How the price of consumer goods changed in November
How the price of consumer goods changed in November
The cost of goods inflated 0.1% in November.
That's based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index, which measures the change in what urban residents pay for a variety of goods and services. Over the past year, the cost of goods increased 7.1%. Inflation has remained "unacceptably high" by the standards of Federal Reserve officials, who noted that supply chain and labor challenges could continue to exacerbate the issue.
CPI looks at a broad range of goods, spanning everything from rent to doctors' services to food. Nearly all goods have increased in cost compared to a year ago, except for used cars and trucks, which have decreased about 3.3%. Several more have experienced decreases since October.
Oil derivatives have some of the least consistent pricing, as the Russia-Ukraine war, hurricanes, and other global events continue to jostle the price of oil. Although gasoline, utility gas, and electricity have experienced price decreases over the past month, they're still above where they were a year ago. Fuel oil continued to rise.
Stacker used seasonally-adjusted monthly BLS CPI data to find how much consumer goods changed in price from October to November. They are ranked here from largest increase to largest decrease month-over-month, using year-over-year changes as a tiebreaker when needed.
#17. Utility gas service
- One-month change in CPI: -3.5%
- Annual change in CPI: +15.5%

#16. Used cars and trucks
- One-month change in CPI: -2.9%
- Annual change in CPI: -3.3%

#15. Gasoline
- One-month change in CPI: -2%
- Annual change in CPI: +10.1%
#14. Electricity
- One-month change in CPI: -0.2%
- Annual change in CPI: +13.7%

#13. Physicians' services
- One-month change in CPI: 0%
- Annual change in CPI: +1.5%

#12. New vehicles
- One-month change in CPI: 0%
- Annual change in CPI: +7.2%

#11. Medical care commodities
- One-month change in CPI: +0.2%
- Annual change in CPI: +3.1%

#10. Apparel
- One-month change in CPI: +0.2%
- Annual change in CPI: +3.6%

#9. Food away from home
- One-month change in CPI: +0.5%
- Annual change in CPI: +8.5%

#8. Food at home
- One-month change in CPI: +0.5%
- Annual change in CPI: +12%

#7. Alcoholic beverages
- One-month change in CPI: +0.7%
- Annual change in CPI: +5.5%
#6. Tobacco and smoking products
- One-month change in CPI: +0.7%
- Annual change in CPI: +6.3%

#5. Owners' equivalent rent of residences
- One-month change in CPI: +0.7%
- Annual change in CPI: +7.1%

#4. Rent of primary residence
- One-month change in CPI: +0.8%
- Annual change in CPI: +7.9%
#3. Motor vehicle insurance
- One-month change in CPI: +0.9%
- Annual change in CPI: +13.4%
#2. Motor vehicle maintenance and repair
- One-month change in CPI: +1.3%
- Annual change in CPI: +11.7%

#1. Fuel oil
- One-month change in CPI: +1.7%
- Annual change in CPI: +65.7%