Do you know Washington's official state symbols?
Do you know Washington's official state symbols?
Each state in America boasts its own culture, history, and natural beauty. To represent such diversity, people from these states have chosen their own set of symbols and customs. Specific flags, songs, mottos, flowers, and even fruits commemorate the uniqueness of individual states. Some of these symbols border on the bizarre: Texas, for example, has made the Dutch oven its official state cooking pot. Other symbols are more universal, like state birds.
Many people remember learning about their states' history back in elementary school. But can you still remember your state bird? How about your state flower? To test your state knowledge, Stacker compiled a list of symbols in Washington.
Clue: Washington state fish
Clue: Known for their bright, white underbellies and gray, spotted backs that include flecks of silver from head to tail, this fish also shimmers with opalescent pink. It mirrors the classic behavior of salmon by returning to freshwater rivers to spawn.
Answer: Washington state fish
Answer: Steelhead trout
Clue: Washington state mammal
Washington has two official mammals, one of which is the orca. The other is a rodent about the size of a cat with a long bushy tail. This species is found only on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington state. They live only in mountain meadows over 4,000 feet in elevation and spend the summer eating plants to store up fat for a winter hibernation that lasts seven to eight months.
Answer: Washington state mammal
- State mammals: Orca, Olympic marmot
Clue: Washington state song
In 1959, the state of Washington officially adopted a song by Helen Davis and Stuart Churchill as its own. Its official folk song was written by one of the most famous folk musicians in history, Woody Guthrie.
Answer: Washington state song
- Answer:
--- State song: "Washington, My Home"
--- Folk song: "Roll On, Columbia, Roll On"
Clue: Washington state insect
This species is named after its resemblance to a darning needle. Females lay their eggs beneath the surface of bodies of water, with older individuals eating aquatic prey such as tadpoles and small fish.
Answer: Washington state insect
- State insect: Green darner dragonfly (Anax junius)
Clue: Washington state tree
Like Oregon, its neighbor in the Northwest, Washington honors a common conifer and popular Christmas tree with its state symbol. The tree has become threatened since 2017 by a fungal disease that may be connected to droughts.
Answer: Washington state tree
Answer: Western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla)
Clue: Washington state bird
This brightly colored and active little bird represents two other states. The species is widely adored for its acrobatic flying patterns.
Answer: Washington state bird
Answer: American goldfinch
Clue: Washington state flower
Like many other states, Washington's choice for a state flower came about as a result of the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago. Even with its selection, this pale pink flower was not the official state flower until 1959. This flower is native to the Pacific coast of North America, extending all the way to the Cascade Mountains.