Breweries with the most highly ranked beers in North Carolina
Breweries with the most highly ranked beers in North Carolina
In a world where just a small number of massive companies dominate the beer market, sipping on a brew created close to home can be all the more satisfying.
The last decade has seen an explosion of breweries that operate on a smaller scale and offer a wider, and sometimes more experimental, selection of beer. While craft beer often has a higher price tag than your average domestic beer, consumers are clearly willing to pay more: In 2020, craft beer accounted for almost a quarter of the U.S. retail beer market.
Stacker compiled a list of the breweries with the most beers ranked in the top 100 in North Carolina using data from BeerAdvocate. Any ties were broken by the highest-ranking beer. Continue reading to find out which North Carolina breweries have the tastiest offerings.
#26. D9 Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #95. Viking Fraoch (Gruit / Ancient Herbed Ale)
#25. Hillman Beer
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #87. ESB (Extra Special Bitter) (Extra Special / Strong Bitter (ESB))
#24. Boojum Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #84. Get Off My Cloud (New England IPA)
#23. Haw River Farmhouse Ales
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #81. Saxy Machismo (Quadrupel (Quad))
#22. Pisgah Brewing Co.
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #64. Chocolatized (Russian Imperial Stout)
#21. The DreamChaser's Brewery
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #61. Yard Breather (New England IPA)
#20. Highland Brewing
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #42. Black Watch (Sweet / Milk Stout)
#19. Casita Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #37. Querido Y Perdido (American Imperial Stout)
#18. Triple C Brewing Co.
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #32. Up All Night Breakfast Porter - Bourbon Barrel-Aged (Imperial Porter)
#17. Raleigh Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #28. The Miller's Toll (American Imperial Stout)
#16. Deep River Brewing Co.
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #19. Collaboration Without Representation (American Imperial Stout)
#15. Green Man Brewery
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #6. Maceo (Wild Ale)
#14. Wooden Robot Brewery
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #77. What He's Having (American IPA)
--- #91. Galactic Nexus (Wild Ale)
#13. Brewery Bhavana
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #59. Grove (New England IPA)
--- #89. Pithy (American IPA)
#12. The Olde Mecklenburg Brewery
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #55. Munzler's Vienna Lager (Vienna Lager)
--- #80. Mecktoberfest (Märzen)
#11. Wilmington Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #24. Kitten Biscuit (New England IPA)
--- #53. Lemur Party (Milkshake IPA)
--- #79. Blair's Breakfast Stout (American Imperial Stout)
#10. Southern Pines Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #13. Drunken Vigils Breakfast Stout (American Imperial Stout)
--- #69. Bourbon Barrel Aged German Chocolate Cake Stout (American Imperial Stout)
--- #70. Drunken Vigils - Bourbon Barrel Aged (American Imperial Stout)
#9. Resident Culture Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #48. God Complex (New England IPA)
--- #62. Vicky Virago (Imperial IPA)
--- #73. Whatever You Feel Just Dance It (New England IPA)
#8. Fonta Flora Brewery
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #41. Meemaw (Wild Ale)
--- #57. Need A Hug (Wild Ale)
--- #67. Funk Fuzz (Wild Ale)
#7. NoDa Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #20. Hop, Drop 'n Roll (American IPA)
--- #56. Imperial Hop Drop (Imperial IPA)
--- #68. Sticky When Wet (American IPA)
#6. Olde Hickory Brewery
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #8. The Event Horizon (American Imperial Stout)
--- #12. Appalachian Walker (English Barleywine)
--- #18. Lindley Park (American Imperial Stout)
#5. Foothills Brewing Company - Downtown Brewpub
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #9. Sexual Chocolate - Barrel-Aged (Russian Imperial Stout)
--- #16. Olde Rabbit's Foot (American Imperial Stout)
--- #25. Jade IPA (American IPA)
#4. Heist Brewery
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #1. CitraQuench'l (New England IPA)
--- #3. Blurred Is The Word (New England IPA)
--- #5. Über Quench'l (Imperial IPA)
#3. Burial Beer Co.
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #27. Seasoned Skillet (American Imperial Stout)
--- #36. Griddle (American Imperial Stout)
--- #38. Skillet Donut Stout (Oatmeal Stout)
#2. New Anthem Beer Project
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #21. Neon God (New England IPA)
--- #23. The Illest (American Porter)
--- #29. Lexington Queen (American IPA)
#1. Wicked Weed Brewing
- Highest ranked beers in North Carolina:
--- #2. Red Angel (Wild Ale)
--- #4. Angel Of Darkness (Wild Ale)
--- #10. Framboos Morte (Wild Ale)