Do you know Missouri's official state symbols?
Do you know Missouri's official state symbols?
Each state in America boasts its own culture, history, and natural beauty. To represent such diversity, people from these states have chosen their own set of symbols and customs. Specific flags, songs, mottos, flowers, and even fruits commemorate the uniqueness of individual states. Some of these symbols border on the bizarre: Texas, for example, has made the Dutch oven its official state cooking pot. Other symbols are more universal, like state birds.
Many people remember learning about their states' history back in elementary school. But can you still remember your state bird? How about your state flower? To test your state knowledge, Stacker compiled a list of symbols in Missouri.
Clue: Missouri state fish
Clue (freshwater): This fish's trademark whiskers give it a keen sense of smell. They usually weigh in at just a few pounds, but the biggest on record are giants that have grown to over 50 pounds.
Clue (aquatic animal): These ray-finned fish have evolved without many changes over the last 75 million years. Their closest relatives are sturgeon, another species of large, prehistoric fish.
Answer: Missouri state fish
Answers: Channel catfish (fish), paddlefish (aquatic animal)
Clue: Missouri state mammal
Missouri has no state mammal, but they do have a big cat native to North America that has several common names. Like many big predators, its range decreased along with increasing human settlement, and it was considered officially extirpated in this state. However, there are confirmed sightings, thought to be young males searching for territory.
Answer: Missouri state mammal
- State mammal: None
- Proposed: puma/cougar/ mountain lion
Clue: Missouri state song
Although its exact origins are foggy, what would become the Missouri state song was probably first printed in 1912 by an Iowan named Frederick Knight Logan. When Missouri native President Harry Truman played the song on the piano, its popularity soared. It was later amended to remove racist language and was finally adopted as the state song in 1949.
Answer: Missouri state song
- Answer: "Missouri Waltz"
Clue: Missouri state insect
About 1% of the workers in this species’ population die every day as part of the natural life cycle of its community. Worker populations are replaced every four months or so, while the queen survives and continues to produce offspring.
Answer: Missouri state insect
- State insect: European honey bee (Apis mellifera)
Clue: Missouri state tree
Like the magnolia, Missouri’s state tree is known for its flowers, which are clusters of small, green nubs surrounded by four large white or pink petals. This tree is a favorite ornamental for Missouri landscapers, while its flowers can be used for inks, dyes, and even medicine; the tree’s root bark was used by Native Americans as a fever reducer, an antidiarrheal agent, and pain reliever.
Answer: Missouri state tree
Answer: Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida)
Clue: Missouri state bird
This beautiful bird is known for its colorful plumage, which is perhaps why multiple states claimed it for their own. A significant loss of habitat and nesting areas put the future of this species in danger, but numbers have been on the rise thanks in part to a surge in conservation efforts and birdhouses.
Answer: Missouri state bird
Answer: Eastern bluebird
Clue: Missouri state flower
This flower belongs to the rose family, producing tiny fruits called pomes used to make jam. Designated as Missouri's state flower in 1923, hundreds of species of this flower exists. As it can grow thick and up to 25 feet in height, this flower can provide shelter for birds and other kinds of wildlife.
Answer: Missouri state flower
Answer: White Hawthorn blossom