Record fish caught in Nebraska
Anglers the world over gather regularly for fishing derbies to see who can land the biggest catch. But record-breaking fish can be caught at anytime, weighed on an International Game Fish Association-certified scale at any number of tackle shops or marinas, and compared to the IGFA's online records database. Sport-fishing enthusiasts can even have their own scales certified by the IGFA for a $40 fee.
Stacker compiled a list of record fish caught in Nebraska using data from Land Big Fish. Fish pictured are not the actual record catch. Keep reading to see which bodies of water in your state hold some of the most massive fish around.
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1 / 57
American Eel
- Weight: 5 lbs 0 oz
- Location: Missouri River
- Record set by George Sweissberger in 1983
- Location: Missouri River
- Record set by George Sweissberger in 1983

2 / 57
Rostislav Stefanek // Shutterstock
Bighead Carp
- Weight: 53 lbs 3 oz
- Location: Middle Island Lake
- Record set by Ryan Othling in 2005
- Location: Middle Island Lake
- Record set by Ryan Othling in 2005

3 / 57
Alus164 // Wikimedia Commons
Bigmouth Buffalo
- Weight: 44 lbs 14.5 oz
- Location: Johnson Lake
- Record set by Shayne Miller in 1991
- Location: Johnson Lake
- Record set by Shayne Miller in 1991

4 / 57
USFWS National Image Library // Wikimedia Commons
Black Buffalo
- Weight: 41 lbs 0 oz
- Location: Carter Lake
- Record set by Bob Eaton in 1982
- Location: Carter Lake
- Record set by Bob Eaton in 1982

5 / 57
Steve Oehlenschlager // Shutterstock
Black Crappie
- Weight: 4 lbs 8 oz
- Length: 19"
- Location: FARM POND
- Record set by ALLEN PAAP JR. in 2003
- Length: 19"
- Location: FARM POND
- Record set by ALLEN PAAP JR. in 2003
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6 / 57
M Huston // Shutterstock
Blue Catfish
- Weight: 100 lbs 8 oz
- Location: Missouri River - near Wynot
- Record set by Raynold Promes in 1970
- Location: Missouri River - near Wynot
- Record set by Raynold Promes in 1970

7 / 57
USFWS Mountain-Prairie, Spencer Neuharth / USFWS // Wikimedia Commons
Blue Sucker
- Weight: 18 lbs 14 oz
- Location: Missouri River
- Record set by Bob. J. Thoene in 1986
- Location: Missouri River
- Record set by Bob. J. Thoene in 1986

8 / 57
dcwcreations // Shutterstock
Bluegill Sunfish
- Weight: 2 lbs 13 oz
- Location: Grove Lake
- Record set by Gary Ralston in 1977
- Location: Grove Lake
- Record set by Gary Ralston in 1977

9 / 57
Miroslav Halama // Shutterstock
- Weight: 8 lbs 0 oz
- Location: Dead Timber Lake
- Record set by Ronald Evenson in 1982
- Location: Dead Timber Lake
- Record set by Ronald Evenson in 1982

10 / 57
slowmotiongli // Shutterstock
Brook Trout
- Weight: 5 lbs 1 oz
- Location: Pawnee Springs - near North Platte
- Record set by Joe Gray in 1965
- Location: Pawnee Springs - near North Platte
- Record set by Joe Gray in 1965
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11 / 57
Rostislav Stefanek // Shutterstock
Brown Trout
- Weight: 20 lbs 1 oz
- Location: Snake River
- Record set by Denny Doolittle in 1973
- Location: Snake River
- Record set by Denny Doolittle in 1973

12 / 57
WH_Pics // Shutterstock
- Weight: 3 lbs 14 oz
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Dick Dunn in 1974
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Dick Dunn in 1974

13 / 57
Neon_TI // Shutterstock
- Weight: 6 lbs 9 oz
- Location: Missouri River
- Record set by Todd Schmidt in 1998
- Location: Missouri River
- Record set by Todd Schmidt in 1998

14 / 57
Rostislav Stefanek // Shutterstock
- Weight: 33 lbs 12 oz
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Toni C. Baete in 1983
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Toni C. Baete in 1983

15 / 57
Aleron Val // Shutterstock
Channel Catfish
- Weight: 41 lbs 8 oz
- Location: Merritt Lake
- Record set by John Cunning in 1985
- Location: Merritt Lake
- Record set by John Cunning in 1985
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16 / 57
Kevin Cass // Shutterstock
Chinook (King) Salmon
- Weight: 7 lbs 5 oz
- Location: Lewis & Clark Lake
- Record set by James Ludlow in 2011
- Location: Lewis & Clark Lake
- Record set by James Ludlow in 2011

17 / 57
Troutnut // Shutterstock
Coho Salmon
- Weight: 5 lbs 12 oz
- Location: Lake McConaughy
- Record set by Lyle Fry in 1971
- Location: Lake McConaughy
- Record set by Lyle Fry in 1971

18 / 57
CSNafzger // Shutterstock
Cutthroat Trout
- Weight: 5 lbs 7 oz
- Location: Ogallala Lake
- Record set by Arthur Larsen in 1992
- Location: Ogallala Lake
- Record set by Arthur Larsen in 1992

19 / 57
M Huston // Shutterstock
Flathead Catfish
- Weight: 80 lbs 0 oz
- Location: Loup Power Canal - near Genoa
- Record set by William Swanson in 1988
- Location: Loup Power Canal - near Genoa
- Record set by William Swanson in 1988

20 / 57
Roxana Gonzalez // Shutterstock
Freshwater Drum
- Weight: 29 lbs 6 oz
- Location: Missouri River (Gavins Point Tailwaters)
- Record set by Roque Ramirez in 2007
- Location: Missouri River (Gavins Point Tailwaters)
- Record set by Roque Ramirez in 2007
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21 / 57
mujijoa79 // Shutterstock
Gizzard Shad
- Weight: 4 lbs 7.75 oz
- Location: Box Butte Reservoir
- Record set by Joe Ringbauer in 1989
- Location: Box Butte Reservoir
- Record set by Joe Ringbauer in 1989

22 / 57
Jason Patrick Ross // Shutterstock
Golden Shiner
- Weight: 0 lbs 14 oz
- Location: Two Rivers SRA
- Record set by Tom Rosencrans in 1992
- Location: Two Rivers SRA
- Record set by Tom Rosencrans in 1992

23 / 57
USFWS Mountain-Prairie // Wikimedia Commons
- Weight: 3 lbs 15.5 oz
- Location: Lewis & Clark Lake
- Record set by Gary Kumm in 1988
- Location: Lewis & Clark Lake
- Record set by Gary Kumm in 1988

24 / 57
Vladimir Wrangel // Shutterstock
Grass Carp
- Weight: 64 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 46.5"
- Location: WILSON CREEK 2X
- Record set by MALIK SOLUNOVIC in 2004
- Length: 46.5"
- Location: WILSON CREEK 2X
- Record set by MALIK SOLUNOVIC in 2004

25 / 57
Clint H // Shutterstock
Grass Pickerel
- Weight: 0 lbs 5.75 oz
- Location: Cameron Lake
- Record set by Trevor Bailey in 1996
- Location: Cameron Lake
- Record set by Trevor Bailey in 1996
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26 / 57
M Huston // Shutterstock
Green Sunfish
- Weight: 1 lbs 4 oz
- Location: sandpit
- Record set by Jeff Knajdl in 1980
- Location: sandpit
- Record set by Jeff Knajdl in 1980

27 / 57
M Huston // Shutterstock
Hybrid Sunfish
- Weight: 1 lbs 15 oz
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Jane Bottorff-Engh in 1993
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Jane Bottorff-Engh in 1993

28 / 57
Ryan Cuddy // Shutterstock
Kokanee Salmon
- Weight: 4 lbs 2 oz
- Location: Lake McConaughy
- Record set by Neal Dunbar in 1971
- Location: Lake McConaughy
- Record set by Neal Dunbar in 1971

29 / 57
Pierre Rebollar // Shutterstock
Largemouth Bass
- Weight: 10 lbs 11 oz
- Location: sand pit near Columbus
- Record set by Paul Abegglen Sr. in 1965
- Location: sand pit near Columbus
- Record set by Paul Abegglen Sr. in 1965

30 / 57
Mikhail Blajenov // Shutterstock
Longnose Gar
- Weight: 20 lbs 7 oz
- Location: Wagners Lake
- Record set by John Ernst in 1991
- Location: Wagners Lake
- Record set by John Ernst in 1991
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31 / 57
M Huston // Shutterstock
- Weight: 41 lbs 8 oz
- Location: Merritt Lake
- Record set by Jared Haddix in 1992
- Location: Merritt Lake
- Record set by Jared Haddix in 1992

32 / 57
FedBul // Shutterstock
Northern Pike
- Weight: 30 lbs 1 oz
- Location: Terrys Pit
- Record set by Steve Morris in 1997
- Location: Terrys Pit
- Record set by Steve Morris in 1997

33 / 57
Saran Jantraurai // Shutterstock
- Weight: 107 lbs 12 oz
- Location: Gavins Point tailwaters
- Record set by Louis Maring in 2011
- Location: Gavins Point tailwaters
- Record set by Louis Maring in 2011

34 / 57
Glass and Nature // Shutterstock
Pumpkinseed Sunfish
- Weight: 0 lbs 11.25 oz
- Location: Box Butte Reservoir
- Record set by Jim Johnson in 1987
- Location: Box Butte Reservoir
- Record set by Jim Johnson in 1987

35 / 57
Glass and Nature // Shutterstock
Pumpkinseed Sunfish
- Weight: 0 lbs 11.25 oz
- Location: Box Butte Reservoir
- Record set by Mitchell Pebley in 1993
- Location: Box Butte Reservoir
- Record set by Mitchell Pebley in 1993
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36 / 57
Rainbow Trout
- Weight: 14 lbs 2 oz
- Location: not available
- Record set by Frank Aloy in 1975
- Location: not available
- Record set by Frank Aloy in 1975

37 / 57
Clint H // Shutterstock
Redear Sunfish
- Weight: 1 lbs 10 oz
- Location: Rock Creek Lake
- Record set by Charles I. Jones in 1990
- Location: Rock Creek Lake
- Record set by Charles I. Jones in 1990

38 / 57
Steve Brigman // Shutterstock
Rock Bass
- Weight: 2 lbs 4 oz
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Edna Zuege in 1972
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Edna Zuege in 1972

39 / 57
H.L. Todd // Wikimedia Commons
Sacramento Perch
- Weight: 2 lbs 8 oz
- Location: Clear Lake
- Record set by John A. Bush in 1971
- Location: Clear Lake
- Record set by John A. Bush in 1971

40 / 57
Steve Oehlenschlager // Shutterstock
- Weight: 8 lbs 5 oz
- Location: Missouri River - near Niobrara
- Record set by Betty Tepner in 1961
- Location: Missouri River - near Niobrara
- Record set by Betty Tepner in 1961
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41 / 57
RLS Photo // Shutterstock
- Weight: 8 lbs 14 oz
- Length: 28"
- Record set by SHAWN ACKLES in 2003
- Length: 28"
- Record set by SHAWN ACKLES in 2003

42 / 57
GUNAWAN SIDIK // Shutterstock
Shortnose Gar
- Weight: 6 lbs 14 oz
- Location: Private Pit (Dodge Co.)
- Record set by Matt Watson in 2009
- Location: Private Pit (Dodge Co.)
- Record set by Matt Watson in 2009

43 / 57
Andrea Izzotti // Shutterstock
Shovelnose Sturgeon
- Weight: 4 lbs 4 oz
- Location: Platte River
- Record set by Sean D. Gellatly in 1996
- Location: Platte River
- Record set by Sean D. Gellatly in 1996

44 / 57
Duane Raver // Wikimedia Commons
Skipjack Herring
- Weight: 2 lbs 0 oz
- Location: Gavins Point tailwaters
- Record set by Daniel Kaup in 1992
- Location: Gavins Point tailwaters
- Record set by Daniel Kaup in 1992

45 / 57
CSNafzger // Shutterstock
Smallmouth Bass
- Weight: 7 lbs 4 oz
- Length: 22"
- Record set by DENNIS SWANSON in 2000
- Length: 22"
- Record set by DENNIS SWANSON in 2000
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46 / 57
Ohio DNR // Wikimedia Commons
Smallmouth Buffalo
- Weight: 56 lbs 3 oz
- Location: Fremont Lake - lake #20
- Record set by Jeffrey Johnson in 1998
- Location: Fremont Lake - lake #20
- Record set by Jeffrey Johnson in 1998

47 / 57
Sean McVey // Shutterstock
Spotted Bass
- Weight: 3 lbs 12 oz
- Location: sand pit
- Record set by Jerry R. Miller in 1990
- Location: sand pit
- Record set by Jerry R. Miller in 1990

48 / 57
Spotted Sunfish
- Weight: 0 lbs 85 oz
- Location: sandpit
- Record set by BEN NOSAL in 2001
- Location: sandpit
- Record set by BEN NOSAL in 2001

49 / 57
slowmotiongli // Shutterstock
Striped Bass
- Weight: 64 lbs 15.875 oz
- Location: Sutherland Reservoir
- Record set by Gene Baker in 1993
- Location: Sutherland Reservoir
- Record set by Gene Baker in 1993

50 / 57
Jennifer de Graaf // Shutterstock
Tiger Muskellunge
- Weight: 26 lbs 8 oz
- Location: Oliver Reservoir
- Record set by Steve Keys in 1995
- Location: Oliver Reservoir
- Record set by Steve Keys in 1995
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51 / 57
wwwarjag //Shutterstock
- Weight: 16 lbs 2 oz
- Location: Lake McConaughy
- Record set by Herbert J. Cutshall in 1971
- Location: Lake McConaughy
- Record set by Herbert J. Cutshall in 1971

52 / 57
Apostrophe // Shutterstock
White Bass
- Weight: 5 lbs 0 oz
- Location: Gavins Point tailwaters
- Record set by Jim Kilcoin in 1983
- Location: Gavins Point tailwaters
- Record set by Jim Kilcoin in 1983

53 / 57
Jennifer White Maxwell // Shutterstock
White Crappie
- Weight: 4 lbs 1 oz
- Location: Red Willow Reservoir
- Record set by Elsie M. Jensen in 1980
- Location: Red Willow Reservoir
- Record set by Elsie M. Jensen in 1980

54 / 57
M Huston // Shutterstock
White Perch
- Weight: 2 lbs 6 oz
- Location: CASS CO. SANDPIT
- Record set by Jason Hickey in 2007
- Location: CASS CO. SANDPIT
- Record set by Jason Hickey in 2007

55 / 57
Pelow Media // Shutterstock
Wiper (Whiterock) Bass
- Weight: 17 lbs 14 oz
- Location: Harlan County Reservoir
- Record set by Reggie Bosshamer in 1996
- Location: Harlan County Reservoir
- Record set by Reggie Bosshamer in 1996
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56 / 57
Kevin H Knuth // Shutterstock
Yellow Bass
- Weight: 1 lbs 7 oz
- Location: Louisville Lake #2
- Record set by John Ogle in 1993
- Location: Louisville Lake #2
- Record set by John Ogle in 1993

57 / 57
John Piekos // Shutterstock
Yellow Perch
- Weight: 2 lbs 10.75 oz
- Location: Hackberry Lake
- Record set by John D. Skrdla in 1984
- Location: Hackberry Lake
- Record set by John D. Skrdla in 1984