Safest Places to live in America
The size of the backyard or layout of the kitchen doesn't matter much if the house isn't in a good neighborhood. A house can't become a home if you don't feel safe there; the amount of natural light is a moot point. Just think about the prospective home buyers on House Hunters or Fixer Upper—more often than not, their decision comes down to the neighborhood rather than a home's charms.
Before you start hunting for a new apartment or house, do your research on towns and cities nearby. You might be surprised by which areas experience the most crime. Luckily, Stacker has already started the research for you. Using Niche's data on the safest places to live in the United States in 2018, Stacker selected the city or town with the best crime and safety rating for each state. Niche assessed the overall safety of an area and ranked places using data on murder, assault, rape, robbery and other crimes from the FBI Uniform Crime Report and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Read through the slideshow to see whether or not you live near the safest place in your state, and decide whether or not you agree with the rankings.
Alabama: Taylor
Population: 2,704
Overall Niche grade: B
Crime & safety grade: A
Cost of living grade: A-
Diversity grade: B
Public schools grade: B+
Nearby City: Dothan, Alabama
Alaska: Sitka
Population: 8,921
Overall Niche grade: B
Crime & safety grade: B
Cost of living grade: C
Diversity grade: N/A
Public schools grade: B
Nearby City: Juneau, Alaska
Arizona: Thatcher
Population: 4,972
Overall Niche grade: B+
Crime & safety grade: A-
Cost of living grade: B-
Diversity grade: A-
Public schools grade: B
Nearby City: Safford, Arizona
Arkansas: Greenbrier
Population: 5,164
Overall Niche grade: B+
Crime & safety grade: A
Cost of living grade: B+
Diversity grade: B-
Public schools grade: A
Nearby City: Conway, Arkansas
California: Via de la Valle
Population: 2,764
Overall Niche grade: A+
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: C-
Diversity grade: B+
Public schools grade: A+
Nearby City: Del Mar, California
Colorado: Palmer Lake
Population: 2,558
Overall Niche grade: A
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: C
Diversity grade: B+
Public schools grade: A
Nearby City: Monument, Colorado
Connecticut: Weston
Population: 10,347
Overall Niche grade: A+
Crime & safety grade: A
Cost of living grade: C
Diversity grade: C+
Public schools grade: A+
Nearby City: Westport, Connecticut
Delaware: Ocean View
Population: 2,087
Overall Niche grade: B+
Crime & safety grade: A-
Cost of living grade: C+
Diversity grade: B-
Public schools grade: B+
Nearby City: White Creek Manor, Delaware
Florida: South Palm Beach
Population: 1,309
Overall Niche grade: B+
Crime & safety grade: A
Cost of living grade: C
Diversity grade: C
Public schools grade: C
Georgia: Homeland
Population: 1,082
Overall Niche grade: B
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: A-
Diversity grade: B
Public schools grade: C
Nearby City: Folkston, Georgia
Hawaii: N/A
No data available.
Idaho: Filer
Population: 2,640
Overall Niche grade: B-
Crime & safety grade: A
Cost of living grade: B-
Diversity grade: B
Public schools grade: C
Nearby City: Buhl, Idaho
Illinois: McCullom Lake
Population: 1,011
Overall Niche grade: B
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: B
Diversity grade: A-
Public schools grade: B
Nearby City: McHenry, Illinois
Indiana: Tell City
Population: 7,313
Overall Niche grade: A-
Crime & safety grade: A-
Cost of living grade: A
Diversity grade: B-
Public schools grade: B+
Nearby City: Troy, Indiana
Iowa: Rock Valley
Population: 3,623
Overall Niche grade: A-
Crime & safety grade: A
Cost of living grade: A-
Diversity grade: B-
Public schools grade: B
Kansas: Mission Hills
Population: 3,582
Overall Niche grade: A+
Crime & safety grade: A-
Cost of living grade: B
Diversity grade: C-
Public schools grade: A+
Nearby City: Overland Par, Kansas
Kentucky: Nortonville
Population: 1,094
Overall Niche grade: B-
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: A
Diversity grade: C+
Public schools grade: B
Nearby City: Little Valley, Kentucky
Louisiana: Brusly
Population: 2,675
Overall Niche grade: A-
Crime & safety grade: A
Cost of living grade: A-
Diversity grade: B+
Public schools grade: B
Nearby City: Antonio, Louisiana
Maine: Phippsburg
Population: 2,029
Overall Niche grade: B+
Crime & safety grade: A
Cost of living grade: B-
Diversity grade: C+
Public schools grade: B
Nearby City: Bath, Maine
Maryland: Lonaconing
Population: 1,214
Overall Niche grade: B
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: A
Diversity grade: C+
Public schools grade: B-
Nearby City: Nikep, Maryland
Massachusetts: Berlin
Population: 3,061
Overall Niche grade: A-
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: C
Diversity grade: B-
Public schools grade: B
Nearby City: Hudson, Massachusetts
Michigan: Frost Township
Population: 1,063
Overall Niche grade: B-
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: A
Diversity grade: C+
Public schools grade: C-
Nearby City: Harrison, Michigan
Minnesota: Thomson Township
Population: 5,046
Overall Niche grade: A-
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: B+
Diversity grade: C+
Public schools grade: A
Nearby City: Hallock, Minnesota
Mississippi: Florence
Population: 4,313
Overall Niche grade: B+
Crime & safety grade: A
Cost of living grade: A-
Diversity grade: B
Public schools grade: B
Nearby City: Brandon, Mississippi
Missouri: Lake Winnebago
Population: 1,211
Overall Niche grade: A
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: B-
Diversity grade: C
Public schools grade: A
Nearby City: Greenwood, Missouri
Montana: Dillon
Population: 4,214
Overall Niche grade: B+
Crime & safety grade: B+
Cost of living grade: B-
Diversity grade: B-
Public schools grade: B+
Nebraska: Ashland
Population: 2,455
Overall Niche grade: B+
Crime & safety grade: A
Cost of living grade: A-
Diversity grade: B-
Public schools grade: B+
Nevada: Yerington
Population: 3,096
Overall Niche grade: B-
Crime & safety grade: B+
Cost of living grade: B+
Diversity grade: N/A
Public schools grade: B-
Nearby City: Carson City
New Hampshire: Newfields
Population: 1,526
Overall Niche grade: B+
Crime & safety grade: A
Cost of living grade: C-
Diversity grade: B-
Public schools grade: B+
Nearby City: Portsmouth, New Hampshire
New Jersey: Old Tappan
Population: 5,942
Overall Niche grade: A
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: C-
Diversity grade: A-
Public schools grade: A+
Nearby City: Westwood, New Jersey
New Mexico: Mesilla
Population: 2,486
Overall Niche grade: A-
Crime & safety grade: B+
Cost of living grade: C+
Diversity grade: A
Public schools grade: B
Nearby City: Las Cruces
New York: Shortsville
Population: 1,361
Overall Niche grade: B
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: B
Diversity grade: C+
Public schools grade: B-
Nearby City: Victor, New York
North Carolina: Whispering Pines
Population: 3,125
Overall Niche grade: B+
Crime & safety grade: A
Cost of living grade: B-
Diversity grade: B
Public schools grade: B+
Nearby City: Southern Pines, North Carolina
North Dakota: Lincoln
Population: 3,311
Overall Niche grade: B
Crime & safety grade: A-
Cost of living grade: A-
Diversity grade: C
Public schools grade: B-
Nearby City: Bismarck, North Dakota
Ohio: Lexington
Population: 5,484
Overall Niche grade: A-
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: A-
Diversity grade: B
Public schools grade: A
Nearby City: Mansfield, Ohio
Oklahoma: Ninnekah
Population: 1,113
Overall Niche grade: B+
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: A
Diversity grade: N/A
Public schools grade: B-
Nearby City: Norge, Oklahoma
Oregon: Healy Heights
Population: 1,398
Overall Niche grade: A+
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: C-
Diversity grade: B
Public schools grade: A
Nearby City: Portland, Oregon
Pennsylvania: Mill Hall
Population: 1,573
Overall Niche grade: B
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: B+
Diversity grade: B-
Public schools grade: C
Nearby City: Lock Haven, Pennsylvania
Rhode Island: Jamestown
Population: 5,462
Overall Niche grade: A+
Crime & safety grade: A
Cost of living grade: C-
Diversity grade: B-
Public schools grade: A
Nearby City: Warwick, Rhode Island
South Carolina: Quinby
Population: 1,192
Overall Niche grade: B+
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: A-
Diversity grade: A-
Public schools grade: B
Nearby City: Florence, South Carolina
South Dakota: Eagle Butte
Population: 1,205
Overall Niche grade: C+
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: A
Diversity grade: N/A
Public schools grade: D-
Nearby City: Rapid City, South Dakota
Tennessee: Belle Meade
Population: 2,704
Overall Niche grade: A-
Crime & safety grade: A
Cost of living grade: C
Diversity grade: C
Public schools grade: B-
Nearby City: Berry Hill, Tennessee
Texas: Rio Bravo
Population: 4,842
Overall Niche grade: C+
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: A
Diversity grade: C+
Public schools grade: C+
Nearby City: Laredo, Texas
Utah: Centerfield
Population: 1,220
Overall Niche grade: B-
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: B-
Diversity grade: B+
Public schools grade: B-
Nearby City: Santaquin, Utah
Vermont: Castleton
Population: 4,610
Overall Niche grade: B
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: B-
Diversity grade: C+
Public schools grade: B-
Nearby City: Rutland, Vermont
Virginia: Cedar Bluff
Population: 1,183
Overall Niche grade: B-
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: B+
Diversity grade: C+
Public schools grade: B
Nearby City: Claypool Hill, Virginia
Washington: Cosmopolis
Population: 1,539
Overall Niche grade: B
Crime & safety grade: A
Cost of living grade: B-
Diversity grade: B
Public schools grade: B-
Nearby City: Aberdeen, Washington
West Virginia: Eleanor
Population: 1,691
Overall Niche grade: A-
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: A-
Diversity grade: B-
Public schools grade: B+
Nearby City: Charleston, WV
Wisconsin: Brooklyn
Population: 1,343
Overall Niche grade: A-
Crime & safety grade: A+
Cost of living grade: B+
Diversity grade: B-
Public schools grade: A
Nearby City: Madison, Wisconsin
Wyoming: Worland
Population: 5,383
Overall Niche grade: B
Crime & safety grade: A-
Cost of living grade: B
Diversity grade: A-
Public schools grade: B-
Nearby City: Thermopolis, Wyoming