Record fish caught in Illinois
Anglers the world over gather regularly for fishing derbies to see who can land the biggest catch. But record-breaking fish can be caught at anytime, weighed on an International Game Fish Association-certified scale at any number of tackle shops or marinas, and compared to the IGFA's online records database. Sport-fishing enthusiasts can even have their own scales certified by the IGFA for a $40 fee.
Stacker compiled a list of record fish caught in Illinois using data from Land Big Fish. Fish pictured are not the actual record catch. Keep reading to see which bodies of water in your state hold some of the most massive fish around.
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1 / 48
Ilya Marchenko // Shutterstock
Atlantic Salmon
- Weight: 18 lbs 11.25 oz
- Location: Lake Michigan
- Record set by Robert Lueckhoff in 1979
- Location: Lake Michigan
- Record set by Robert Lueckhoff in 1979

2 / 48
Rostislav Stefanek // Shutterstock
Bighead Carp
- Weight: 43 lbs 3 oz
- Location: Lyerla Lake
- Record set by Larry Hileman in 1995
- Location: Lyerla Lake
- Record set by Larry Hileman in 1995

3 / 48
USFWS National Image Library // Wikimedia Commons
Black Buffalo
- Weight: 23 lbs 12 oz
- Location: Rock River
- Record set by Ron Smith in 1984
- Location: Rock River
- Record set by Ron Smith in 1984

4 / 48
Rostislav Stefanek // Shutterstock
Black Bullhead
- Weight: 5 lbs 6 oz
- Location: strip mine lake
- Record set by Justin White in 1988
- Location: strip mine lake
- Record set by Justin White in 1988

5 / 48
Steve Oehlenschlager // Shutterstock
Black Crappie
- Weight: 4 lbs 8 oz
- Location: Rend Lake
- Record set by John Hampton in 1976
- Location: Rend Lake
- Record set by John Hampton in 1976
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6 / 48
M Huston // Shutterstock
Blue Catfish
- Weight: 124 lbs 4 oz
- Location: Mississippi River
- Record set by Tim Pruitt in 2005
- Location: Mississippi River
- Record set by Tim Pruitt in 2005

7 / 48
dcwcreations // Shutterstock
Bluegill Sunfish
- Weight: 3 lbs 8 oz
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Darren May in 1987
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Darren May in 1987

8 / 48
Miroslav Halama // Shutterstock
- Weight: 16 lbs 6 oz
- Location: Rend Lake
- Record set by Charles R. Keller in 1984
- Location: Rend Lake
- Record set by Charles R. Keller in 1984

9 / 48
slowmotiongli // Shutterstock
Brook Trout
- Weight: 7 lbs 5 oz
- Location: Lake Michigan
- Record set by Daniel Frazier in 1998
- Location: Lake Michigan
- Record set by Daniel Frazier in 1998

10 / 48
slowmotiongli // Shutterstock
Brown Bullhead
- Weight: 1 lbs 10 oz
- Location: Weldon Springs
- Record set by Shane Richardson in 1993
- Location: Weldon Springs
- Record set by Shane Richardson in 1993
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11 / 48
Rostislav Stefanek // Shutterstock
Brown Trout
- Weight: 36 lbs 11.5 oz
- Location: Lake Michigan
- Record set by Deva Vranek in 1997
- Location: Lake Michigan
- Record set by Deva Vranek in 1997

12 / 48
Eden, Janine and Jim // Wikimedia Commons
- Weight: 48 lbs 0 oz
- Location: Mississippi River
- Record set by C.B. Merritt in 1936
- Location: Mississippi River
- Record set by C.B. Merritt in 1936

13 / 48
Rostislav Stefanek // Shutterstock
- Weight: 51 lbs 0 oz
- Location: Lake Hillcrest
- Record set by Steve K. Davis in 1994
- Location: Lake Hillcrest
- Record set by Steve K. Davis in 1994

14 / 48
Aleron Val // Shutterstock
Channel Catfish
- Weight: 45 lbs 4 oz
- Location: Baldwin Lake
- Record set by Todd Baumeyer in 1987
- Location: Baldwin Lake
- Record set by Todd Baumeyer in 1987

15 / 48
Kevin Cass // Shutterstock
Chinook (King) Salmon
- Weight: 37 lbs 0 oz
- Location: Lake Michigan
- Record set by Marge Landeen in 1976
- Location: Lake Michigan
- Record set by Marge Landeen in 1976
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16 / 48
Troutnut // Shutterstock
Coho Salmon
- Weight: 20 lbs 9 oz
- Location: Lake Michigan
- Record set by Carry VandeVusse in 1972
- Location: Lake Michigan
- Record set by Carry VandeVusse in 1972

17 / 48
M Huston // Shutterstock
Flathead Catfish
- Weight: 78 lbs 0 oz
- Location: Carlyle Lake
- Record set by Jody Harris in 1995
- Location: Carlyle Lake
- Record set by Jody Harris in 1995

18 / 48
Roxana Gonzalez // Shutterstock
Freshwater Drum
- Weight: 35 lbs 0 oz
- Location: DuQuoin City Lake
- Record set by Joe Rinella in 1960
- Location: DuQuoin City Lake
- Record set by Joe Rinella in 1960

19 / 48
USFWS Mountain-Prairie // Wikimedia Commons
- Weight: 2 lbs 1 oz
- Location: Embarras River
- Record set by Steven D. Unzicker in 1998
- Location: Embarras River
- Record set by Steven D. Unzicker in 1998

20 / 48
Vladimir Wrangel // Shutterstock
Grass Carp
- Weight: 66 lbs 8 oz
- Location: Lake Petersburg
- Record set by Mark S. Metzger in 1998
- Location: Lake Petersburg
- Record set by Mark S. Metzger in 1998
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21 / 48
M Huston // Shutterstock
Green Sunfish
- Weight: 2 lbs 1 oz
- Location: private pond
- Record set by John Stein in 1981
- Location: private pond
- Record set by John Stein in 1981

22 / 48
Hybrid Bass
- Weight: 20 lbs 0.32 oz
- Location: Lake of Egypt
- Record set by David B. Gjelsvik in 1993
- Location: Lake of Egypt
- Record set by David B. Gjelsvik in 1993

23 / 48
M Huston // Shutterstock
Hybrid Sunfish
- Weight: 2 lbs 4.48 oz
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Georgia M. Holland in 1990
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Georgia M. Holland in 1990

24 / 48
Pi-Lens // Shutterstock
Lake Trout
- Weight: 38 lbs 4 oz
- Location: Lake Michigan
- Record set by Theodore W. Rullman in 1999
- Location: Lake Michigan
- Record set by Theodore W. Rullman in 1999

25 / 48
Pierre Rebollar // Shutterstock
Largemouth Bass
- Weight: 13 lbs 1 oz
- Location: Stone Quarry Lake
- Record set by Edward J. Walbel in 1976
- Location: Stone Quarry Lake
- Record set by Edward J. Walbel in 1976
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26 / 48
M Huston // Shutterstock
- Weight: 37 lbs 13 oz
- Location: Shabbona Lake
- Record set by Chris Kim in 1997
- Location: Shabbona Lake
- Record set by Chris Kim in 1997

27 / 48
FedBul // Shutterstock
Northern Pike
- Weight: 26 lbs 15 oz
- Location: strip mine lake
- Record set by Walter Klenzak in 1989
- Location: strip mine lake
- Record set by Walter Klenzak in 1989

28 / 48
SnapTPhotography // Shutterstock
Pink (Humpback) Salmon
- Weight: 3 lbs 4 oz
- Location: Lake Michigan
- Record set by Neil J. Duba in 1992
- Location: Lake Michigan
- Record set by Neil J. Duba in 1992

29 / 48
Rainbow Trout
- Weight: 31 lbs 6.72 oz
- Location: Lake Michigan
- Record set by Kyle C. Johnson in 1993
- Location: Lake Michigan
- Record set by Kyle C. Johnson in 1993

30 / 48
Clint H // Shutterstock
Redear Sunfish
- Weight: 2 lbs 12.3 oz
- Location: Marion CC Lake
- Record set by Mike DeMattei in 1985
- Location: Marion CC Lake
- Record set by Mike DeMattei in 1985
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31 / 48
Steve Brigman // Shutterstock
Rock Bass
- Weight: 1 lbs 10 oz
- Location: Aux Sable Creek
- Record set by George Nielson in 1987
- Location: Aux Sable Creek
- Record set by George Nielson in 1987

32 / 48
Steve Oehlenschlager // Shutterstock
- Weight: 5 lbs 12.5 oz
- Location: Mississippi River
- Record set by Bill Rolando in 1967
- Location: Mississippi River
- Record set by Bill Rolando in 1967

33 / 48
RLS Photo // Shutterstock
- Weight: 8 lbs 7.68 oz
- Location: Mississippi River
- Record set by Thomas Drovesky in 1998
- Location: Mississippi River
- Record set by Thomas Drovesky in 1998

34 / 48
GUNAWAN SIDIK // Shutterstock
Shortnose Gar
- Weight: 5 lbs 1 oz
- Location: Vermilion River
- Record set by William Meyer in 1999
- Location: Vermilion River
- Record set by William Meyer in 1999

35 / 48
Andrea Izzotti // Shutterstock
Shovelnose Sturgeon
- Weight: 5 lbs 2.56 oz
- Location: Rock River
- Record set by Allen Trout Jr. in 1988
- Location: Rock River
- Record set by Allen Trout Jr. in 1988
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36 / 48
CSNafzger // Shutterstock
Smallmouth Bass
- Weight: 6 lbs 7 oz
- Location: strip mine lake
- Record set by Mark Samp in 1985
- Location: strip mine lake
- Record set by Mark Samp in 1985

37 / 48
Sean McVey // Shutterstock
Spotted Bass
- Weight: 7 lbs 3.12 oz
- Location: strip mine lake
- Record set by Richard Leonard in 1992
- Location: strip mine lake
- Record set by Richard Leonard in 1992

38 / 48
Vladimir Wrangel // Shutterstock
Spotted Gar
- Weight: 7 lbs 13.4 oz
- Location: Horseshoe Lake
- Record set by Danny Peters in 2004
- Location: Horseshoe Lake
- Record set by Danny Peters in 2004

39 / 48
slowmotiongli // Shutterstock
Striped Bass
- Weight: 31 lbs 7 oz
- Location: Sangchris Lake
- Record set by Eric Shivers in 1994
- Location: Sangchris Lake
- Record set by Eric Shivers in 1994

40 / 48
Jennifer de Graaf // Shutterstock
Tiger Muskellunge
- Weight: 26 lbs 9 oz
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Joseph Veronda in 1999
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Joseph Veronda in 1999
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41 / 48
Matt Jeppson // Shutterstock
Tiger Trout
- Weight: 8 lbs 12.5 oz
- Location: Lake Michigan
- Record set by Robert W. Zimmy in 1977
- Location: Lake Michigan
- Record set by Robert W. Zimmy in 1977

42 / 48
wwwarjag //Shutterstock
- Weight: 14 lbs 0 oz
- Location: Kankakee River
- Record set by Fred Goselin in 1961
- Location: Kankakee River
- Record set by Fred Goselin in 1961

43 / 48
Bclegg77 // Wikimedia Commons
- Weight: 1 lbs 13 oz
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Wesley Mills in 1971
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Wesley Mills in 1971

44 / 48
Apostrophe // Shutterstock
White Bass
- Weight: 4 lbs 14 oz
- Location: Kaskaskia River
- Record set by Bruce Wilson in 1981
- Location: Kaskaskia River
- Record set by Bruce Wilson in 1981

45 / 48
Jennifer White Maxwell // Shutterstock
White Crappie
- Weight: 4 lbs 7 oz
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Kevin Dennis in 1973
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Kevin Dennis in 1973
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46 / 48
Kevin H Knuth // Shutterstock
Yellow Bass
- Weight: 2 lbs 0 oz
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Jimmy Kostoff Jr. in 1994
- Location: private pond
- Record set by Jimmy Kostoff Jr. in 1994

47 / 48
jpreat // Shutterstock
Yellow Bullhead
- Weight: 5 lbs 4 oz
- Location: Fox River
- Record set by Bill Snow in 1955
- Location: Fox River
- Record set by Bill Snow in 1955

48 / 48
John Piekos // Shutterstock
Yellow Perch
- Weight: 2 lbs 8.75 oz
- Location: Arrowhead Club Lake
- Record set by Joseph Grega in 1974
- Location: Arrowhead Club Lake
- Record set by Joseph Grega in 1974