Record fish caught in Montana
Anglers the world over gather regularly for fishing derbies to see who can land the biggest catch. But record-breaking fish can be caught at anytime, weighed on an International Game Fish Association-certified scale at any number of tackle shops or marinas, and compared to the IGFA's online records database. Sport-fishing enthusiasts can even have their own scales certified by the IGFA for a $40 fee.
Stacker compiled a list of record fish caught in Montana using data from Land Big Fish. Fish pictured are not the actual record catch. Keep reading to see which bodies of water in your state hold some of the most massive fish around.
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1 / 48
Matt Jeppson // Shutterstock
Arctic Grayling
- Weight: 3 lbs
- Length: 20"
- Location: Washtub Lake
- Record set by Glenn Owens in 2003
- Length: 20"
- Location: Washtub Lake
- Record set by Glenn Owens in 2003

2 / 48
Alus164 // Wikimedia Commons
Bigmouth Buffalo
- Weight: 57 lbs 12 oz
- Length: 40.7"
- Location: Nelson Reservoir
- Record set by Craig D. Grassel in 1994
- Length: 40.7"
- Location: Nelson Reservoir
- Record set by Craig D. Grassel in 1994

3 / 48
Rostislav Stefanek // Shutterstock
Black Bullhead
- Weight: 2 lbs 9.6 oz
- Length: 14.37"
- Location: Flathead River
- Record set by Birrell in 2009
- Length: 14.37"
- Location: Flathead River
- Record set by Birrell in 2009

4 / 48
Steve Oehlenschlager // Shutterstock
Black Crappie
- Weight: 3 lbs 2.08 oz
- Length: 16.7"
- Location: Tongue River Reservoir
- Record set by Al Elser in 1973
- Length: 16.7"
- Location: Tongue River Reservoir
- Record set by Al Elser in 1973

5 / 48
USFWS Mountain-Prairie, Spencer Neuharth / USFWS // Wikimedia Commons
Blue Sucker
- Weight: 11 lbs 7.36 oz
- Length: 29.75"
- Location: Yellowstone River - Miles City
- Record set by Doug Askin in 1989
- Length: 29.75"
- Location: Yellowstone River - Miles City
- Record set by Doug Askin in 1989
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6 / 48
dcwcreations // Shutterstock
Bluegill Sunfish
- Weight: 2 lbs 10.24 oz
- Length: 11"
- Location: Petersons Stock Dam
- Record set by Brent Fladmo in 1983
- Length: 11"
- Location: Petersons Stock Dam
- Record set by Brent Fladmo in 1983

7 / 48
slowmotiongli // Shutterstock
Brook Trout
- Weight: 9 lbs 0.96 oz
- Location: Lower Two Medicine Lake
- Record set by John R. Cook in 1940
- Location: Lower Two Medicine Lake
- Record set by John R. Cook in 1940

8 / 48
Rostislav Stefanek // Shutterstock
Brown Trout
- Weight: 29 lbs 0 oz
- Location: Wade Lake
- Record set by E.H. Peck Bacon in 1966
- Location: Wade Lake
- Record set by E.H. Peck Bacon in 1966

9 / 48
Neon_TI // Shutterstock
- Weight: 17 lbs 1.28 oz
- Length: 39"
- Location: Missouri River - Wolf Point
- Record set by Jeff E. Iwen in 1989
- Length: 39"
- Location: Missouri River - Wolf Point
- Record set by Jeff E. Iwen in 1989

10 / 48
Rostislav Stefanek // Shutterstock
- Weight: 40 lbs 3.2 oz
- Length: 38"
- Location: Nelson Reservoir
- Record set by Jared S. Albus in 1998
- Length: 38"
- Location: Nelson Reservoir
- Record set by Jared S. Albus in 1998
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11 / 48
Aleron Val // Shutterstock
Channel Catfish
- Weight: 37 lbs 9.6 oz
- Length: 37.6"
- Location: Castle Rock Lake
- Record set by Jessey Perry in 2009
- Length: 37.6"
- Location: Castle Rock Lake
- Record set by Jessey Perry in 2009

12 / 48
Kevin Cass // Shutterstock
Chinook (King) Salmon
- Weight: 31 lbs 2.08 oz
- Length: 38"
- Location: Fort Peck Reservoir
- Record set by Carl L. Niles in 1991
- Length: 38"
- Location: Fort Peck Reservoir
- Record set by Carl L. Niles in 1991

13 / 48
Michaela Holubova // Shutterstock
- Weight: 1 lbs 12 oz
- Length: 17.25"
- Location: Fort Peck Reservoir - below powerhouse
- Record set by Curt Zimmerman in 1991
- Length: 17.25"
- Location: Fort Peck Reservoir - below powerhouse
- Record set by Curt Zimmerman in 1991

14 / 48
Troutnut // Shutterstock
Coho Salmon
- Weight: 4 lbs 14.08 oz
- Length: 25.5"
- Location: Fort Peck Reservoir - face of dam
- Record set by Irven F. Stohl in 1973
- Length: 25.5"
- Location: Fort Peck Reservoir - face of dam
- Record set by Irven F. Stohl in 1973

15 / 48
CSNafzger // Shutterstock
Cutthroat Trout
- Weight: 16 lbs 0 oz
- Location: Red Eagle Lake
- Record set by William D. Sands in 1955
- Location: Red Eagle Lake
- Record set by William D. Sands in 1955
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16 / 48
CSNafzger // Shutterstock
Dolly Varden Trout
- Weight: 25 lbs 10.08 oz
- Length: 37"
- Location: not available
- Record set by James Hyer in 1916
- Length: 37"
- Location: not available
- Record set by James Hyer in 1916

17 / 48
Roxana Gonzalez // Shutterstock
Freshwater Drum
- Weight: 21 lbs
- Length: 29.5"
- Location: Fort Peck- Ghost Coulee
- Record set by Matt Washut in 2003
- Length: 29.5"
- Location: Fort Peck- Ghost Coulee
- Record set by Matt Washut in 2003

18 / 48
CSNafzger // Shutterstock
Golden Trout
- Weight: 5 lbs 6.88 oz
- Length: 23.5"
- Location: Cave Lake
- Record set by Mike Malixi in 2000
- Length: 23.5"
- Location: Cave Lake
- Record set by Mike Malixi in 2000

19 / 48
USFWS Mountain-Prairie // Wikimedia Commons
- Weight: 3 lbs 2.88 oz
- Location: Nelson Reservoir
- Record set by Don Nevrivy in 2000
- Location: Nelson Reservoir
- Record set by Don Nevrivy in 2000

20 / 48
M Huston // Shutterstock
Green Sunfish
- Weight: 0 lbs 13.44 oz
- Length: 9.0"
- Location: Castle Rock Lake
- Record set by Bette Schmieding in 2009
- Length: 9.0"
- Location: Castle Rock Lake
- Record set by Bette Schmieding in 2009
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21 / 48
Ryan Cuddy // Shutterstock
Kokanee Salmon
- Weight: 7 lbs 8 oz
- Length: 26.8"
- Location: Hauser Lake
- Record set by John Bomar in 2003
- Length: 26.8"
- Location: Hauser Lake
- Record set by John Bomar in 2003

22 / 48
Pi-Lens // Shutterstock
Lake Trout
- Weight: 42 lbs 7 oz
- Length: 42.5"
- Location: Flathead Lake
- Record set by Ruth Barber in 2004
- Length: 42.5"
- Location: Flathead Lake
- Record set by Ruth Barber in 2004

23 / 48
Piotr Wawrzyniuk // Shutterstock
Lake Whitefish
- Weight: 10 lbs 7.36 oz
- Length: 27"
- Location: Flathead Lake
- Record set by Swan T. McDonald V in 2006
- Length: 27"
- Location: Flathead Lake
- Record set by Swan T. McDonald V in 2006

24 / 48
Pierre Rebollar // Shutterstock
Largemouth Bass
- Weight: 8 lbs 12.8 oz
- Length: 22.5"
- Location: Noxon Rapids Reservoir
- Record set by Darin Williams in 2009
- Length: 22.5"
- Location: Noxon Rapids Reservoir
- Record set by Darin Williams in 2009

25 / 48
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service // Wikimedia Commons
Longnose Sucker
- Weight: 3 lbs 4.32 oz
- Location: Marias River - Loma
- Record set by Ray Quigley in 1988
- Location: Marias River - Loma
- Record set by Ray Quigley in 1988
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26 / 48
Cannon Colegrove // Shutterstock
Mountain Whitefish
- Weight: 5 lbs 1.76 oz
- Length: 23"
- Location: Hauser Reservoir
- Record set by Walt Goodman in 2007
- Length: 23"
- Location: Hauser Reservoir
- Record set by Walt Goodman in 2007

27 / 48
FedBul // Shutterstock
Northern Pike
- Weight: 37 lbs 8 oz
- Location: Tongue River Reservoir
- Record set by Lance Moyer in 1972
- Location: Tongue River Reservoir
- Record set by Lance Moyer in 1972

28 / 48
Saran Jantraurai // Shutterstock
- Weight: 142 lbs 8 oz
- Length: 77"
- Location: Missouri River - near Kipp Park
- Record set by Larry Branstetter in 1973
- Length: 77"
- Location: Missouri River - near Kipp Park
- Record set by Larry Branstetter in 1973

29 / 48
Glass and Nature // Shutterstock
Pumpkinseed Sunfish
- Weight: 0 lbs 15.36 oz
- Location: Upper Thompson Lake
- Record set by Nathan Bache in 2006
- Location: Upper Thompson Lake
- Record set by Nathan Bache in 2006

30 / 48
Rainbow Trout
- Weight: 33 lbs 1.6 oz
- Length: 38.62"
- Location: Kootenai River - David Thompson Bridge
- Record set by Jack G. Housel Jr. in 1997
- Length: 38.62"
- Location: Kootenai River - David Thompson Bridge
- Record set by Jack G. Housel Jr. in 1997
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31 / 48
Duane Raver // Wikimedia Commons
River Carpsucker
- Weight: 6 lbs 15.2 oz
- Length: 24"
- Location: Fort Peck Reservoir
- Record set by Brady Miller in 2008
- Length: 24"
- Location: Fort Peck Reservoir
- Record set by Brady Miller in 2008

32 / 48
Steve Brigman // Shutterstock
Rock Bass
- Weight: 0 lbs 13.12 oz
- Length: 9.88"
- Location: Lower Crazy Head Springs Reservoir
- Record set by Lance Dennis in 2010
- Length: 9.88"
- Location: Lower Crazy Head Springs Reservoir
- Record set by Lance Dennis in 2010

33 / 48
Steve Oehlenschlager // Shutterstock
- Weight: 8 lbs 12.8 oz
- Length: 28.2"
- Location: Fort Peck Reservoir
- Record set by Gene Moore in 1994
- Length: 28.2"
- Location: Fort Peck Reservoir
- Record set by Gene Moore in 1994

34 / 48
RLS Photo // Shutterstock
- Weight: 15 lbs 10.56 oz
- Location: Fort Peck Reservoir - Squaw Creek
- Record set by Myron Kibler in 1995
- Location: Fort Peck Reservoir - Squaw Creek
- Record set by Myron Kibler in 1995

35 / 48
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center // Wikimedia Commons
Shorthead Redhorse
- Weight: 4 lbs 10.88 oz
- Length: 20.25"
- Location: Marias River - near Loma
- Record set by Ray Quigley in 1985
- Length: 20.25"
- Location: Marias River - near Loma
- Record set by Ray Quigley in 1985
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36 / 48
GUNAWAN SIDIK // Shutterstock
Shortnose Gar
- Weight: 7 lbs 2 oz
- Length: 34"
- Location: Fort Peck Dredge Cuts
- Record set by Ron Gulbertson in 2003
- Length: 34"
- Location: Fort Peck Dredge Cuts
- Record set by Ron Gulbertson in 2003

37 / 48
Andrea Izzotti // Shutterstock
Shovelnose Sturgeon
- Weight: 14 lbs 2 oz
- Length: 39.75"
- Location: Missouri River
- Record set by Chad Buck in 2010
- Length: 39.75"
- Location: Missouri River
- Record set by Chad Buck in 2010

38 / 48
CSNafzger // Shutterstock
Smallmouth Bass
- Weight: 6 lbs 6.4 oz
- Length: 21.25"
- Location: Flathead River
- Record set by Ken Riska in 2000
- Length: 21.25"
- Location: Flathead River
- Record set by Ken Riska in 2000

39 / 48
CSNafzger // Shutterstock
Smallmouth Bass
- Weight: 6 lbs 6. oz
- Length: 21"
- Location: Fort Peck Reservoir
- Record set by Mike Otten in 2002
- Length: 21"
- Location: Fort Peck Reservoir
- Record set by Mike Otten in 2002

40 / 48
Ohio DNR // Wikimedia Commons
Smallmouth Buffalo
- Weight: 38 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 38"
- Location: Nelson Reservoir
- Record set by Brady Miller in 2007
- Length: 38"
- Location: Nelson Reservoir
- Record set by Brady Miller in 2007
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41 / 48
Jennifer de Graaf // Shutterstock
Tiger Muskellunge
- Weight: 31 lbs 4.8 oz
- Length: 49"
- Location: Deadman's Basin Reservoir
- Record set by Dan Weil in 2011
- Length: 49"
- Location: Deadman's Basin Reservoir
- Record set by Dan Weil in 2011

42 / 48
Matt Jeppson // Shutterstock
Tiger Trout
- Weight: 4 lbs 0.64 oz
- Length: 20.6"
- Location: Bear Lake
- Record set by Joe Sobczak in 1997
- Length: 20.6"
- Location: Bear Lake
- Record set by Joe Sobczak in 1997

43 / 48
wwwarjag //Shutterstock
- Weight: 17 lbs 12 oz
- Length: 35"
- Location: Tiber Reservoir
- Record set by Robert Bob Hart in 2007
- Length: 35"
- Location: Tiber Reservoir
- Record set by Robert Bob Hart in 2007

44 / 48
Apostrophe // Shutterstock
White Bass
- Weight: 2 lbs 12.8 oz
- Length: 17"
- Location: Missouri River - south of Bainville
- Record set by Vernon Pacovsky in 2007
- Length: 17"
- Location: Missouri River - south of Bainville
- Record set by Vernon Pacovsky in 2007

45 / 48
Jennifer White Maxwell // Shutterstock
White Crappie
- Weight: 3 lbs 10.88 oz
- Length: 18.5"
- Location: Tongue River
- Record set by Gene Bassett in 1996
- Length: 18.5"
- Location: Tongue River
- Record set by Gene Bassett in 1996
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46 / 48
RLS Photo // Shutterstock
White Sucker
- Weight: 5 lbs 5.28 oz
- Length: 21.625"
- Location: Nelson Reservoir
- Record set by Fred Perry in 1983
- Length: 21.625"
- Location: Nelson Reservoir
- Record set by Fred Perry in 1983

47 / 48
jpreat // Shutterstock
Yellow Bullhead
- Weight: 1 lbs 0.32 oz
- Length: 11.6"
- Location: Yellowstone River
- Record set by Samuel Shelton in 2012
- Length: 11.6"
- Location: Yellowstone River
- Record set by Samuel Shelton in 2012

48 / 48
John Piekos // Shutterstock
Yellow Perch
- Weight: 2 lbs 6.24 oz
- Length: 14.375"
- Location: Ashley Lake
- Record set by Josh Emmert in 2006
- Length: 14.375"
- Location: Ashley Lake
- Record set by Josh Emmert in 2006