Record fish caught in Ontario
Anglers the world over gather regularly for fishing derbies to see who can land the biggest catch. But record-breaking fish can be caught at anytime, weighed on an International Game Fish Association-certified scale at any number of tackle shops or marinas, and compared to the IGFA's online records database. Sport-fishing enthusiasts can even have their own scales certified by the IGFA for a $40 USD fee.
Stacker compiled a list of record fish caught in Ontario using data from Land Big Fish. Fish pictured are not the actual record catch. Keep reading to see which bodies of water in your state hold some of the most massive fish around.

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American Eel
- Weight: 5 lbs 1.6 oz
- Length: 38.5"
- Location: Ottawa River
- Record set by Kyle Richards in 2002
- Length: 38.5"
- Location: Ottawa River
- Record set by Kyle Richards in 2002

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FedBul // Shutterstock
Arctic Char
- Weight: 5 lbs 0 oz
- Location: not available
- Record set in unknown year
- Location: not available
- Record set in unknown year

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Ilya Marchenko // Shutterstock
Atlantic Salmon
- Weight: 24 lbs 4.8 oz
- Length: 35"
- Location: Lake Ontario
- Record set by James McDonald in 1989
- Length: 35"
- Location: Lake Ontario
- Record set by James McDonald in 1989

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Steve Oehlenschlager // Shutterstock
Black Crappie
- Weight: 3 lbs 12.48 oz
- Length: 17"
- Location: Hillman Marsh, Lake Erie
- Record set by Charles Sherrill in 1986
- Length: 17"
- Location: Hillman Marsh, Lake Erie
- Record set by Charles Sherrill in 1986

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Miroslav Halama // Shutterstock
- Weight: 15 lbs 1.6 oz
- Length: 31.5"
- Location: Dog Lake
- Record set by Mark Johnson in 2000
- Length: 31.5"
- Location: Dog Lake
- Record set by Mark Johnson in 2000

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slowmotiongli // Shutterstock
Brook Trout
- Weight: 14 lbs 8 oz
- Length: 31.5"
- Location: Nipigon River
- Record set by Dr. J. W. Cook in 1916
- Length: 31.5"
- Location: Nipigon River
- Record set by Dr. J. W. Cook in 1916

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slowmotiongli // Shutterstock
Brown Bullhead
- Weight: 2 lbs 5.92 oz
- Length: 16.4"
- Location: 401 Pond
- Record set by Jeff Sereda in 1989
- Length: 16.4"
- Location: 401 Pond
- Record set by Jeff Sereda in 1989

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Rostislav Stefanek // Shutterstock
Brown Trout
- Weight: 34 lbs 6.08 oz
- Length: 38"
- Location: Lake Ontario near Mississauga
- Record set by Richard Matusiak in 1994
- Length: 38"
- Location: Lake Ontario near Mississauga
- Record set by Richard Matusiak in 1994

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Aleron Val // Shutterstock
Channel Catfish
- Weight: 29 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 35"
- Location: Berford Lake
- Record set by Chad Thompson in 2000
- Length: 35"
- Location: Berford Lake
- Record set by Chad Thompson in 2000

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Kevin Cass // Shutterstock
Chinook (King) Salmon
- Weight: 46 lbs 6.08 oz
- Length: 47"
- Location: Lake Ontario, Toronto
- Record set by Harry Oosterveld in 2000
- Length: 47"
- Location: Lake Ontario, Toronto
- Record set by Harry Oosterveld in 2000

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Troutnut // Shutterstock
Coho Salmon
- Weight: 28 lbs 10.24 oz
- Length: 42"
- Location: Lake Ontario near Pickering
- Record set by Sandy Smith in 1998
- Length: 42"
- Location: Lake Ontario near Pickering
- Record set by Sandy Smith in 1998

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Vladimir Wrangel // Shutterstock
Common Carp
- Weight: 39 lbs 14.08 oz
- Location: Lake Simcoe
- Record set by Matt Bird in 2007
- Location: Lake Simcoe
- Record set by Matt Bird in 2007

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Roxana Gonzalez // Shutterstock
Freshwater Drum
- Weight: 20 lbs 9.6 oz
- Length: 31"
- Location: French River
- Record set by Aaron Mohr in 1991
- Length: 31"
- Location: French River
- Record set by Aaron Mohr in 1991

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James.Pintar // Shutterstock
Lake Sturgeon
- Weight: 168 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 69"
- Location: Nottawasaga River, Georgian Bay
- Record set by Edward Paszkowski in 1982
- Length: 69"
- Location: Nottawasaga River, Georgian Bay
- Record set by Edward Paszkowski in 1982

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Pi-Lens // Shutterstock
Lake Trout
- Weight: 63 lbs 1.92 oz
- Length: 51.5"
- Location: Lake Superior
- Record set by Hubert Hammers in 1952
- Length: 51.5"
- Location: Lake Superior
- Record set by Hubert Hammers in 1952

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Piotr Wawrzyniuk // Shutterstock
Lake Whitefish
- Weight: 14 lbs 12.32 oz
- Length: 29.5"
- Location: Georgian Bay near Wiarton
- Record set by Terry Frook in 1996
- Length: 29.5"
- Location: Georgian Bay near Wiarton
- Record set by Terry Frook in 1996

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Pierre Rebollar // Shutterstock
Largemouth Bass
- Weight: 10 lbs 6.88 oz
- Length: 22"
- Location: Preston Lake
- Record set by Mario Crysanthou in 1976
- Length: 22"
- Location: Preston Lake
- Record set by Mario Crysanthou in 1976

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Mikhail Blajenov // Shutterstock
Longnose Gar
- Weight: 15 lbs 12.64 oz
- Length: 51"
- Location: Ottawa River
- Record set by Rob Jackson in 2009
- Length: 51"
- Location: Ottawa River
- Record set by Rob Jackson in 2009

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M Huston // Shutterstock
- Weight: 65 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 58"
- Location: Blackstone Harbour, Lake Huron
- Record set by Kenneth John O'Brien in 1988
- Length: 58"
- Location: Blackstone Harbour, Lake Huron
- Record set by Kenneth John O'Brien in 1988

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FedBul // Shutterstock
Northern Pike
- Weight: 42 lbs 1.92 oz
- Location: Delaney River near Kenora
- Record set by Harry Bell in 1946
- Location: Delaney River near Kenora
- Record set by Harry Bell in 1946

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Glass and Nature // Shutterstock
Pumpkinseed Sunfish
- Weight: 1 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 10"
- Location: Beattie Lake
- Record set by Fred Thorn in 1997
- Length: 10"
- Location: Beattie Lake
- Record set by Fred Thorn in 1997

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Rainbow Trout
- Weight: 40 lbs 10.88 oz
- Length: 39.1"
- Location: McGregor Bay, Lake Huron
- Record set by Joanne Verdramin in 2005
- Length: 39.1"
- Location: McGregor Bay, Lake Huron
- Record set by Joanne Verdramin in 2005

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Steve Brigman // Shutterstock
Rock Bass
- Weight: 3 lbs 0 oz
- Location: York River
- Record set by Peter Gulin in 1974
- Location: York River
- Record set by Peter Gulin in 1974

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Steve Oehlenschlager // Shutterstock
- Weight: 4 lbs 6.4 oz
- Length: 22.2"
- Location: Detroit River near Windsor
- Record set by Kris Gagnier in 1992
- Length: 22.2"
- Location: Detroit River near Windsor
- Record set by Kris Gagnier in 1992

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RLS Photo // Shutterstock
- Weight: 4 lbs 8.48 oz
- Length: 22.5"
- Location: Lake of the Woods
- Record set by Philip Gaskell in 1992
- Length: 22.5"
- Location: Lake of the Woods
- Record set by Philip Gaskell in 1992

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CSNafzger // Shutterstock
Smallmouth Bass
- Weight: 9 lbs 13.44 oz
- Length: 24"
- Location: Birch Bark Lake near Kinmount
- Record set by Andy Anderson in 1954
- Length: 24"
- Location: Birch Bark Lake near Kinmount
- Record set by Andy Anderson in 1954

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Matt Jeppson // Shutterstock
- Weight: 20 lbs 11.36 oz
- Location: Georgian Bay
- Record set by Paul Thompson in 1987
- Location: Georgian Bay
- Record set by Paul Thompson in 1987

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Jennifer de Graaf // Shutterstock
Tiger Muskellunge
- Weight: 26 lbs 7.04 oz
- Length: 49"
- Location: Georgian Bay, Moon River
- Record set by Ed Barbosa in 2000
- Length: 49"
- Location: Georgian Bay, Moon River
- Record set by Ed Barbosa in 2000

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wwwarjag //Shutterstock
- Weight: 22 lbs 4 oz
- Length: 36.5"
- Location: Niagara River, Fort Erie
- Record set by Patrick Noon in 1943
- Length: 36.5"
- Location: Niagara River, Fort Erie
- Record set by Patrick Noon in 1943

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Apostrophe // Shutterstock
White Bass
- Weight: 2 lbs 13.92 oz
- Location: Georgian Bay
- Record set by Robert Mercoff in 1992
- Location: Georgian Bay
- Record set by Robert Mercoff in 1992

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Jennifer White Maxwell // Shutterstock
White Crappie
- Weight: 2 lbs 11.36 oz
- Length: 15.4"
- Location: Detroit River
- Record set by James Zahaluk in 2000
- Length: 15.4"
- Location: Detroit River
- Record set by James Zahaluk in 2000

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RLS Photo // Shutterstock
White Sucker
- Weight: 5 lbs 6.24 oz
- Length: 22.8"
- Location: Lake Joseph
- Record set by Geoff Bernardo in 1996
- Length: 22.8"
- Location: Lake Joseph
- Record set by Geoff Bernardo in 1996

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John Piekos // Shutterstock
Yellow Perch
- Weight: 2 lbs 6.72 oz
- Length: 15.1"
- Location: Lake Erie
- Record set by Dave Leslie in 2003
- Length: 15.1"
- Location: Lake Erie
- Record set by Dave Leslie in 2003