Record fish caught in Nevada
Anglers the world over gather regularly for fishing derbies to see who can land the biggest catch. But record-breaking fish can be caught at anytime, weighed on an International Game Fish Association-certified scale at any number of tackle shops or marinas, and compared to the IGFA's online records database. Sport-fishing enthusiasts can even have their own scales certified by the IGFA for a $40 fee.
Stacker compiled a list of record fish caught in Nevada using data from Land Big Fish. Fish pictured are not the actual record catch. Keep reading to see which bodies of water in your state hold some of the most massive fish around.
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1 / 32
Matt Jeppson // Shutterstock
Arctic Grayling
- Weight: 0 lbs 15 oz
- Length: 13.75"
- Location: Desert Creek
- Record set by George Delich in 1978
- Length: 13.75"
- Location: Desert Creek
- Record set by George Delich in 1978

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Steve Oehlenschlager // Shutterstock
Black Crappie
- Weight: 3 lbs 2 oz
- Length: 16.1"
- Location: Lake Mead
- Record set by Henry Herman in 1976
- Length: 16.1"
- Location: Lake Mead
- Record set by Henry Herman in 1976

3 / 32
dcwcreations // Shutterstock
Bluegill Sunfish
- Weight: 2 lbs 3 oz
- Length: 13.5"
- Location: Colorado River
- Record set by Mike Scott in 2004
- Length: 13.5"
- Location: Colorado River
- Record set by Mike Scott in 2004

4 / 32
slowmotiongli // Shutterstock
Brook Trout
- Weight: 5 lbs 10 oz
- Length: 22.8"
- Location: Bull Run
- Record set by Richard Baker in 1980
- Length: 22.8"
- Location: Bull Run
- Record set by Richard Baker in 1980

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Rostislav Stefanek // Shutterstock
Brown Trout
- Weight: 27 lbs 5 oz
- Length: 33"
- Location: Cave Lake
- Record set by Dennis Mangum in 1984
- Length: 33"
- Location: Cave Lake
- Record set by Dennis Mangum in 1984
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Streamside Adventures // Shutterstock
Bull Trout
- Weight: 4 lbs 6 oz
- Length: 22"
- Location: Jarbridge River
- Record set by Rex Schelburne in 1985
- Length: 22"
- Location: Jarbridge River
- Record set by Rex Schelburne in 1985

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WH_Pics // Shutterstock
- Weight: 6 lbs 11 oz
- Length: 21.5"
- Record set by Wayne B Logan in 2004
- Length: 21.5"
- Record set by Wayne B Logan in 2004

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Rostislav Stefanek // Shutterstock
- Weight: 30 lbs 8 oz
- Length: 36"
- Location: Lake Mohave
- Record set by Larry L. Frazier in 1976
- Length: 36"
- Location: Lake Mohave
- Record set by Larry L. Frazier in 1976

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Aleron Val // Shutterstock
Channel Catfish
- Weight: 31 lbs 1 oz
- Length: 40.5"
- Location: Lahontan Reservoir
- Record set by Harry Stephens in 1980
- Length: 40.5"
- Location: Lahontan Reservoir
- Record set by Harry Stephens in 1980

10 / 32
Troutnut // Shutterstock
Coho Salmon
- Weight: 8 lbs 12 oz
- Length: 30.3"
- Location: Lake Mead
- Record set by Charles W. Caskey in 1974
- Length: 30.3"
- Location: Lake Mead
- Record set by Charles W. Caskey in 1974
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Troutnut // Shutterstock
Coho Salmon
- Weight: 8 lbs 12 oz
- Location: Lake Mead
- Record set by William Musso in 1974
- Location: Lake Mead
- Record set by William Musso in 1974

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CSNafzger // Shutterstock
Cutthroat Trout
- Weight: 23 lbs 8 oz
- Length: 38"
- Location: Pyramid Lake
- Record set by Ben Barlow in 1977
- Length: 38"
- Location: Pyramid Lake
- Record set by Ben Barlow in 1977

13 / 32
CSNafzger // Shutterstock
Golden Trout
- Weight: 0 lbs 15 oz
- Length: 14.5"
- Location: Hidden Lakes
- Record set by Don Capps in 1969
- Length: 14.5"
- Location: Hidden Lakes
- Record set by Don Capps in 1969

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M Huston // Shutterstock
Green Sunfish
- Weight: 1 lbs 6 oz
- Length: 12.5"
- Location: Tule Springs Lake
- Record set by Joe Burgess in 1992
- Length: 12.5"
- Location: Tule Springs Lake
- Record set by Joe Burgess in 1992

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Ryan Cuddy // Shutterstock
Kokanee Salmon
- Weight: 4 lbs 13 oz
- Length: 25.7"
- Location: Lake Tahoe
- Record set by Dick Bournique in 1973
- Length: 25.7"
- Location: Lake Tahoe
- Record set by Dick Bournique in 1973
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16 / 32
Pi-Lens // Shutterstock
Lake Trout
- Weight: 37 lbs 6 oz
- Length: 44"
- Location: Lake Tahoe
- Record set by Robert Aronsen in 1974
- Length: 44"
- Location: Lake Tahoe
- Record set by Robert Aronsen in 1974

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Pierre Rebollar // Shutterstock
Largemouth Bass
- Weight: 12 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 26"
- Location: Lake Mead
- Record set by Michael R. Geary in 1999
- Length: 26"
- Location: Lake Mead
- Record set by Michael R. Geary in 1999

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Cannon Colegrove // Shutterstock
Mountain Whitefish
- Weight: 3 lbs 4 oz
- Length: 20"
- Location: Lake Tahoe
- Record set by Gregg Harris in 2004
- Length: 20"
- Location: Lake Tahoe
- Record set by Gregg Harris in 2004

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FedBul // Shutterstock
Northern Pike
- Weight: 27 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 44"
- Location: Comins Lake
- Record set by Kelly H. Malaperdas in 1978
- Length: 44"
- Location: Comins Lake
- Record set by Kelly H. Malaperdas in 1978

20 / 32
Rainbow Trout
- Weight: 16 lbs 4 oz
- Length: 31.5"
- Location: Lake Mohave
- Record set by Mike Soskin in 1971
- Length: 31.5"
- Location: Lake Mohave
- Record set by Mike Soskin in 1971
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21 / 32
Clint H // Shutterstock
Redear Sunfish
- Weight: 2 lbs 5 oz
- Length: 13.75"
- Location: Colorado River
- Record set by Bill Condon in 2004
- Length: 13.75"
- Location: Colorado River
- Record set by Bill Condon in 2004

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H.L. Todd // Wikimedia Commons
Sacramento Perch
- Weight: 4 lbs 9 oz
- Length: 17"
- Location: Pyramid Lake
- Record set by John Battcher in 1971
- Length: 17"
- Location: Pyramid Lake
- Record set by John Battcher in 1971

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CSNafzger // Shutterstock
Smallmouth Bass
- Weight: 5 lbs 1 oz
- Length: 20"
- Location: South Fork Reservoir
- Record set by Tom R. Grant in 2000
- Length: 20"
- Location: South Fork Reservoir
- Record set by Tom R. Grant in 2000

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Sean McVey // Shutterstock
Spotted Bass
- Weight: 4 lbs 2 oz
- Length: 19.25"
- Location: Rye Patch Reservoir
- Record set by Dustin Osborn in 2000
- Length: 19.25"
- Location: Rye Patch Reservoir
- Record set by Dustin Osborn in 2000

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slowmotiongli // Shutterstock
Striped Bass
- Weight: 60 lbs 14 oz
- Length: 48"
- Location: Lake Mohave
- Record set by Herman Britz in 1998
- Length: 48"
- Location: Lake Mohave
- Record set by Herman Britz in 1998
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26 / 32
Matt Jeppson // Shutterstock
Tiger Trout
- Weight: 13 lbs 13 oz
- Length: 28.75"
- Location: Ruby Lake
- Record set by Brian Howard in 1998
- Length: 28.75"
- Location: Ruby Lake
- Record set by Brian Howard in 1998

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wwwarjag //Shutterstock
- Weight: 15 lbs 4 oz
- Length: 33"
- Location: Lahontan Reservoir
- Record set by Billy Foster in 1998
- Length: 33"
- Location: Lahontan Reservoir
- Record set by Billy Foster in 1998

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Apostrophe // Shutterstock
White Bass
- Weight: 4 lbs 0 oz
- Length: 19"
- Location: Lahontan Reservoir
- Record set by Greg Ackerman in 1984
- Length: 19"
- Location: Lahontan Reservoir
- Record set by Greg Ackerman in 1984

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M Huston // Shutterstock
White Catfish
- Weight: 16 lbs 15 oz
- Length: 31.5"
- Location: Humboldt River
- Record set by Jean Bianchi in 1981
- Length: 31.5"
- Location: Humboldt River
- Record set by Jean Bianchi in 1981

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Jennifer White Maxwell // Shutterstock
White Crappie
- Weight: 2 lbs 13 oz
- Length: 16"
- Location: Weber Reservoir
- Record set by Paul C. Grant in 2000
- Length: 16"
- Location: Weber Reservoir
- Record set by Paul C. Grant in 2000
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Pelow Media // Shutterstock
Wiper (Whiterock) Bass
- Weight: 17 lbs 13 oz
- Length: 32.25"
- Location: Lahontan Reservoir
- Record set by Dan Hannum in 2003
- Length: 32.25"
- Location: Lahontan Reservoir
- Record set by Dan Hannum in 2003

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John Piekos // Shutterstock
Yellow Perch
- Weight: 1 lbs 8 oz
- Length: 13.3"
- Location: Dufurrena Ponds
- Record set by Warren T. Goodale in 1987
- Length: 13.3"
- Location: Dufurrena Ponds
- Record set by Warren T. Goodale in 1987