Where people in Kansas City are moving to most
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July 18, 2022
Where people in Kansas City are moving to most
Stacker compiled a list of where people in Kansas City, MO-KS Metro Area are moving to the most using data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Metros are ranked by the estimated number of people who moved to the metro from Kansas City between 2015 and 2019. Ties were broken by gross migration.
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#50. Jacksonville, FL Metro Area
- Migration to Jacksonville in 2015-2019: 289
- Migration from Jacksonville to Kansas City: 157 (#74 most common destination from Jacksonville)
- Net migration: 132 to Jacksonville
- Migration from Jacksonville to Kansas City: 157 (#74 most common destination from Jacksonville)
- Net migration: 132 to Jacksonville
#49. Boston-Cambridge-Newton, MA-NH Metro Area
- Migration to Boston in 2015-2019: 290
- Migration from Boston to Kansas City: 418 (#60 most common destination from Boston)
- Net migration: 128 to Kansas City
- Migration from Boston to Kansas City: 418 (#60 most common destination from Boston)
- Net migration: 128 to Kansas City
#48. San Antonio-New Braunfels, TX Metro Area
- Migration to San Antonio in 2015-2019: 295
- Migration from San Antonio to Kansas City: 503 (#36 most common destination from San Antonio)
- Net migration: 208 to Kansas City
- Migration from San Antonio to Kansas City: 503 (#36 most common destination from San Antonio)
- Net migration: 208 to Kansas City
#47. Lincoln, NE Metro Area
- Migration to Lincoln in 2015-2019: 296
- Migration from Lincoln to Kansas City: 520 (#2 most common destination from Lincoln)
- Net migration: 224 to Kansas City
- Migration from Lincoln to Kansas City: 520 (#2 most common destination from Lincoln)
- Net migration: 224 to Kansas City
#46. Raleigh-Cary, NC Metro Area
- Migration to Raleigh in 2015-2019: 299
- Migration from Raleigh to Kansas City: 28 (#149 most common destination from Raleigh)
- Net migration: 271 to Raleigh
- Migration from Raleigh to Kansas City: 28 (#149 most common destination from Raleigh)
- Net migration: 271 to Raleigh
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#45. Las Vegas-Henderson-Paradise, NV Metro Area
- Migration to Las Vegas in 2015-2019: 299
- Migration from Las Vegas to Kansas City: 414 (#41 most common destination from Las Vegas)
- Net migration: 115 to Kansas City
- Migration from Las Vegas to Kansas City: 414 (#41 most common destination from Las Vegas)
- Net migration: 115 to Kansas City
#44. Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC Metro Area
- Migration to Virginia Beach in 2015-2019: 302
- Migration from Virginia Beach to Kansas City: 344 (#52 most common destination from Virginia Beach)
- Net migration: 42 to Kansas City
- Migration from Virginia Beach to Kansas City: 344 (#52 most common destination from Virginia Beach)
- Net migration: 42 to Kansas City
#43. Olympia-Lacey-Tumwater, WA Metro Area
- Migration to Olympia in 2015-2019: 319
- Migration from Olympia to Kansas City: 143 (#25 most common destination from Olympia)
- Net migration: 176 to Olympia
- Migration from Olympia to Kansas City: 143 (#25 most common destination from Olympia)
- Net migration: 176 to Olympia
#42. Richmond, VA Metro Area
- Migration to Richmond in 2015-2019: 340
- Migration from Richmond to Kansas City: 22 (#154 most common destination from Richmond)
- Net migration: 318 to Richmond
- Migration from Richmond to Kansas City: 22 (#154 most common destination from Richmond)
- Net migration: 318 to Richmond
#41. Detroit-Warren-Dearborn, MI Metro Area
- Migration to Detroit in 2015-2019: 341
- Migration from Detroit to Kansas City: 496 (#43 most common destination from Detroit)
- Net migration: 155 to Kansas City
- Migration from Detroit to Kansas City: 496 (#43 most common destination from Detroit)
- Net migration: 155 to Kansas City
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#40. Indianapolis-Carmel-Anderson, IN Metro Area
- Migration to Indianapolis in 2015-2019: 358
- Migration from Indianapolis to Kansas City: 592 (#25 most common destination from Indianapolis)
- Net migration: 234 to Kansas City
- Migration from Indianapolis to Kansas City: 592 (#25 most common destination from Indianapolis)
- Net migration: 234 to Kansas City
#39. Urban Honolulu, HI Metro Area
- Migration to Urban Honolulu in 2015-2019: 365
- Migration from Urban Honolulu to Kansas City: 199 (#60 most common destination from Urban Honolulu)
- Net migration: 166 to Urban Honolulu
- Migration from Urban Honolulu to Kansas City: 199 (#60 most common destination from Urban Honolulu)
- Net migration: 166 to Urban Honolulu
#38. Killeen-Temple, TX Metro Area
- Migration to Killeen in 2015-2019: 365
- Migration from Killeen to Kansas City: 299 (#27 most common destination from Killeen)
- Net migration: 66 to Killeen
- Migration from Killeen to Kansas City: 299 (#27 most common destination from Killeen)
- Net migration: 66 to Killeen
#37. Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro, OR-WA Metro Area
- Migration to Portland in 2015-2019: 374
- Migration from Portland to Kansas City: 320 (#47 most common destination from Portland)
- Net migration: 54 to Portland
- Migration from Portland to Kansas City: 320 (#47 most common destination from Portland)
- Net migration: 54 to Portland
#36. Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN Metro Area
- Migration to Cincinnati in 2015-2019: 384
- Migration from Cincinnati to Kansas City: 299 (#43 most common destination from Cincinnati)
- Net migration: 85 to Cincinnati
- Migration from Cincinnati to Kansas City: 299 (#43 most common destination from Cincinnati)
- Net migration: 85 to Cincinnati
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#35. Columbus, OH Metro Area
- Migration to Columbus in 2015-2019: 400
- Migration from Columbus to Kansas City: 655 (#19 most common destination from Columbus)
- Net migration: 255 to Kansas City
- Migration from Columbus to Kansas City: 655 (#19 most common destination from Columbus)
- Net migration: 255 to Kansas City
#34. Albuquerque, NM Metro Area
- Migration to Albuquerque in 2015-2019: 439
- Migration from Albuquerque to Kansas City: 113 (#66 most common destination from Albuquerque)
- Net migration: 326 to Albuquerque
- Migration from Albuquerque to Kansas City: 113 (#66 most common destination from Albuquerque)
- Net migration: 326 to Albuquerque
#33. Des Moines-West Des Moines, IA Metro Area
- Migration to Des Moines in 2015-2019: 454
- Migration from Des Moines to Kansas City: 616 (#7 most common destination from Des Moines)
- Net migration: 162 to Kansas City
- Migration from Des Moines to Kansas City: 616 (#7 most common destination from Des Moines)
- Net migration: 162 to Kansas City
#32. San Francisco-Oakland-Berkeley, CA Metro Area
- Migration to San Francisco in 2015-2019: 473
- Migration from San Francisco to Kansas City: 480 (#54 most common destination from San Francisco)
- Net migration: 7 to Kansas City
- Migration from San Francisco to Kansas City: 480 (#54 most common destination from San Francisco)
- Net migration: 7 to Kansas City
#31. Austin-Round Rock-Georgetown, TX Metro Area
- Migration to Austin in 2015-2019: 496
- Migration from Austin to Kansas City: 315 (#48 most common destination from Austin)
- Net migration: 181 to Austin
- Migration from Austin to Kansas City: 315 (#48 most common destination from Austin)
- Net migration: 181 to Austin
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#30. San Diego-Chula Vista-Carlsbad, CA Metro Area
- Migration to San Diego in 2015-2019: 502
- Migration from San Diego to Kansas City: 497 (#57 most common destination from San Diego)
- Net migration: 5 to San Diego
- Migration from San Diego to Kansas City: 497 (#57 most common destination from San Diego)
- Net migration: 5 to San Diego
#29. New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ-PA Metro Area
- Migration to New York in 2015-2019: 527
- Migration from New York to Kansas City: 935 (#89 most common destination from New York)
- Net migration: 408 to Kansas City
- Migration from New York to Kansas City: 935 (#89 most common destination from New York)
- Net migration: 408 to Kansas City
#28. Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL Metro Area
- Migration to Tampa in 2015-2019: 543
- Migration from Tampa to Kansas City: 367 (#65 most common destination from Tampa)
- Net migration: 176 to Tampa
- Migration from Tampa to Kansas City: 367 (#65 most common destination from Tampa)
- Net migration: 176 to Tampa
#27. Nashville-Davidson--Murfreesboro--Franklin, TN Metro Area
- Migration to Nashville in 2015-2019: 547
- Migration from Nashville to Kansas City: 473 (#28 most common destination from Nashville)
- Net migration: 74 to Nashville
- Migration from Nashville to Kansas City: 473 (#28 most common destination from Nashville)
- Net migration: 74 to Nashville
#26. Tulsa, OK Metro Area
- Migration to Tulsa in 2015-2019: 560
- Migration from Tulsa to Kansas City: 604 (#9 most common destination from Tulsa)
- Net migration: 44 to Kansas City
- Migration from Tulsa to Kansas City: 604 (#9 most common destination from Tulsa)
- Net migration: 44 to Kansas City
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#25. Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA Metro Area
- Migration to Seattle in 2015-2019: 582
- Migration from Seattle to Kansas City: 710 (#41 most common destination from Seattle)
- Net migration: 128 to Kansas City
- Migration from Seattle to Kansas City: 710 (#41 most common destination from Seattle)
- Net migration: 128 to Kansas City
#24. Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Alpharetta, GA Metro Area
- Migration to Atlanta in 2015-2019: 623
- Migration from Atlanta to Kansas City: 733 (#58 most common destination from Atlanta)
- Net migration: 110 to Kansas City
- Migration from Atlanta to Kansas City: 733 (#58 most common destination from Atlanta)
- Net migration: 110 to Kansas City
#23. Sacramento-Roseville-Folsom, CA Metro Area
- Migration to Sacramento in 2015-2019: 623
- Migration from Sacramento to Kansas City: 166 (#69 most common destination from Sacramento)
- Net migration: 457 to Sacramento
- Migration from Sacramento to Kansas City: 166 (#69 most common destination from Sacramento)
- Net migration: 457 to Sacramento
#22. Fayetteville-Springdale-Rogers, AR Metro Area
- Migration to Fayetteville in 2015-2019: 650
- Migration from Fayetteville to Kansas City: 376 (#8 most common destination from Fayetteville)
- Net migration: 274 to Fayetteville
- Migration from Fayetteville to Kansas City: 376 (#8 most common destination from Fayetteville)
- Net migration: 274 to Fayetteville
#21. Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA Metro Area
- Migration to Los Angeles in 2015-2019: 781
- Migration from Los Angeles to Kansas City: 972 (#55 most common destination from Los Angeles)
- Net migration: 191 to Kansas City
- Migration from Los Angeles to Kansas City: 972 (#55 most common destination from Los Angeles)
- Net migration: 191 to Kansas City
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#20. Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV Metro Area
- Migration to Washington in 2015-2019: 791
- Migration from Washington to Kansas City: 961 (#56 most common destination from Washington)
- Net migration: 170 to Kansas City
- Migration from Washington to Kansas City: 961 (#56 most common destination from Washington)
- Net migration: 170 to Kansas City
#19. Oklahoma City, OK Metro Area
- Migration to Oklahoma City in 2015-2019: 885
- Migration from Oklahoma City to Kansas City: 399 (#20 most common destination from Oklahoma City)
- Net migration: 486 to Oklahoma City
- Migration from Oklahoma City to Kansas City: 399 (#20 most common destination from Oklahoma City)
- Net migration: 486 to Oklahoma City
#18. Omaha-Council Bluffs, NE-IA Metro Area
- Migration to Omaha in 2015-2019: 902
- Migration from Omaha to Kansas City: 1,250 (#2 most common destination from Omaha)
- Net migration: 348 to Kansas City
- Migration from Omaha to Kansas City: 1,250 (#2 most common destination from Omaha)
- Net migration: 348 to Kansas City
#17. Joplin, MO Metro Area
- Migration to Joplin in 2015-2019: 930
- Migration from Joplin to Kansas City: 553 (#2 most common destination from Joplin)
- Net migration: 377 to Joplin
- Migration from Joplin to Kansas City: 553 (#2 most common destination from Joplin)
- Net migration: 377 to Joplin
#16. Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land, TX Metro Area
- Migration to Houston in 2015-2019: 972
- Migration from Houston to Kansas City: 1,013 (#30 most common destination from Houston)
- Net migration: 41 to Kansas City
- Migration from Houston to Kansas City: 1,013 (#30 most common destination from Houston)
- Net migration: 41 to Kansas City
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#15. Colorado Springs, CO Metro Area
- Migration to Colorado Springs in 2015-2019: 984
- Migration from Colorado Springs to Kansas City: 903 (#11 most common destination from Colorado Springs)
- Net migration: 81 to Colorado Springs
- Migration from Colorado Springs to Kansas City: 903 (#11 most common destination from Colorado Springs)
- Net migration: 81 to Colorado Springs
#14. Chicago-Naperville-Elgin, IL-IN-WI Metro Area
- Migration to Chicago in 2015-2019: 1,042
- Migration from Chicago to Kansas City: 1,218 (#51 most common destination from Chicago)
- Net migration: 176 to Kansas City
- Migration from Chicago to Kansas City: 1,218 (#51 most common destination from Chicago)
- Net migration: 176 to Kansas City
#13. Topeka, KS Metro Area
- Migration to Topeka in 2015-2019: 1,115
- Migration from Topeka to Kansas City: 2,490 (#1 most common destination from Topeka)
- Net migration: 1,375 to Kansas City
- Migration from Topeka to Kansas City: 2,490 (#1 most common destination from Topeka)
- Net migration: 1,375 to Kansas City
#12. Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI Metro Area
- Migration to Minneapolis in 2015-2019: 1,120
- Migration from Minneapolis to Kansas City: 414 (#48 most common destination from Minneapolis)
- Net migration: 706 to Minneapolis
- Migration from Minneapolis to Kansas City: 414 (#48 most common destination from Minneapolis)
- Net migration: 706 to Minneapolis
#11. Jefferson City, MO Metro Area
- Migration to Jefferson City in 2015-2019: 1,237
- Migration from Jefferson City to Kansas City: 461 (#4 most common destination from Jefferson City)
- Net migration: 776 to Jefferson City
- Migration from Jefferson City to Kansas City: 461 (#4 most common destination from Jefferson City)
- Net migration: 776 to Jefferson City
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#10. Wichita, KS Metro Area
- Migration to Wichita in 2015-2019: 1,327
- Migration from Wichita to Kansas City: 2,568 (#1 most common destination from Wichita)
- Net migration: 1,241 to Kansas City
- Migration from Wichita to Kansas City: 2,568 (#1 most common destination from Wichita)
- Net migration: 1,241 to Kansas City
#9. Phoenix-Mesa-Chandler, AZ Metro Area
- Migration to Phoenix in 2015-2019: 1,342
- Migration from Phoenix to Kansas City: 1,192 (#24 most common destination from Phoenix)
- Net migration: 150 to Phoenix
- Migration from Phoenix to Kansas City: 1,192 (#24 most common destination from Phoenix)
- Net migration: 150 to Phoenix
#8. Denver-Aurora-Lakewood, CO Metro Area
- Migration to Denver in 2015-2019: 1,455
- Migration from Denver to Kansas City: 1,173 (#21 most common destination from Denver)
- Net migration: 282 to Denver
- Migration from Denver to Kansas City: 1,173 (#21 most common destination from Denver)
- Net migration: 282 to Denver
#7. Manhattan, KS Metro Area
- Migration to Manhattan in 2015-2019: 1,773
- Migration from Manhattan to Kansas City: 1,661 (#1 most common destination from Manhattan)
- Net migration: 112 to Manhattan
- Migration from Manhattan to Kansas City: 1,661 (#1 most common destination from Manhattan)
- Net migration: 112 to Manhattan
#6. Columbia, MO Metro Area
- Migration to Columbia in 2015-2019: 1,992
- Migration from Columbia to Kansas City: 1,908 (#2 most common destination from Columbia)
- Net migration: 84 to Columbia
- Migration from Columbia to Kansas City: 1,908 (#2 most common destination from Columbia)
- Net migration: 84 to Columbia
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#5. St. Joseph, MO-KS Metro Area
- Migration to St. Joseph in 2015-2019: 2,456
- Migration from St. Joseph to Kansas City: 1,834 (#1 most common destination from St. Joseph)
- Net migration: 622 to St. Joseph
- Migration from St. Joseph to Kansas City: 1,834 (#1 most common destination from St. Joseph)
- Net migration: 622 to St. Joseph
#4. Springfield, MO Metro Area
- Migration to Springfield in 2015-2019: 2,518
- Migration from Springfield to Kansas City: 2,569 (#1 most common destination from Springfield)
- Net migration: 51 to Kansas City
- Migration from Springfield to Kansas City: 2,569 (#1 most common destination from Springfield)
- Net migration: 51 to Kansas City
#3. Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX Metro Area
- Migration to Dallas in 2015-2019: 2,686
- Migration from Dallas to Kansas City: 1,195 (#32 most common destination from Dallas)
- Net migration: 1,491 to Dallas
- Migration from Dallas to Kansas City: 1,195 (#32 most common destination from Dallas)
- Net migration: 1,491 to Dallas
#2. St. Louis, MO-IL Metro Area
- Migration to St. Louis in 2015-2019: 3,540
- Migration from St. Louis to Kansas City: 2,629 (#5 most common destination from St. Louis)
- Net migration: 911 to St. Louis
- Migration from St. Louis to Kansas City: 2,629 (#5 most common destination from St. Louis)
- Net migration: 911 to St. Louis
#1. Lawrence, KS Metro Area
- Migration to Lawrence in 2015-2019: 4,766
- Migration from Lawrence to Kansas City: 3,487 (#1 most common destination from Lawrence)
- Net migration: 1,279 to Lawrence
- Migration from Lawrence to Kansas City: 3,487 (#1 most common destination from Lawrence)
- Net migration: 1,279 to Lawrence
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