Record fish caught in Kansas
Anglers the world over gather regularly for fishing derbies to see who can land the biggest catch. But record-breaking fish can be caught at anytime, weighed on an International Game Fish Association-certified scale at any number of tackle shops or marinas, and compared to the IGFA's online records database. Sport-fishing enthusiasts can even have their own scales certified by the IGFA for a $40 fee.
Stacker compiled a list of record fish caught in Kansas using data from Land Big Fish. Fish pictured are not the actual record catch. Keep reading to see which bodies of water in your state hold some of the most massive fish around.
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1 / 33
American Eel
- Weight: 4 lbs 7.04 oz
- Length: 35.25"
- Location: Kansas River
- Record set by Ralph B. Westerman in 1987
- Length: 35.25"
- Location: Kansas River
- Record set by Ralph B. Westerman in 1987

2 / 33
Alus164 // Wikimedia Commons
Bigmouth Buffalo
- Weight: 58 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 40"
- Location: Lovewell Reservoir
- Record set by Tammie Overton in 2009
- Length: 40"
- Location: Lovewell Reservoir
- Record set by Tammie Overton in 2009

3 / 33
Steve Oehlenschlager // Shutterstock
Black Crappie
- Weight: 4 lbs 10 oz
- Length: 22"
- Location: Woodson Lake
- Record set by Hazel Fey in 1957
- Length: 22"
- Location: Woodson Lake
- Record set by Hazel Fey in 1957

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M Huston // Shutterstock
Blue Catfish
- Weight: 94 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 57"
- Location: Kansas River
- Record set by James Edmiston in 2000
- Length: 57"
- Location: Kansas River
- Record set by James Edmiston in 2000

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WH_Pics // Shutterstock
- Weight: 7 lbs 5.4 oz
- Length: 24.5"
- Location: private pond
- Record set by David A. Tremain in 1985
- Length: 24.5"
- Location: private pond
- Record set by David A. Tremain in 1985
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Rostislav Stefanek // Shutterstock
- Weight: 47 lbs 1.6 oz
- Length: 40.25"
- Location: Carey Park
- Record set by Phil McAmis in 1997
- Length: 40.25"
- Location: Carey Park
- Record set by Phil McAmis in 1997

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Aleron Val // Shutterstock
Channel Catfish
- Weight: 36 lbs 8 oz
- Length: 38"
- Location: Mined Land
- Record set by RickBarnow in 2003
- Length: 38"
- Location: Mined Land
- Record set by RickBarnow in 2003

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Roxana Gonzalez // Shutterstock
- Weight: 31 lbs .5 oz
- Length: 40 1/8""
- Location: Blue River
- Record set by Bill Hull in 2008
- Length: 40 1/8""
- Location: Blue River
- Record set by Bill Hull in 2008

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M Huston // Shutterstock
Flathead Catfish
- Weight: 123 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 61"
- Location: Elk City Reservoir
- Record set by Ken Paulie in 1998
- Length: 61"
- Location: Elk City Reservoir
- Record set by Ken Paulie in 1998

10 / 33
USFWS Mountain-Prairie // Wikimedia Commons
- Weight: 2 lbs 4 oz
- Length: 17.75"
- Location: Milford Reservoir
- Record set by Mike Augustine in 1980
- Length: 17.75"
- Location: Milford Reservoir
- Record set by Mike Augustine in 1980
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11 / 33
Vladimir Wrangel // Shutterstock
Grass Carp
- Weight: 60 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 48"
- Location: Sugar Valley Lakes
- Record set by Darrell Lancaster in 2000
- Length: 48"
- Location: Sugar Valley Lakes
- Record set by Darrell Lancaster in 2000

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M Huston // Shutterstock
Green Sunfish
- Weight: 2 lbs 5.76 oz
- Length: 11.5"
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Fae Vaupel in 1982
- Length: 11.5"
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Fae Vaupel in 1982

13 / 33
Pierre Rebollar // Shutterstock
Largemouth Bass
- Weight: 11 lbs .80 oz
- Length: 28.5""
- Location: Private Pit Lake
- Record set by Kenneth M. Bingham in 2008
- Length: 28.5""
- Location: Private Pit Lake
- Record set by Kenneth M. Bingham in 2008

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Mikhail Blajenov // Shutterstock
Longnose Gar
- Weight: 31 lbs 8 oz
- Location: Perry Reservoir reservoir outlet
- Record set by Ray Schroeder in 1974
- Location: Perry Reservoir reservoir outlet
- Record set by Ray Schroeder in 1974

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FedBul // Shutterstock
Northern Pike
- Weight: 24 lbs 12 oz
- Length: 44"
- Location: Council Grove Reservoir
- Record set by H.A. Bowman in 1971
- Length: 44"
- Location: Council Grove Reservoir
- Record set by H.A. Bowman in 1971
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16 / 33
Saran Jantraurai // Shutterstock
- Weight: 144 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 54.25"
- Location: Kansas River
- Record set by Ralph B. Westerman in 2004
- Length: 54.25"
- Location: Kansas River
- Record set by Ralph B. Westerman in 2004

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Rainbow Trout
- Weight: 15 lbs 6.88 oz
- Length: 33"
- Location: Shawnee Mission Park Lake
- Record set by Nicole Wilson in 2012
- Length: 33"
- Location: Shawnee Mission Park Lake
- Record set by Nicole Wilson in 2012

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Clint H // Shutterstock
Redear Sunfish
- Weight: 1 lbs 0.04 oz
- Length: 11.75"
- Location: Finney Wildlife Area
- Record set by Larry Fox in 1995
- Length: 11.75"
- Location: Finney Wildlife Area
- Record set by Larry Fox in 1995

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Steve Oehlenschlager // Shutterstock
- Weight: 4 lbs 12.8 oz
- Length: 23.75"
- Location: Melvern Reservoir
- Record set by Jimmy Barnes in 1996
- Length: 23.75"
- Location: Melvern Reservoir
- Record set by Jimmy Barnes in 1996

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RLS Photo // Shutterstock
- Weight: 9 lbs 13 oz
- Length: 28.5"
- Location: Sebelius Reservoir
- Record set by Raymond Wait in 1997
- Length: 28.5"
- Location: Sebelius Reservoir
- Record set by Raymond Wait in 1997
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21 / 33
GUNAWAN SIDIK // Shutterstock
Shortnose Gar
- Weight: 6 lbs 11.04 oz
- Length: 36.5"
- Location: Perry Reservoir
- Record set by Mathew Heinz in 2011
- Length: 36.5"
- Location: Perry Reservoir
- Record set by Mathew Heinz in 2011

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CSNafzger // Shutterstock
Smallmouth Bass
- Weight: 6 lbs 14.08 oz
- Length: 21.5"
- Location: Milford Reservoir
- Record set by Frank Evans Jr. in 2010
- Length: 21.5"
- Location: Milford Reservoir
- Record set by Frank Evans Jr. in 2010

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Ohio DNR // Wikimedia Commons
Smallmouth Buffalo
- Weight: 51 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 41"
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Scott Butler in 1979
- Length: 41"
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Scott Butler in 1979

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Sean McVey // Shutterstock
Spotted Bass
- Weight: 4 lbs 7 oz
- Length: 18.5"
- Location: not available
- Record set by Clarence E. McCarter in 1977
- Length: 18.5"
- Location: not available
- Record set by Clarence E. McCarter in 1977

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Vladimir Wrangel // Shutterstock
Spotted Gar
- Weight: 7 lbs 12 oz
- Length: 33.5"
- Location: Chetopa dam
- Record set by Charles Harbert in 1983
- Length: 33.5"
- Location: Chetopa dam
- Record set by Charles Harbert in 1983
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26 / 33
slowmotiongli // Shutterstock
Striped Bass
- Weight: 44 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 44"
- Location: Wilson Reservoir
- Record set by Paul Bahr in 2010
- Length: 44"
- Location: Wilson Reservoir
- Record set by Paul Bahr in 2010

27 / 33
- Weight: 5 lbs 3.68 oz
- Length: 35.5"
- Location: Lovewell Reservoir
- Record set by Edwin P. Hood in 1999
- Length: 35.5"
- Location: Lovewell Reservoir
- Record set by Edwin P. Hood in 1999

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wwwarjag //Shutterstock
- Weight: 13 lbs 2.56 oz
- Length: 29"
- Location: Wilson Reservoir
- Record set by Dustin Ritter in 1996
- Length: 29"
- Location: Wilson Reservoir
- Record set by Dustin Ritter in 1996

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Bclegg77 // Wikimedia Commons
- Weight: 1 lbs 1.76 oz
- Length: 10.5"
- Location: Mined Land WA #7
- Record set by Vivian A. Bradley in 1988
- Length: 10.5"
- Location: Mined Land WA #7
- Record set by Vivian A. Bradley in 1988

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Apostrophe // Shutterstock
White Bass
- Weight: 5 lbs 10.72 oz
- Length: 20 3/8"
- Location: Rvr. above John Redmond
- Record set by Marvin W. Gary, in 2002
- Length: 20 3/8"
- Location: Rvr. above John Redmond
- Record set by Marvin W. Gary, in 2002

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Jennifer White Maxwell // Shutterstock
White Crappie
- Weight: 4 lbs 0.25 oz
- Length: 17.5"
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Frank Miller in 1964
- Length: 17.5"
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Frank Miller in 1964

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Pelow Media // Shutterstock
Wiper (Whiterock) Bass
- Weight: 25 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 33.5"
- Location: Perry Reservoir Outlet
- Record set by James M. Moore in 2010
- Length: 33.5"
- Location: Perry Reservoir Outlet
- Record set by James M. Moore in 2010

33 / 33
John Piekos // Shutterstock
Yellow Perch
- Weight: 1 lbs 1 oz
- Length: 14"
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Walker Trimble in 2000
- Length: 14"
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Walker Trimble in 2000