Most common languages spoken at home in Greater Idaho Falls and surrounding regions
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October 19, 2022
Ryan DeBerardinis // Shutterstock
Most common languages spoken at home in Greater Idaho Falls and surrounding regions
Stacker compiled a list of the most common languages spoken at home in the Idaho Falls-Rexburg-Blackfoot, ID CSA using data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Languages are ranked by the percent of households that primarily speak the language at home according to 2020 estimates. Combined statistical areas are designated by the Office of Management and Budget and include multiple metropolitan and micropolitan areas in the same region.
88.5% of people in the Idaho Falls-Rexburg-Blackfoot, ID CSA speak only English at home. Keep reading to see what the most spoken non-English languages are in and around Idaho Falls.
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#10. Navajo
- 149 speakers (0.07% of population)
--- 145 speakers who also speak English very well
--- 4 speakers who speak English less than very well
--- 145 speakers who also speak English very well
--- 4 speakers who speak English less than very well
#9. Russian
- 167 speakers (0.07% of population)
--- 159 speakers who also speak English very well
--- 8 speakers who speak English less than very well
--- 159 speakers who also speak English very well
--- 8 speakers who speak English less than very well
#8. Nepali, Marathi, or other Indic languages
- 177 speakers (0.08% of population)
--- 159 speakers who also speak English very well
--- 18 speakers who speak English less than very well
--- 159 speakers who also speak English very well
--- 18 speakers who speak English less than very well
#7. Tagalog (incl. Filipino)
- 317 speakers (0.14% of population)
--- 193 speakers who also speak English very well
--- 124 speakers who speak English less than very well
--- 193 speakers who also speak English very well
--- 124 speakers who speak English less than very well
#6. German
- 358 speakers (0.16% of population)
--- 327 speakers who also speak English very well
--- 31 speakers who speak English less than very well
--- 327 speakers who also speak English very well
--- 31 speakers who speak English less than very well
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#5. French (incl. Cajun)
- 389 speakers (0.17% of population)
--- 354 speakers who also speak English very well
--- 35 speakers who speak English less than very well
--- 354 speakers who also speak English very well
--- 35 speakers who speak English less than very well
#4. Japanese
- 424 speakers (0.19% of population)
--- 334 speakers who also speak English very well
--- 90 speakers who speak English less than very well
--- 334 speakers who also speak English very well
--- 90 speakers who speak English less than very well
#3. Portuguese
- 528 speakers (0.23% of population)
--- 480 speakers who also speak English very well
--- 48 speakers who speak English less than very well
--- 480 speakers who also speak English very well
--- 48 speakers who speak English less than very well
#2. Chinese (incl. Mandarin, Cantonese)
- 850 speakers (0.37% of population)
--- 699 speakers who also speak English very well
--- 151 speakers who speak English less than very well
--- 699 speakers who also speak English very well
--- 151 speakers who speak English less than very well
#1. Spanish
- 21,395 speakers (9.41% of population)
--- 14,968 speakers who also speak English very well
--- 6,427 speakers who speak English less than very well
--- 14,968 speakers who also speak English very well
--- 6,427 speakers who speak English less than very well
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