958

12 / 36
Roxana Gonzalez // Shutterstock
Freshwater Drum
- Weight: 46 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 38.5"
- Location: Spirit Lake
- Record set by R.F. Farra in 1962
- Length: 38.5"
- Location: Spirit Lake
- Record set by R.F. Farra in 1962

13 / 36
USFWS Mountain-Prairie // Wikimedia Commons
- Weight: 2 lbs 4 oz
- Location: Des Moines River
- Record set by Mark Ikle in 1992
- Location: Des Moines River
- Record set by Mark Ikle in 1992

14 / 36
Vladimir Wrangel // Shutterstock
Grass Carp
- Weight: 61 lbs 8 oz
- Length: 49.5"
- Location: Greenfield Lake
- Record set by Tyler Warner in 1998
- Length: 49.5"
- Location: Greenfield Lake
- Record set by Tyler Warner in 1998

15 / 36
M Huston // Shutterstock
Green Sunfish
- Weight: 2 lbs 1 oz
- Length: 12.5"
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Ralph Mayer in 2000
- Length: 12.5"
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Ralph Mayer in 2000
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16 / 36
Pierre Rebollar // Shutterstock
Largemouth Bass
- Weight: 10 lbs 14 oz
- Length: 23.5"
- Location: Lake Fisher
- Record set by Patricia Zaerr in 1984
- Length: 23.5"
- Location: Lake Fisher
- Record set by Patricia Zaerr in 1984

17 / 36
Mikhail Blajenov // Shutterstock
Longnose Gar
- Weight: 17 lbs 8 oz
- Length: 51"
- Location: Mississippi River
- Record set by Kevin Riley in 1992
- Length: 51"
- Location: Mississippi River
- Record set by Kevin Riley in 1992

18 / 36
M Huston // Shutterstock
- Weight: 50 lbs 6 oz
- Length: 52"
- Location: Spirit Lake
- Record set by Kevin Cardwell in 2000
- Length: 52"
- Location: Spirit Lake
- Record set by Kevin Cardwell in 2000

19 / 36
FedBul // Shutterstock
Northern Pike
- Weight: 25 lbs 5 oz
- Length: 45"
- Location: West Okoboji Lake
- Record set by Allen Forsberg in 1977
- Length: 45"
- Location: West Okoboji Lake
- Record set by Allen Forsberg in 1977

20 / 36
Saran Jantraurai // Shutterstock
- Weight: 107 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 69.5"
- Location: Missouri River
- Record set by Robert Pranschke in 1981
- Length: 69.5"
- Location: Missouri River
- Record set by Robert Pranschke in 1981
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21 / 36
Rainbow Trout
- Weight: 19 lbs 8 oz
- Length: 35"
- Location: French Creek
- Record set by Jack Renner in 1984
- Length: 35"
- Location: French Creek
- Record set by Jack Renner in 1984

22 / 36
Steve Brigman // Shutterstock
Rock Bass
- Weight: 1 lbs 8 oz
- Length: 10.5"
- Location: Mississippi River
- Record set by Jim Driscoll in 1973
- Length: 10.5"
- Location: Mississippi River
- Record set by Jim Driscoll in 1973

23 / 36
Steve Oehlenschlager // Shutterstock
- Weight: 6 lbs 8 oz
- Length: 25"
- Location: Missouri River
- Record set by Mrs. W. Buser in 1976
- Length: 25"
- Location: Missouri River
- Record set by Mrs. W. Buser in 1976

24 / 36
RLS Photo // Shutterstock
- Weight: 12 lbs 4 oz
- Length: 29.5"
- Location: Des Moines River
- Record set by Don Ostergaard in 2000
- Length: 29.5"
- Location: Des Moines River
- Record set by Don Ostergaard in 2000

25 / 36
GUNAWAN SIDIK // Shutterstock
Shortnose Gar
- Weight: 5 lbs 8 oz
- Length: 32.8""
- Location: Red Rock Lake
- Record set by Albert Augustin in 2008
- Length: 32.8""
- Location: Red Rock Lake
- Record set by Albert Augustin in 2008
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26 / 36
Andrea Izzotti // Shutterstock
Shovelnose Sturgeon
- Weight: 12 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 33"
- Location: Des Moines River
- Record set by Randy Hemm in 1974
- Length: 33"
- Location: Des Moines River
- Record set by Randy Hemm in 1974

27 / 36
CSNafzger // Shutterstock
Smallmouth Bass
- Weight: 7 lbs 12 oz
- Length: 22.75"
- Location: West Okoboji Lake
- Record set by Rick Gray in 1990
- Length: 22.75"
- Location: West Okoboji Lake
- Record set by Rick Gray in 1990

28 / 36
slowmotiongli // Shutterstock
Striped Bass
- Weight: 9 lbs 4 oz
- Length: 29"
- Location: Lake Rathbun
- Record set by Richard Pauley in 1983
- Length: 29"
- Location: Lake Rathbun
- Record set by Richard Pauley in 1983

29 / 36
Jennifer de Graaf // Shutterstock
- Weight: 15 lbs 1 oz
- Length: 32.25"
- Location: Missouri River
- Record set by Glen E. Dittman in 1983
- Length: 32.25"
- Location: Missouri River
- Record set by Glen E. Dittman in 1983

30 / 36
Jennifer de Graaf // Shutterstock
Tiger Muskellunge
- Weight: 27 lbs 2 oz
- Length: 47"
- Location: West Okoboji Lake
- Record set by Shannon Green in 1989
- Length: 47"
- Location: West Okoboji Lake
- Record set by Shannon Green in 1989
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31 / 36
wwwarjag //Shutterstock
- Weight: 14 lbs 8 oz
- Length: 30.5"
- Location: Des Moines River
- Record set by Gloria Eoriatti in 1986
- Length: 30.5"
- Location: Des Moines River
- Record set by Gloria Eoriatti in 1986

32 / 36
Apostrophe // Shutterstock
White Bass
- Weight: 3 lbs 14 oz
- Length: 20"
- Location: West Okoboji Lake
- Record set by Bill Born in 1972
- Length: 20"
- Location: West Okoboji Lake
- Record set by Bill Born in 1972

33 / 36
Pelow Media // Shutterstock
Wiper (Whiterock) Bass
- Weight: 18 lbs 15 oz
- Length: 33.25"
- Location: Des Moines River
- Record set by Don Ostergaard in 1997
- Length: 33.25"
- Location: Des Moines River
- Record set by Don Ostergaard in 1997

34 / 36
Kevin H Knuth // Shutterstock
Yellow Bass
- Weight: 1 lbs 9 oz
- Length: 14.5"
- Location: Lake Manawa
- Record set by Bill Campbell in 1991
- Length: 14.5"
- Location: Lake Manawa
- Record set by Bill Campbell in 1991

35 / 36
Kevin H Knuth // Shutterstock
Yellow Bass
- Weight: 1 lbs 9 oz
- Length: 13.5"
- Location: Lake Anita
- Record set by Michael Gradick in 2000
- Length: 13.5"
- Location: Lake Anita
- Record set by Michael Gradick in 2000
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36 / 36
John Piekos // Shutterstock
Yellow Perch
- Weight: 2 lbs 3 oz
- Length: 14.75"
- Location: Morse Lake
- Record set by Daniel Borchardt in 1994
- Length: 14.75"
- Location: Morse Lake
- Record set by Daniel Borchardt in 1994