87 top rated charities to support military members and their families
87 top rated charities to support military members and their families
There is perhaps no more noble act a human being can perform than making the decision to sacrifice their own life in the hopes of protecting others. With more than 1.3 million active service members and 800,000 reserve personnel as of September 2017, the U.S. Armed Forces is made up of some of the bravest, most selfless Americans the nation has to offer, and it is the citizens' collective responsibility to support them in whatever way possible.
With the help of Charity Navigator, Stacker put together a list of 87 top-rated charities that support the military, veterans, and their families. Each charity is assigned a financial score, an accountability, and transparency score; our list is ordered by financial score from lowest to highest, with any ties broken by the program expenses ratio, representing the percent of a charity's total expenses spent on the programs and services it delivers.
Read on to get a sense of some of the best charities that you might consider donating to in support of the U.S. Armed Forces.
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#87. Operation Finally Home
Focus: Wounded Troops Services
Overall score: 80.85
Financial score: 73.22
Accounting and transparency score: 96.00
Program expense ratio: 72.8%
Mission: At Operation Finally Home, we provide homes and home modifications to America's military Heroes and the widows of the fallen who have sacrificed so much to defend our freedoms and values. We bring together corporate sponsors, builder associations, builders, remodelers, developers, individual contributors, and volunteers to help these Heroes and their families by addressing one of their most pressing needs—a place to call home.
#86. Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 81.14
Financial score: 73.33
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 63.4%
Mission: Founded in 1962, the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation is the Nation's oldest and largest provider of need-based scholarships to military children. These scholarships provide access to affordable education for the children of Marines and Navy Corpsmen attending post-high school, under-graduate and career technical education programs. Each year our work eases financial burdens for thousands of Marine families in all 50 states whose military income struggles to keep pace with the rising cost of college tuition. Since our founding, the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation has awarded more than 40,000 scholarships valued at nearly $125 million.
#85. New England Center and Home for Veterans
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 82.20
Financial score: 75.83
Accounting and transparency score: 93.00
Program expense ratio: 72.6%
Mission: The New England Center and Home for Veterans (NECHV) was founded in 1989 and is one of the Nation's largest private resource providers for Veterans of every era who face challenges and/or are at-risk of homelessness. The Center currently houses approximately 280 male and female Veterans every night at its downtown Boston facility. It has a capacity to provide transitional and emergency housing for 183 Veterans who are working to escape homelessness; and permanent supportive housing units for 97 Veterans. NECHV is continually expanding, refining and improving its programs of service to ensure it is able to address the complex challenges that Veterans may face. Collaborative partnerships with medical facilities, government agencies, educational institutions, the businesses community, and other community-based service providers have enabled NECHV to emerge as one of the country's largest private Veteran service providers.
#84. USA Cares
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 83.25
Financial score: 76.32
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 80.9%
Mission: USA Cares exists to help bear the burdens of service by providing post-9/11 military families with financial and advocacy support in their time of need.
#83. Coast Guard Foundation
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 83.53
Financial score: 76.91
Accounting and transparency score: 97.00
Program expense ratio: 66.5%
Mission: The Coast Guard Foundation is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of the men and women of the Coast Guard and their families. Founded more than 40 years ago, the Coast Guard Foundation provides education, support and relief for the brave men and women, who enforce maritime law, protect our homeland and preserve the environment. The Coast Guard Foundation aims to strengthen their service to our nation by encouraging them to excel on- and off-duty. Program support includes college scholarships for enlisted dependents and spouses, support to families of CG personnel who die or are critically injured in the line of duty, morale funding for CG units, and a robust program of recognizing and publically honoring CG heroes.
#82. Coro Northern California
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 83.85
Financial score: 80.00
Accounting and transparency score: 89.00
Program expense ratio: 76.5%
Mission: Coro is an organization started in San Francisco in 1942 by W. Donald Fletcher, an attorney, and Van Duyn Dodge, an investment counselor, to train young veterans in the leadership skills necessary to assure that our democratic system of government could more effectively meet the needs of its citizens.
#81. United Through Reading
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 84.07
Financial score: 77.48
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 76.2%
Mission: Together, United Through Reading unites military families facing physical separation by facilitating the bonding experience of reading aloud. In more than 200 locations worldwide on land and at sea, United Through Reading offers military service members the opportunity to be video-recorded reading books to their children at home. When faraway parents read stories to their children and send the video recordings and books home:
- Children's anxieties are eased.
- Spouses at home are supported.
- Parenting is shared.
- Service members' morale is boosted.
- Service members continue to be a part of daily life at home no matter where military duty takes them.
- Homecomings are easier and more joyful.
- Children's literacy is supported and they become readers.
#80. Challenged Athletes Foundation
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 84.16
Financial score: 77.61
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 78.1%
Mission: Established in 1997, the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) is a unique organization that recognizes the athletic greatness inherent in all people with physical challenges and supports their athletic endeavors by providing grants for training, competition and equipment needs. CAF programs include Access for Athletes, providing funding and support for physically challenged athletes; Catch a Rising Star, a fitness and mentoring program; Operation Rebound, providing post-rehabilitation support and mentorship to American soldiers and veterans; Emmanuel Fund, supporting Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah's efforts to change conditions for the physically challenged in Ghana; and Reach High, conducting outreach to inspire and educate people with physical challenges and our communities.
#79. AMVETS National Service Foundation
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 84.59
Financial score: 79.37
Accounting and transparency score: 93.00
Program expense ratio: 79.1%
Mission: AMVETS National Service Foundation was created in 1948, with the goal of assisting our returning veterans from World War II by aiding in their readjustment back into civilian life. This goal has continued to this date. AMVETS National Service Foundation provides support to veterans through service programs as well as providing community and youth-oriented programs designed to promote unity and patriotism. It counsels and represents veterans and their dependents before the Veterans Administration without charge. Our NSOs labor diligently, even on weekends, helping the members of the National Guard and Reserves cut through the maze of red tape and logjams to obtain all VA benefits due to them under the current law for service-related conditions. Between Sept. 1, 2009 and Aug. 31, 2010, our NSOs have presented 233 briefings to 24,700 National Guard/Reserve members, veterans or surviving family members and taken 367 claims at the conclusion of the briefing session.
#78. Veterans of Foreign Wars National Home for Children
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 84.79
Financial score: 78.49
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 69.3%
Mission: The Veterans of Foreign Wars National Home for Children provides children and families of members of the VFW, its Ladies Auxiliary and active-duty military opportunities for growth and development in a nurturing community, and by doing so, will serve as a living memorial to all veterans. The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) established the National Home in 1925 to care for the children and families of our nation's veterans. Located on 629 acres in Eaton Rapids, Mich., the National Home stands today as a tribute to the VFW and Ladies Auxiliary members who help support the facility and the families who call the National Home their home.
#77. Military Community Youth Ministries
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 84.91
Financial score: 78.67
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 71.6%
Mission: At Military Community Youth Ministries (MCYM), we believe that there is a great need to reach military youth, to build meaningful, no-strings-attached relationships with them. We believe that one of the best ways to help military kids is to affirm them and be available to celebrate life with them. Toward this end, MCYM staff and volunteers seek to love teens unconditionally and provide a model of Christian hope in our military communities through weekly Club and fun activities. MCYM serves at locations with nearly 89,200 military teens. Over 95 full-time staff along with hundreds of volunteer leaders are working in over 44 military communities around the world.
#76. USO
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 85.18
Financial score: 79.27
Accounting and transparency score: 97.00
Program expense ratio: 69.6%
Mission: Since 1941, the USO (United Service Organizations) has strengthened America's military service members by keeping them connected to family, home and country, throughout their service to the nation. We are the Force Behind the Forces. We currently operate more than 200 USO centers at or near military installations, including in combat zones, MEPS centers, several airports, and even un-staffed USO service sites in places too dangerous for anyone but combat troops to occupy. We serve the American Armed Forces—specifically, U.S. Active, Reserve, and Guard service members and their families through a wide arrange of programs and entertainment. The USO is a congressionally chartered, private organization that relies on the generosity of individuals, organizations and corporations to support its activities, and is powered by a family of over 30,000 volunteers to accomplish our mission. The USO is not part of the federal government.
#75. Liberty USO
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 85.99
Financial score: 87.06
Accounting and transparency score: 85.00
Program expense ratio: 75.6%
Mission: For nearly seven decades, the USO of Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey, Inc. (Liberty USO) has served the needs of the active duty, National Guard and reserve military personnel and their families throughout Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. Liberty USO's mission is to enhance the quality of life of the U.S. Armed Forces personnel and their families. In short, Liberty USO is the bridge between the civilian population and our service members. In times of war and peace, Liberty USO has delivered its special brand of support, comfort, morale boosting and recreational activities to service members and their families. Through Liberty USO, you touch the lives of our military by supporting hospitality and morale boosting programs at nine military bases and over twenty National Guard Armories and Reserve Readiness Centers in Pennsylvania and South Jersey.
#74. Wounded Warrior Project
Focus: Wounded Troops Services
Overall score: 86.02
Financial score: 80.46
Accounting and transparency score: 97.00
Program expense ratio: 72.4%
Mission: The mission of Wounded Warrior Project is to honor and empower wounded warriors. Our purpose is: to raise awareness and enlist the public's aid for the needs of severely injured service men and women; to help severely injured service members aid and assist each other; and to provide unique, direct programs and services to meet the needs of severely injured service members.
#73. New Directions for Veterans
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 86.39
Financial score: 84.22
Accounting and transparency score: 89.00
Program expense ratio: 78.6%
Mission: Founded in 1992, New Directions for Veterans works to empower men and women who served in the military, and their families, to lead productive and fulfilling lives. New Directions for Veterans is committed to building a national community in which all at-risk veterans and their families lead lives of honor, dignity, well-being, and respect. New Directions offers a wide array of services, including substance abuse treatment, counseling, remedial education, job training and placement, as well as parenting and money management classes. Legal and tax assistance are available, as is an active aftercare program and resources for alumni.
#72. OutServe-SLDN
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 86.77
Financial score: 84.88
Accounting and transparency score: 89.00
Program expense ratio: 67.1%
Mission: OutServe-SLDN is the association of actively serving LGBT military personnel and is a non-partisan, non-profit, legal services, watchdog and policy organization dedicated to bringing about full LGBT equality to America's military and ending all forms of discrimination and harassment of military personnel on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. OS-SLDN provides free and direct legal assistance to service members and veterans affected by the repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law and the prior regulatory ban on open service, as well as those currently serving who may experience harassment or discrimination. Since 1993, our in-house legal team has responded to more than 12,000 requests for assistance.
#71. Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 87.20
Financial score: 82.35
Accounting and transparency score: 96.00
Program expense ratio: 67%
Mission: As the founders of The Wall, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund works to preserve the legacy of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, to promote healing and to educate about the impact of the Vietnam War. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was initially conceived with one overriding purpose—to bring long overdue honor and recognition to the men and women who served and sacrificed their lives in Vietnam. Today, the Memorial has transcended its role as a national symbol of reconciliation and stands as a living history lesson. The Memorial is unique in its ability to inspire exploration and reflection about this critical time in our nation's past, with a wiser eye toward the future. More than 400,000 items have been left at The Wall by visitors since its dedication in 1982.
#70. National Military Family Association
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 87.23
Financial score: 81.95
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 83.1%
Mission: National Military Family Association is the only national organization that for more than 45 years has represented officer and enlisted families of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Public Health Service. We help those seeking resources for: themselves and combat-weary service members returning home from war with fragile mental heath, for optimistic-but-anxious children separated from parents during deployments, for spouses forging ahead with educations to build better lives for their families or to prepare for the unthinkable, for widows seeking information about benefits available to them as they cope with their losses, and for proud parents of single service members. We identify and work with others to resolve emerging military family-related issues.
#69. Move America Forward
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 87.25
Financial score: 90.00
Accounting and transparency score: 85.00
Program expense ratio: 89.1%
Mission: Move America Forward (MAF) is the nation's largest grassroots pro-troop organization dedicated to supporting the brave men and women of our Armed Forces. Our principal mission today is to send military troop and K9 care packages with letters from grateful Americans to the troops deployed in combat areas around the world.
#68. AdoptAPlatoon Soldier Support Effort
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 87.30
Financial score: 82.50
Accounting and transparency score: 96.00
Program expense ratio: 88.9%
Mission: AdoptaPlatoon Soldier Support Effort founded in 1998 is a volunteer based nonprofit 501C-3 dedicated to serving deployed United States Service Members ensuring that they are not forgotten by a grateful Nation. AdoptaPlatoon strives to provide a better deployment quality of life by sending cards, letters and care packages to lift the morale of Troops as they serve far from home and assist military families. AdoptaPlatoon provides an on-going mail support system, creates projects that meet the need of military requests, and establishes special projects that benefit deployed Troops representing all branches of the U.S. military. AdoptaPlatoon also serves wounded/ injured Troops through our "AAP Walking Wounded" campaign and assists military veterans who remain our Nation's Heroes. www.adoptaplatoon.org.
#67. American Red Cross
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 88.71
Financial score: 84.04
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 89.4%
Mission: Since its founding in 1881 by visionary leader Clara Barton, the American Red Cross has been the nation's premier emergency response organization. We bring shelter, food and comfort to those affected by disasters, large and small. We collect lifesaving donated blood and supply it to patients in need. We provide support to our men and women in military bases around the world, and to the families they leave behind. We train communities in CPR, first aid and other skills that save lives. And we assist our neighbors abroad with critical disaster response, preparedness and disease prevention efforts. We are able to do all this by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.
#66. Operation Homefront
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 89.18
Financial score: 85.00
Accounting and transparency score: 97.00
Program expense ratio: 91.7%
Mission: Operation Homefront builds strong, stable and secure military families so they can thrive in the communities they work so hard to protect. By connecting the American donor community (individuals, foundations and corporations) to our military families through robust array of valued and life-changing programs that address the specific short-term, critical assistance, long-term stability and recurring family support needs they experience, Operation Homefront is able to help military families overcome many of the challenges inherent in military life. The result: stronger, more stable and more secure military families.
#65. Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 89.39
Financial score: 85.00
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 85.1%
Mission: Founded in 1904, the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society operates nearly 250 offices ashore and afloat at Navy and Marine Corps bases throughout the world. The Society provides financial, educational, and other assistance to active duty and retired members of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, their eligible family members, and survivors to help them achieve financial self-sufficiency and find solutions to emergency needs. In 2016, the Society provided $45.1 million need-based interest-free loans and grants to nearly 57,000 sailors, marines and their families around the world. This assistance directly impacted the mission-readiness of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps and the quality of life of those who are serving our country in uniform, or retired from service.
#64. Homes For Our Troops
Focus: Wounded Troops Services
Overall score: 89.76
Financial score: 85.53
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 88.4%
Mission: Homes For Our Troops (HFOT) is a privately funded 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization that builds and donates specially adapted custom homes nationwide for severely injured post-9/11 Veterans, to enable them to rebuild their lives. Most of these Veterans have sustained injuries including multiple limb amputations, partial or full paralysis, and/or severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). These homes restore some of the freedom and independence our Veterans sacrificed while defending our country, and enable them to focus on their family, recovery, and rebuilding their lives. Since its inception in 2004, nearly 90 cents of every dollar has gone directly to our program services for Veterans. HFOT builds these homes where the Veteran chooses to live, and continues its relationship with the Veterans after home delivery to assist them with rebuilding their lives.
#63. Pat Tillman Foundation
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 89.87
Financial score: 86.25
Accounting and transparency score: 96.00
Program expense ratio: 79.5%
Mission: The Pat Tillman Foundation is a national leader in providing resources and educational scholarship support to veterans, active service members, and their spouses. The Tillman Military Scholars program aids all veterans, specifically the ever-growing population of veterans of Post-9/11 conflicts. In 2002, Pat Tillman proudly put his NFL career with the Arizona Cardinals on hold to serve his country. This decision was just one of many he made over the course of his lifetime to help others and serve a cause greater than his own self-interest. Following Pat's death in 2004, while serving with the U.S. Army's 75th Ranger Regiment in Afghanistan, his family and friends established the Pat Tillman Foundation.
#62. The Shade Tree
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 89.89
Financial score: 89.80
Accounting and transparency score: 90.00
Program expense ratio: 84.3%
Mission: Since 1990 The Shade Tree has served homeless and abused women and children, victims of domestic violence, victims of elder abuse, victims of street violence, female veterans, homeless youth and the physically disabled. The mission of The Shade Tree is to provide safe shelter to homeless and abused women and children in crisis and to offer life-changing services promoting stability, dignity, and self-reliance. The Shade Tree is the only 24-hour accessible shelter designed specifically to meet the needs of women and children in Southern Nevada. With 364 permanent beds, The Shade Tree provides some 80,000 nights of shelter each year. To remove any barrier that might prevent a woman from accessing necessary services for herself and her children, 100% of our services are provided completely free of charge, regardless of the length of stay.
#61. Air Force Enlisted Village
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 90.13
Financial score: 86.05
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 89.3%
Mission: The Air Force Enlisted Village was founded in 1967 to provide a safe, secure and dignified place for indigent surviving spouses of retired Air Force personnel. The Village's primary goal and focus is to provide a home and financial assistance to these women. The surviving spouse with the greatest need is cared for first and none are refused assistance due to financial status. Low pay and frequent military moves leave some spouses without careers, home equities, retirement plans or any significant assets. Surviving spouses requiring financial assistance live here among peers sharing memories of Air Force life without the stigma normally associated with subsidized housing facilities.
#60. Freedom Alliance
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 90.18
Financial score: 88.01
Accounting and transparency score: 93.00
Program expense ratio: 84.8%
Mission: Freedom Alliance was founded in 1990 by Oliver North, who now serves as the organization's honorary chairman. We work to keep America strong, keep America prosperous, and keep America free. The mission of Freedom Alliance is to advance the American heritage of freedom by honoring and encouraging military service, defending the sovereignty of the United States and promoting a strong national defense.
#59. USO of North Carolina
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 90.32
Financial score: 86.92
Accounting and transparency score: 96.00
Program expense ratio: 92.8%
Mission: The USO of North Carolina leads the way to enrich the lives of America's military in the Carolinas. Its mission is to strengthen America's service members by connecting them to family, home and country by providing critical services and supports. Founded in 1941, the USO of NC is a nonprofit, charitable organization, relying on the generosity of North Carolinians to support its programs and services. The USO of NC provides more than 600,000 service connections annually, helping our troops and their families through education, wellness, transition assistance, resiliency and wounded warrior, military and family support programs across the state. With seven major military installations, North Carolina has the fourth largest demographic of active and reserve duty components in the country. USO of NC has 10 centers statewide, three satellite offices, and a mobile center.
#58. National World War II Museum
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 90.38
Financial score: 87.00
Accounting and transparency score: 96.00
Program expense ratio: 73.1%
Mission: The National World War II Museum tells the story of the American Experience in the war that changed the world—why it was fought, how it was won, and what it means today—so that all generations will understand the price of freedom and be inspired by what they learn. Dedicated in 2000 as The National D-Day Museum and now designated by Congress as the country's official museum of the Second World War, it celebrates the American Spirit, the teamwork, optimism, courage and sacrifice of the men and women fought on the battlefront and the Home Front. The Museum has begun a $300 million expansion that, when complete, will create a six-acre campus of exhibition pavilions, the 4-D Victory Theater, Stage Door Canteen and a research and conference center in downtown New Orleans.
#57. The Greater Jacksonville Area USO
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 90.93
Financial score: 87.18
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 83.9%
Mission: The Greater Jacksonville Area USO exists to serve those who so courageously serve our nation. We extend the welcoming touch of home to members of our armed forces and their families throughout Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia. Each year, the Greater Jacksonville Area USO touches the lives of more than 250,000-plus local active-duty military, including local and statewide Army and Air National Guardsmen and Reserves, and their immediate families.
#56. Honor Flight Network
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 90.94
Financial score: 90.00
Accounting and transparency score: 92.00
Program expense ratio: 91.3%
Mission: Honor Flight Network is a nonprofit organization created solely to honor America's Veterans for all their sacrifices. We transport our heroes to Washington D.C. to visit and reflect at their memorials. Top priority is given to the senior veterans—World War II survivors, along with those other veterans who may be terminally ill. Many of the Honor Flight Network Hubs have also begun to transition in flying Korean War Veterans and in some cases Vietnam War Veterans to their respective memorials. Since America felt it was important to build memorials to the service and the ultimate sacrifice of her Veterans, the Honor Flight Network believes it's equally important that they actually get to visit and experience THEIR memorial.
#55. Operation First Response
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 91.16
Financial score: 87.50
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 96.4%
Mission: Founded in 2005, the mission of Operation First Response, Inc. (OFR) is to serve all branches of our nation's Wounded Heroes/Disabled Veterans and their families with personal and financial needs. Services are provided from the onset of injuries or illness, throughout their recovery period and along their journey from military life to the civilian world. Financial aid varies as each case is based on individual needs ranging from rent, utilities, vehicle payments, groceries, clothing, and travel expenses.
#54. USO of Illinois
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 91.19
Financial score: 87.55
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 79.1%
Mission: The USO of Illinois, in times of peace and war, delivers comfort and enhances the morale and well-being of the Active Duty, Guard and Reserve men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families through a variety of social, recreational, educational and entertainment programs and support services. The USO of Illinois touches the lives of over 300,000 Active Duty, Guard and Reserve military and military families throughout Illinois. Offered year round, the USO of Illinois provides over 300 programs and services that enhance the quality of our service members lives which raise morale through unique recreational, educational, and cultural opportunities and USO Center facilities at Midway Airport, Naval Station Great Lakes, O'Hare Terminal 2, Cyber Canteen facility in O'Hare Terminal 3 and the Rock Island Arsenal. Together, our network of hundreds of volunteers donates nearly 50,000 hours of service annually in honor of our brave men and women.
#53. USO Metropolitan Washington-Baltimore
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 91.24
Financial score: 89.78
Accounting and transparency score: 93.00
Program expense ratio: 86.4%
Mission: The mission of the USO of Metropolitan Washington-Baltimore is to strengthen America's military service members by keeping them connected to family, home and country, throughout their service to the nation. USO-Metro is dedicated to "serving those who serve, and their families" in Washington D.C., Maryland, and Northern Virginia. With the help of nearly 2,000 devoted volunteers, USO-Metro provides programs and services for active duty troops and their families at six USO Centers, four USO airport lounges and a Mobile USO. Signature programs and services include holiday programs like Turkeys for Troops and Project USO Elf, Transition & Resiliency programs for transitioning service members, recreational and educational programs for military kids, and caring for our wounded, ill and injured troops and their caregivers.
#52. Air Warrior Courage Foundation
Focus: Wounded Troops Services
Overall score: 91.36
Financial score: 90.00
Accounting and transparency score: 93.00
Program expense ratio: 96.1%
Mission: The Air Warrior Courage Foundation (AWCF) was formed by military aviators to "care for our own." We work closely with the Red River Valley Fighter Pilots Association to do that. We focus on active duty, guard, reserve and retired military personnel and their families needing financial assistance for medical, educational, and other extraordinary expenses not covered by other military, veterans', or charitable institutions.
#51. USO of Metropolitan New York
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 91.45
Financial score: 95.00
Accounting and transparency score: 89.00
Program expense ratio: 91.9%
Mission: Founded in 1963, USO of Metropolitan New York strengthens America's military service members by keeping them connected to family, home and country, throughout their service to the nation strengthens America's military service members by keeping them connected to family, home and country, throughout their service to the nation. The USO is a family of volunteers, sustained by the charitable contributions of millions of generous Americans. We are united in our commitment to support America's service members by keeping them connected to the people, places and things they love. We do this through countless acts of caring, comfort, connection and support. Our work is America's most powerful expression of gratitude to the men and women who secure our nation's freedoms.
#50. St. Joseph Center
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 91.58
Financial score: 88.48
Accounting and transparency score: 97.00
Program expense ratio: 79.7%
Mission: St. Joseph Center's mission to provide working poor families, as well as homeless men, women, and children of all ages with the inner resources and tools to become productive, stable and self-supporting members of the community. Founded in 1976 by two Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet in a small storefront on Rose Avenue in Venice, Calif., St. Joseph Center, has evolved into a multi-faceted social service agency that serves more than 6,500 low-income as well as homeless men, women, and children annually on Los Angeles' Westside and in the communities of South LA. The Center programs and services are multi-faceted, strategically integrated, target a broad range of client populations, and are founded upon intensive, individualized care. Areas of focus include Outreach & Engagement, Housing, Mental Health, and Education & Vocational Training.
#49. Mercy Medical Angels
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 91.62
Financial score: 90.45
Accounting and transparency score: 93.00
Program expense ratio: 94%
Mission: Founded in 1972, Mercy Medical Angels is committed to removing the barrier to medical care with transportation on the ground and in the air. Mercy Medical Angels provides free transportation nationwide to and from medical care for qualifying in-need individuals and their families.
#48. DAV (Disabled American Veterans) Charitable Service Trust
Focus: Wounded Troops Services
Overall score: 91.73
Financial score: 88.71
Accounting and transparency score: 97.00
Program expense ratio: 94.7%
Mission: The DAV (Disabled American Veterans) Charitable Service Trust supports physical and psychological rehabilitation programs that provide direct service to ill, injured, or wounded veterans. Programs supported by the Trust target several groups of physically and psychologically injured veterans. Programs supported by the Trust typically include: providing food, shelter, and other necessary items to homeless or at-risk veterans; accessibility or mobility items for veterans with vision or hearing impairments; therapeutic activities; physical and psychological activities for rehabilitation; and other forms of direct service for veterans and their families.
#47. Officers' Christian Fellowship
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 91.82
Financial score: 90.80
Accounting and transparency score: 93.00
Program expense ratio: 83.7%
Mission: Officers' Christian Fellowship's (OCF) purpose is to glorify God by uniting Christian officers for biblical fellowship and outreach, equipping and encouraging them to minister effectively in the military society. OCF desires to serve those who serve their country. OCF serves active duty officers, enlisted personnel, guard and reserve members, academy and ROTC cadets/midshipmen, international military personnel, civilian employees of the military, retirees, widows, and their families. We have a number of resources to help military members and their families grow together in their relationship with God and others.
#46. Operation Second Chance
Focus: Wounded Troops Services
Overall score: 91.85
Financial score: 96.59
Accounting and transparency score: 89.00
Program expense ratio: 87.3%
Mission: The mission of Operation Second Chance is to provide support for the Soldiers and Marines while they are here at WRNMMC and then to further assist them when they transition either back to duty or back to civilian life. We aid in the recovery and rehabilitation of wounded service men and women, assist in the modification of housing to accommodate disabled veterans, assist families of wounded service men and women, and facilitate the transition of wounded service men and women back into civilian society.
#45. EOD Warrior Foundation
Focus: Wounded Troops Services
Overall score: 92.02
Financial score: 88.72
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 73.9%
Mission: Our mission is to improve the quality of life for the EOD family by providing emergency financial relief, scholarship opportunities, physical, social, and emotional support. EOD stands for Explosive Ordnance Disposal, the disarming and disposal of bombs. EOD technicians are highly trained military members serving in the Army, Marines, Navy and Air Force who are responsible for disarming, rendering safe, and disposing bombs. The EOD profession is one of the most dangerous occupations in the military. The EOD Warrior Foundation is supported by an indivisible network of EOD family and friends. This support enables wounded EOD warriors and their families, and families of fallen EOD warriors to face the future with hope, knowing they are not alone, as they forge a new life and ensures the EOD heroes who make the ultimate sacrifice will never be forgotten.
#44. David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 92.14
Financial score: 91.38
Accounting and transparency score: 93.00
Program expense ratio: 81.1%
Mission: The David Lynch Foundation, was established in 2005 to fund the implementation of scientifically proven stress-reducing modalities, including the Transcendental Meditation program, for at-risk populations such as underserved inner-city students; veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder, and their families; women and children who are survivors of violence and abuse; American Indians suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular disease and high suicide rates; homeless men participating in reentry programs who are striving to overcome addictions; and incarcerated juveniles and adults. The Foundation also funds university and medical school research to assess the effects of the program on academic performance, ADHD and other learning disorders, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, cardiovascular disease, PTSD, and diabetes.
#43. National Veterans Foundation
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 92.20
Financial score: 99.25
Accounting and transparency score: 89.00
Program expense ratio: 82.4%
Mission: The mission of the National Veterans Foundation (NVF) is to serve the crisis management, information and referral needs of all U.S. Veterans and their families through: Management and operation of the nation's only toll-free helpline for all veterans and their families. Public awareness programs that shine a consistent spotlight on the needs of America's veterans. NVF offers outreach services that provide veterans and families in need with food, clothing, transportation, employment, and other essential resources. The founder of the National Veterans Foundation, Floyd ‘Shad' Meshad has been working with Veterans since 1970. Meshad was a Medical Service Officer during the Vietnam War, where he counseled soldiers in the field who were suffering from a multitude of psychological and emotional problems resulting from their experiences in combat, including what would later become known as post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.
#42. Give an Hour
Focus: Wounded Troops Services
Overall score: 92.24
Financial score: 92.50
Accounting and transparency score: 92.00
Program expense ratio: 87.5%
Mission: Give an Hour's mission is to develop national networks of volunteers capable of responding to both acute and chronic conditions that arise within our society. By harnessing the skill and expertise of volunteer professionals, we are able to increase the likelihood that those in need receive the support and care they deserve. Since 2005 we have focused on providing free mental health care to active duty, National Guard and Reserve service members, veterans, and their families. In 2016, we began expanding our efforts to address the mental health needs of other populations.
#41. Operation Gratitude
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 92.38
Financial score: 90.00
Accounting and transparency score: 96.00
Program expense ratio: 93.7%
Mission: Founded in 2003, Operation Gratitude seeks to lift spirits and meet the evolving needs of our active duty and veteran communities, and provide volunteer opportunities for all Americans to express their appreciation to members of our Military. Operation Gratitude annually sends 100,000+ care packages filled with food, hygiene products, entertainment and handmade items, plus personal letters of support, addressed to individual soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines deployed overseas, to their children left behind, and to veterans, new recruits, first responders, wounded warriors, and their care givers. Through Collection Drives, Letter Writing Campaigns, Craft Projects and Financial Donations, Operation Gratitude provides civilians anywhere in America a way to say “thank you” to the men and women of the U.S. military through active, hands-on volunteerism.
#40. Air Force Aid Society
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 92.39
Financial score: 89.25
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 82.4%
Mission: Incorporated in 1942, The Air Force Aid Society (AFAS) is the official charity of the United States Air Force. AFAS to help relieve financial distress of Air Force members and their families and to assist them in financing their higher education goals. Its three-pronged charter promotes the Air Force mission by providing worldwide emergency assistance to members and their families, sponsoring educational assistance programs, and offering a variety of base community enhancement programs that impact member/family welfare. Over the last decade, Air Force Aid Society has provided nearly $180 million in direct support via 500,000 assists to Air Force members and their families.
#39. Hope For The Warriors®
Focus: Wounded Troops Services
Overall score: 92.54
Financial score: 89.45
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 83.1%
Mission: We believe those touched by military service can succeed at home by restoring their sense of self, family, and hope. Nationally, Hope For The Warriors provides comprehensive support programs for service members, veterans, and military families that are focused on transition, health and wellness, peer engagement, and connections to community resources.
#38. Interfaith Community Services, California
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 92.90
Financial score: 92.81
Accounting and transparency score: 93.00
Program expense ratio: 85.8%
Mission: Interfaith Community Services implements comprehensive programs to provide basic needs, social services counseling, and economic development to empower the disadvantaged in our community.
#37. Armed Services YMCA
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 93.12
Financial score: 90.28
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 84.9%
Mission: The Armed Services YMCA enhances the lives of military members and their families in spirit, mind and body through programs relevant to the unique challenges of military life. The mission is carried out in cooperation with the military. For more than 150 years, the Armed Services YMCA has been making military life easier for our troops and their families. Whether they are single, married, Active, Guard or Reserve, it's all about them and providing them a quality of life commensurate with their service to the nation. Today, in close partnership with senior military leaders, the focus of our low- or no-cost programs and services is on the young, Junior Enlisted Troops and Families, as they are the ones most in need.
#36. Freedom Service Dogs of America
Focus: Wounded Troops Services
Overall score: 93.15
Financial score: 91.18
Accounting and transparency score: 96.00
Program expense ratio: 80.4%
Mission: Freedom Service Dogs of America (FSD) is a nonprofit organization that unleashes the potential of dogs by transforming them into custom-trained, life-changing assistance dogs for people in need. Our clients include children, veterans and active-duty military, and other adults. Their disabilities include autism, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, and post-traumatic stress. Since being founded in 1987, FSD has paired hundreds of client-dog teams-using dogs primarily sourced from shelters and rescues-at no cost to the client. FSD provides a lifetime of support for its client-dog teams, including ongoing training, post-placement follow-up, annual recertification, and advocacy efforts.
#35. Our Military Kids
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 93.65
Financial score: 91.96
Accounting and transparency score: 96.00
Program expense ratio: 92%
Mission: Our Military Kids provides substantial support in the form of grants to the children of National Guard and Military Reserve personnel who are currently deployed overseas, as well as the children of Wounded Warriors in all branches. The grants pay for participation in extracurricular activities and tutoring programs that nurture and sustain children while a parent is away in service to our country or recovering from injury.
#34. Army Emergency Relief
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 93.98
Financial score: 91.50
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 85.8%
Mission: Army Emergency Relief (AER) is the Army's own nonprofit organization dedicated to alleviating financial distress on the force. Since 1942, AER has provided nearly $2 billion in assistance to over 3.7 million soldiers, retired soldiers, and their families. Assistance is provided in the form of zero-interest loans, grants, and education scholarships.
#33. Wounded Warriors Family Support
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 94.11
Financial score: 91.68
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 87.7%
Mission: Wounded Warriors Family Support provides support to the families of those who have been wounded, injured or killed during combat operations. The families of our casualties suffer in many ways: some financially, some psychologically. Wounded Warriors Family Support improves the quality of life of our military families through programs like caregiver respite, family retreats, mobility-equipped vehicles, job training, combat-wounded parking signs, and assistance with unmet needs.
#32. NEADS Inc.
Focus: Wounded Troops Services
Overall score: 94.27
Financial score: 91.91
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 82.8%
Mission: NEADS World Class Service Dogs ("NEADS Inc." formerly known as National Education for Assistance Dog Services and Dogs for Deaf and Disabled Americans) was established in 1976. NEADS World Class Service Dogs are highly trained to:
- Provide independence and companionship when matched with people who are deaf or have physical disabilities, and also certain veterans who have PTSD.
- Promote confidence and socialization when matched with children who have autism or other developmental disabilities.
- Provide integrated therapeutic assistance when matched with caring professionals in settings like classrooms, hospitals, courthouses, mental health practices, and the ministry.
NEADS has trained nearly 1,800 Service Dog teams from all states since 1976. Each year we train over 50 teams and hold two graduation ceremonies per year to mark the occasions.
#31. Soldiers' Angels
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 94.28
Financial score: 92.50
Accounting and transparency score: 97.00
Program expense ratio: 94.5%
Mission: Soldiers' Angels is a national nonprofit organization providing aid and comfort to the men and women of the United States Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, their families and a growing veteran population. Our team of over 100,000 volunteers assist veterans, wounded and deployed personnel and their families in a variety of unique and effective ways.
#30. Support The Enlisted Project (STEP)
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 94.41
Financial score: 92.10
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 83.6%
Mission: Support The Enlisted Project (STEP) provides emergency financial grants and transition assistance grants to active duty and recently discharged enlisted service members and their families. Our service area now includes 19 military installations in Southern California. We serve enlisted families in pay-grades E1 to E6 whether on active duty, or honorably discharged within the past 12 months, to help them successfully reintegrate into civilian life. Whether a military family is in need of a new transmission for their car, or an expectant mother and military spouse needs critical infant items, Support The Enlisted Project (STEP) is here to help with grants, not loans, for unexpected financial hardships. Where there is a need that we do not provide, we will partner with other organizations in the community for the benefit of our nation's heroes and the families they frequently leave behind. STEP was formerly known as Operation Homefront Southern California from 2005 to 2012.
#29. Special Operations Warrior Foundation
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 94.47
Financial score: 92.19
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 88%
Mission: Special Operations Warrior Foundation ensures full financial assistance for post-secondary education from an accredited two- or four-year college, university, or technical or trade school, as well as educational and family counseling, pre-school grants, and tutoring, to the surviving children of United States Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps special operations personnel who lose their lives in the line-of-duty and to provide immediate financial assistance to severely combat-wounded and hospitalized special operations personnel and their families. We contact every family and advise them of the programs we provide. The children can attend any accredited college they are accepted to attend. Over 90% of our children attend college and 94% complete their degrees or vocational training. We made a pledge to the special operators serving and we are 100% committed to keeping that pledge.
#28. Operation Support Our Troops - America
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 94.47
Financial score: 92.78
Accounting and transparency score: 97.00
Program expense ratio: 88.4%
Mission: Founded in 2003, Operation Support Our Troops - America (formerly Operation Support Our Troops - Illinois) has been a grassroots effort that's blossomed into one of the largest volunteer based military support organizations in the country. Our mission is to support the morale and wellbeing of American forces by providing comfort, resources and education to them and their families both while they are deployed in harm's way and after their return. We accomplish this by providing a link between the citizens and military personnel so that everyone has the opportunity to express their support. This allows us to send comfort packages of items that are not readily available to our troops in their deployed locations, along with personal letters, cards, and notes of support from the community at large.
#27. Travis Manion Foundation
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 94.56
Financial score: 92.32
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 84.4%
Mission: Travis Manion Foundation (TMF) empowers veterans and families of fallen heroes to develop character in future generations. In 2007, 1st Lt. Travis Manion (USMC) was killed in Iraq while saving his wounded teammates. Today, Travis' legacy lives on in the words he spoke before leaving for his final deployment, "If Not Me, Then Who..." Guided by this mantra, veterans continue their service, develop strong relationships with their communities, and thrive in their post-military lives. As a result, communities prosper and the character of our nation's heroes live on in the next generation.
#26. Thanks USA
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 94.64
Financial score: 92.42
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 86.3%
Mission: ThanksUSA "thanks" the men and women of the United States armed forces by awarding need-based college, technical, and vocational school scholarships for their children and spouses. Since 2006, we have awarded more than 4,500 scholarships.
#25. Higher Ground
Focus: Wounded Troops Services
Overall score: 94.74
Financial score: 97.50
Accounting and transparency score: 93.00
Program expense ratio: 88.5%
Mission: Higher Ground (formerly Sun Valley Adaptive Sports) enhances quality of life through inclusive therapeutic recreation and education for people of all abilities. As a positive and visible fixture in the community, our programs give children, teens, adults, and veterans the opportunity to experience competition and the outdoors without limitations. Designed and executed by our staff of certified therapists and dedicated professionals, each program helps our participants build physical and social skills they can take with them for a lifetime. What sets HG apart from other adaptive sports organizations across the country is our focus on innovative and sustainable therapeutic impact. While we want our participants to have a great time, we ensure the positive changes they experience translate to every aspect of their lives. Higher Ground operates from offices in Ketchum, Idaho, New York, and Los Angeles.
#24. Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 95.02
Financial score: 94.22
Accounting and transparency score: 96.00
Program expense ratio: 82.3%
Mission: Founded out of tragedy in 1994, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) has grown and established itself as the front line resource to families and loved ones of our military men and women. TAPS has provided comfort and care, 24 hours a day, seven days a week through comprehensive services and programs including peer based emotional support, case work assistance, crisis intervention, and grief and trauma resources. TAPS has assisted over 80,000 surviving family members, casualty officers, and caregivers. Our National Military Survivor Seminars and Good Grief Camps have been conducted for 19 years, and are complemented by regional seminars across the country.
#23. Blue Star Families
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 95.13
Financial score: 94.40
Accounting and transparency score: 96.00
Program expense ratio: 82.9%
Mission: Blue Star Families (BSF) strengthens military families every day. Through career development, caregiving, and our leading research on military family life, we're striving to better understand and provide solutions to the challenges facing today's military families. In April of 2009, a group of military spouses got together in the hopes of making a difference in the lives of military families. They knew the issues surrounding military families and saw a need for a platform where military family members could join forces with the general public and their communities to address the challenges of military life. Since then, BSF has grown from a few military spouses around a kitchen table to more than 150,000 members and over 35 communities and chapters around the globe. Our programs and services reach more than 1.5 million military family members every year.
#22. Southeastern Guide Dogs
Focus: Wounded Troops Services
Overall score: 95.32
Financial score: 93.39
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 77.5%
Mission: Southeastern Guide Dogs transforms lives by creating and nurturing extraordinary partnerships between people and dogs. We employ some of the most talented and innovative scientists and trainers in the working-dog industry and operate the most advanced training facilities of any service dog organization in the world. Our experts train guide dogs, service dogs, and skilled companion dogs for people with visual impairments, veterans with disabilities, and children with significant challenges such as vision loss or loss of a parent in the military. All of our services—which include selective breeding and expert dog training and conditioning; comprehensive on-campus student instruction; and lifetime alumni support—are provided at no cost to recipients. We rely 100% on private donations and receive no government funding. We have the distinction of being dually accredited by the International Guide Dog Federation and Assistance Dogs International: www.GuideDogs.org.
#21. Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 95.38
Financial score: 93.48
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 79.7%
Mission: Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation's mission is to provide college scholarships and educational counseling to military children who have lost a parent in the line of duty. We are dedicated to serving the families of service members from all branches of the armed forces who have died as a result of combat casualties, military training accidents, service related illnesses, suicide, as well as other duty-related deaths as ruled by the Department of Veterans Affairs. The vision of Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation is to ensure that every child of a fallen patriot receives all necessary college funding. Since 2002, Children of Fallen Patriots has grown in its mission and vision to extend peace of mind through college scholarships to Gold Star families in all 50 states, in all branches of the military.
#20. Paralyzed Veterans of America Wisconsin Chapter
Focus: Wounded Troops Services
Overall score: 95.84
Financial score: 94.12
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 85.8%
Mission: Wisconsin Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA-WI) is a chapter of the National Paralyzed Veterans of America, a congressionally chartered veterans service organization. PVA-WI works to improve the quality of life of United States military veterans and others who have spinal cord dysfunction through the use of education, communication, advocacy, legislation, research, and sports and recreation.
#19. The Admiral Nimitz Foundation
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 96.37
Financial score: 94.87
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 82.6%
Mission: In an agreement with the Texas Historical Commission, the Admiral Nimitz Foundation manages and provides financial support to the National Museum of the Pacific War in order to:
- preserve and exhibit the material history of the war in the Pacific and Indo-China during World War II;
- offer and participate in programs that honor all veterans past and present and in programs that provide strategic insights into national security issues affecting our country;
- support education concerning the American experience in the Pacific Area during World War;
- preserve and exhibit the material history of Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz; and,
- provide the general public, researchers, teachers and historians with a readily accessible platform for the exploration of the War in the Pacific during World War II.
#18. Veterans of Foreign Wars Foundation
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 96.38
Financial score: 96.81
Accounting and transparency score: 96.00
Program expense ratio: 82.6%
Mission: The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Foundation seeks to provide unique and urgently needed services that improve the lives of veterans, military personnel, and their families all the while supporting positive citizen involvement for the betterment of U.S. communities. Our varied programs include long-distance communication options for our troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, and military hospitals through distribution of telephone cards (almost 10,000,000 so far) and Cyber Café calling days; financial grants for military families in need to help pay for rent, mortgage, utilities, medical treatment and food; assistance for veterans in the filing of entitlement claims with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; and patriotic student essay contests that award money for college to America's youth; etc. All of our programs are nonpolitical, free, and require no VFW-affiliation for assistance.
#17. Veterans of Foreign Wars Foundation
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 96.38
Financial score: 96.81
Accounting and transparency score: 96.00
Program expense ratio: 82.6%
Mission: The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Foundation seeks to provide unique and urgently needed services that improve the lives of veterans, military personnel and their families all the while supporting positive citizen involvement for the betterment of U.S. communities. Our varied programs include long-distance communication options for our troops in Iraq, Afghanistan, and military hospitals through distribution of telephone cards (almost 10,000,000 so far) and Cyber Café calling days; financial grants for military families in need to help pay for rent, mortgage, utilities, medical treatment and food; assistance for veterans in the filing of entitlement claims with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; and patriotic student essay contests that award money for college to America's youth; etc. All of our programs are nonpolitical, free, and require no VFW-affiliation for assistance.
#16. H.E.R.O.E.S. Care
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 96.46
Financial score: 95.00
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 98.3%
Mission: H.E.R.O.E.S. Care is a collaborative effort among well established non-governmental organizations (NGOs) designed to provide complete and proactive support for members of all branches of the military and their families through pre-deployment, deployment, family reintegration, and post-deployment. The program consists of a network of tens of thousands of trained caregivers and thousands of professional mental health care and service providers working together to provide an unprecedented system of support for military members and their families.
#15. Adaptive Sports Center
Focus: Wounded Troops Services
Overall score: 96.66
Financial score: 97.50
Accounting and transparency score: 96.00
Program expense ratio: 86.7%
Mission: The Adaptive Sports Center (ASC) was founded in 1987 when President [Jimmy] and Mrs. Carter joined a group of local residents to form the Physically Challenged Ski Program of Crested Butte. Since then, the program has evolved into the year-round, nationally recognized Adaptive Sports Center. Thanks to the support of volunteers, dedicated instructors and staff, as well as the local community, the ASC has thrived and grown from providing 33 alpine ski lessons during its first winter to becoming one of the premiere outdoor adaptive recreation programs in the world, offering more than 5,000 activities annually.
#14. Project Sanctuary
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 96.66
Financial score: 97.50
Accounting and transparency score: 96.00
Program expense ratio: 88.8%
Mission: Project Sanctuary is a therapeutic military family program that focuses on the needs, challenges, and concerns that our military families face every day. We work with veterans, active-duty service members, and their families with our exclusive three part A.R.T. program, combining counseling, education, self-development, and recreational therapy to help build well-adjusted families. We assist the military service members by helping them heal from the effects of war, providing a safe place to heal, helping reconnect the family unit and treating all members of the family at their level of need—which enables the service member to reintegrate into their family and community successfully. Our programs focus on the entire family's mental health and well-being first as we take them through the steps towards creating a sustainable balanced and thriving family—and life.
#13. Spirit of America
Focus: Wounded Troops Services
Overall score: 96.83
Financial score: 95.52
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 78.1%
Mission: Spirit of America's mission is to support the safety and success of Americans serving abroad and the local people and partners they seek to help. Spirit of America is the only nonprofit organization that directly supports the safety and success of deployed US personnel. Since being founded in 2003, we have provided millions in targeted assistance to help U.S. troops and diplomats assist vulnerable local people in 51 countries in Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Asia, and Latin America. We've established a groundbreaking model for partnership of a nonprofit organization with the US government. Our support is fast, flexible, and decentralized. It makes our troops and diplomats safer and more successful. It helps them improve security and stability, build goodwill, and increase the well-being of those most at risk of extremism and conflict.
#12. USO of Missouri
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 96.83
Financial score: 95.53
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 82.9%
Mission: The USO of Missouri, Inc. supports the troops by providing morale, welfare, and recreation-type services to our military personnel and their families. The USO of Missouri provides services and smiles to more than 209,000 military personnel and their families annually. Since 1981, over 5 million traveling military and their families have benefited from the services provided by the USO of Missouri, Inc. The USO lifts the spirits of America's troops and their families by providing a "touch of home" through their facilities, a shoulder when needed, and fun family events.
#11. USO of Hampton Roads and Central Virginia
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 97.23
Financial score: 97.50
Accounting and transparency score: 97.00
Program expense ratio: 90.4%
Mission: It is the mission of the USO of Hampton Roads and Central Virginia to enhance the quality of life and public support for armed service members and their families. The USO of Hampton Roads and Central Virginia has eleven centers throughout Virginia. Each center is responsible for developing center activities and programs and works closely with the Administrative office to provide a wide variety of assistance and outreach to fit the needs of military members and their families. Some of these programs include: emergency lodging, mobile outreach, orientation, information and referral, special holiday ,programs, summer concerts, military appreciation days and Flightline canteens.
#10. Puppies Behind Bars
Focus: Wounded Troops Services
Overall score: 98.04
Financial score: 97.23
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 86.5%
Mission: Puppies Behind Bars (PBB) trains prison inmates to raise service dogs for wounded war veterans and for first responders, as well as explosive-detection canines for law enforcement. The puppies live in prison with their inmate raisers from the age of 8 weeks to 24 months. Since 1997, PBB has raised more than 1,000 puppies. Through our Dog Tags program we place service dogs, free of charge, with wounded veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. The dogs learn special commands to mitigate the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and TBI (traumatic brain injury). Since our first Dog Tags placement in 2008, we have paired 110 service dogs with wounded veterans and first responders. Additionally, more than 400 PBB-trained explosive-detection canines work with law enforcement agencies around the country. The dogs we raise transform the lives of the inmates who train them, and the lives of those they go on to serve.
#9. Hire Heroes USA
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 98.23
Financial score: 97.50
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 85.5%
Mission: Hire Heroes USA empowers U.S. military members, veterans, and spouses to succeed in the civilian workforce. Our team of former military and business professionals effectively trains veterans in the skills of self-marketing, then supports their career search until they find good jobs with great companies. The hallmark of our program is a personal approach where each veteran receives dedicated assistance from a highly-trained staff member in order to help the veteran overcome barriers to employment. Signature services also include group workshops and connecting the job seeker with veteran-friendly companies and employment opportunities through the Hire Heroes USA Job Board.
#8. Semper Fi Fund
Focus: Wounded Troops Services
Overall score: 98.23
Financial score: 97.50
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 91.2%
Mission: The Semper Fi Fund provides immediate financial assistance and lifetime support to combat wounded, critically ill, and catastrophically injured members of all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families, ensuring they have the resources they need during their recovery and transition back to their communities. Since our founding in 2004, we have assisted 22,000 service members with $185 million in grants. Our assistance encompasses three main program areas: Service Member and Family Support—direct financial assistance and vital programming for injured service members and their families during hospitalization and recovery; Transition—education support and career assistance to provide service members with tools and skills to successfully reconnect with their communities and build new, productive lives; Integrative Wellness—targeted health and wellness services and resources with a special focus on PTSD and traumatic brain injuries.
#7. Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 98.23
Financial score: 97.50
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 92.9%
Mission: The mission of the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation is to honor the sacrifice of firefighter Stephen Siller, who laid down his life to save others on September 11, 2001. We also honor our military and first responders who continue to make the supreme sacrifice of life and limb for our country.
#6. Fisher House Foundation
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 99.83
Financial score: 99.76
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 91.9%
Mission: Fisher House Foundation is best known for its network of 82 comfort homes where military and veterans' families can stay at no cost while a loved one is receiving treatment. These homes are located at major military and VA medical centers nationwide, and in Europe, close to the medical center or hospital it serves. Fisher Houses have up to 21 suites, with private bedrooms and baths. Families share a common kitchen, laundry facilities, a warm dining room and an inviting living room. Fisher House Foundation ensures that there is never a lodging fee. Since inception, the program has saved military and veterans' families an estimated $451 million in out of pocket costs for lodging and transportation. Fisher House Foundation also operates the Hero Miles Program, using donated frequent flyer miles to bring family members to the bedside of injured service members as well as the Hotels for Heroes program using donated hotel points to allow family members to stay at hotels near hospitals.
#5. Challenge Aspen
Focus: Wounded Troops Services
Overall score: 100.00
Financial score: 100.00
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 85.2%
Mission: Challenge Aspen is dedicated to impacting the lives by presenting meaningful recreational, educational, and cultural experiences to individuals faced with cognitive and/or physical challenges. Through the years, seasonal camps and retreats have become a large outreach of Challenge Aspen. These unique and fun experiences include learn-to-ski camps, specialized programs for people living with autism, retreats for injured military servicemen and women, which include their family members, and children's art and music camps in the summertime. The aim of Challenge Aspen is to carefully orchestrate life changing adventures, giving participants the courage to learn something new, trust their own abilities and carry that ideal forward, reaching toward goals in other areas of their lives.
#4. Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 100.00
Financial score: 100.00
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 85.5%
Mission: The Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation was founded in 1999 by the Congressional Medal of Honor Society which consists exclusively of the living Medal of Honor recipients. The mission of the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation is to perpetuate the Medal of Honor's legacy through outreach and collaborative efforts, raise funds for initiatives that promote what the Medal of Honor represents, operation of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society headquarters and the public service activities of the Society's exclusive membership, and to promote American values and the qualities of courage, sacrifice, and patriotism through increased awareness, education, behavior, and example.
#3. The Mission Continues
Focus: Military Social Services
Overall score: 100.00
Financial score: 100.00
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 87.6%
Mission: The Mission Continues is a national nonprofit organization that empowers veterans who are adjusting to life at home to find purpose through community impact. Our operations in cities across the country deploy veteran volunteers alongside nonprofit partners and community leaders to solve some of the most challenging issues facing our communities: improving community education resources, eliminating food deserts, mentoring at-risk youth and more. Through six-month service fellowships, individual veterans all across the country make an impact on issues of importance to them and their communities. Through this unique approach, veterans build new skills and networks that help them successfully reintegrate to life after the military while making long-term, sustainable transformations in communities and inspiring future generations to serve.
#2. Gary Sinise Foundation
Focus: Wounded Troops Services
Overall score: 100.00
Financial score: 100.00
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 90.3%
Mission: The Gary Sinise Foundation was established under the philanthropic direction of a 40-year advocate for our nation's defenders, actor Gary Sinise. Its outreach supports those who sacrifice to defend our country: active duty, veterans, first responders, and their loved ones. While our mission is broad, we've created nine key programs to show gratitude for our American heroes through entertainment, family support, and acts of appreciation. The Gary Sinise Foundation works to ensure the sacrifices of America's defenders and their families are never forgotten.
#1. Navy SEAL Foundation
Focus: Military Family Support
Overall score: 100.00
Financial score: 100.00
Accounting and transparency score: 100.00
Program expense ratio: 91.4%
Mission: The Navy SEAL Foundation's mission is to provide educational and motivational support, promote health and welfare programs for the Naval Special Warfare Community, and perpetuate the history and heritage of the U.S. Naval Commandos. Our Foundation is strong, our leadership is dedicated, and our mission is noble. The Navy SEAL Foundation is proud to serve the Naval Special Warfare community including the U.S. Navy SEALs, SWCC, NSW Support Personnel, and their families. Our programs center around three pillars: health and welfare, including tragedy assistance and family events; education and motivation, including scholarships and tuition assistance; and history and heritage, including the funding of monuments and memorials.