Breweries with the most highly ranked beers in Virginia
Breweries with the most highly ranked beers in Virginia
In a world where just a small number of massive companies dominate the beer market, sipping on a brew created close to home can be all the more satisfying.
The last decade has seen an explosion of breweries that operate on a smaller scale and offer a wider, and sometimes more experimental, selection of beer. While craft beer often has a higher price tag than your average domestic beer, consumers are clearly willing to pay more: In 2020, craft beer accounted for almost a quarter of the U.S. retail beer market.
Stacker compiled a list of the breweries with the most beers ranked in the top 100 in Virginia using data from BeerAdvocate. Any ties were broken by the highest-ranking beer. Continue reading to find out which Virginia breweries have the tastiest offerings.
#9. Brothers Craft Brewing
- Highest ranked beers in Virginia:
--- #36. Resolute (Russian Imperial Stout)
#8. Blue Mountain Brewery
- Highest ranked beers in Virginia:
--- #18. Dark Hollow Reserve: Concealed Darkness (American Imperial Stout)
#7. Ocelot Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in Virginia:
--- #6. Talking Backwards (Imperial IPA)
--- #49. Home (New England IPA)
#6. Alewerks Brewing Company
- Highest ranked beers in Virginia:
--- #43. Imperial Pumpkin - Bourbon Barrel (Pumpkin Beer)
--- #51. Café Royale (Sweet / Milk Stout)
--- #71. Bourbon Barrel Porter (BBP) (Imperial Porter)
#5. Triple Crossing Brewing
- Highest ranked beers in Virginia:
--- #41. Interstellar Burst (New England IPA)
--- #60. Nectar & Knife (New England IPA)
--- #61. Dawn Chorus (New England IPA)
#4. Hardywood Park Craft Brewery
- Highest ranked beers in Virginia:
--- #2. Trickery (Sweet / Milk Stout)
--- #3. Kentucky Christmas Morning (Sweet / Milk Stout)
--- #20. Ruse (Sweet / Milk Stout)
#3. The Answer Brewpub
- Highest ranked beers in Virginia:
--- #32. Blanton's German Chocolate Cake (American Imperial Stout)
--- #45. I Am CM Bryant (American Imperial Stout)
--- #46. Hard In The Paint (Imperial IPA)
#2. The Veil Brewing Co.
- Highest ranked beers in Virginia:
--- #4. Never Never Again Again (Fruited Kettle Sour)
--- #10. whiteferrari (New England IPA)
--- #12. IdonteverEVERwanttoBU (New England IPA)
#1. Aslin Beer Company
- Highest ranked beers in Virginia:
--- #1. Double Orange Starfish (New England IPA)
--- #5. Juan de Bolas (American Imperial Stout)
--- #7. Master Of Karate (New England IPA)