overhead view of a coffee cup with the number "2024" displayed on the foam for the new year
Stacker Connect

11 simple New Year's resolutions to help you feel happier and healthier in 2024

January 3, 2024
Boontoom Sae-Kor // Shutterstock
This story was produced by Way and reviewed and distributed by Stacker Media.

11 simple New Year's resolutions to help you feel happier and healthier in 2024

For many of us, the top two resolutions are to exercise and become healthier. We all know how this goes. The gyms become crowded those first few weeks of January; by the end of February, it is the same faces you see throughout the year. Whole Foods' produce section is barren in January. But by February, there is an abundance of organic kale and spaghetti squash.

The failure rates on these promises are astronomical, which cannot be great for one's self-esteem. Way.com devised an alternative list of resolutions that will hopefully lead to more happiness and success. You will be happier for it, and so will the other people in your life. 

But first, let's take a look at the top resolutions for 2024 as presented by Statista.


chart showing top new year's resolutions according to a survey
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Improving financial and physical health are most popular resolutions

We are all for saving money, spending less time on social media, and reducing stress. Some of the above may be hard to sustain, however. Here are some other options that will enhance your life and make this next year as bright as it can be.

Every single day, compliment someone in your life.

This can be as simple as "You look great today!" or "Have an amazing day." The point is to get out of yourself and think about how to make another person's day brighter.

Read one chapter of a book each week.

Reading calms the nervous system and is just a great way to unwind. So, turn off the TV, close the phone, and read more often. This doesn't require a ton of time, effort, or money. You got this one!

The Gratitude List

Whether in your head or on paper, write down everything and everyone you are grateful for in your life. You can do this once a day or weekly, but this regular practice can shift your perception from what you're missing to how incredibly blessed you are.

Get your car cleaned once a month.

We're talking inside and outside. You likely spend a good amount of time in your vehicle, so a clean space is important for a clear mind. You will just feel better in a shiny, de-cluttered car. We promise.

Call someone. Yes, on the phone.

There is too much texting and not enough communicating happening, people. Try this resolution weekly. After a phone session with a friend, you'll feel a sense of connection and contentment. Try it and see what happens.

Pet an animal. Even better, walk your dog.

Animals offer unconditional love and immeasurable amounts of joy. If you are lucky enough to have a pet, spend some focused time with them. If you don't have a pet, visit a friend or family member with one and offer to walk theirs. Do you have a local rescue nearby? We can guarantee that there are animals needing grooming and walks and that they will be eternally grateful. Bonus: You will be fulfilling the obligatory "exercise" resolution.

Once a month, catch up with a friend. 

Our friendships are food for the soul, whether just coffee or a cozy movie night.

Do a digital detox. 

No phone for 24 hours! Or even 12.

Commit random acts of kindness. 

Pay for the next person's Starbucks order. Or the next person's grocery order while checking out at the market.

Surround yourself with things you love. 

Start a collection of oddly specific items, like vintage Levi's, Beatles memorabilia, or Pokeman cards. 

Most importantly, enjoy your life and the journey in 2024. 

Focus on your successes, learn from failures, and spend time with loved ones.

This story was produced by Way.com and reviewed and distributed by Stacker Media.

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