Ida County, IA monthly real estate update
Stacker compiled statistics about real estate prices in Ida County using data from realtor.com. Statistics are as of May 2023.
The median listing price in the United States was $441,445 in May, which is 0.91% higher than a year ago. Ida County has the 27th lowest median listing price per square foot out of 99 counties in Iowa. Ida also has the ninth lowest active listings in the state.
Ida County real estate by the numbers
- Median list price: $189,000
--- 0.0% change from April
--- 36.0% increase from a year ago
- Active listing count: 10 (4 new listings)
- Median days on the market: 56 days
- Price increased count: 0
- Price reduced count: 2
- Median listing price per square foot: $106.0 per square foot
Counties with the highest median listing price in Iowa
#1. Dallas County: $446,423
#2. Dubuque County: $408,750
#3. Johnson County: $378,450
#4. Scott County: $377,823
#5. Polk County: $368,745
Counties with the lowest median listing price in Iowa
#1. Pocahontas County: $105,725
#2. Page County: $112,500
#3. Worth County: $114,500
#4. Decatur County: $118,475
#5. Greene County: $123,000