10 designer dog breeds in photos
Did you know there are more than 500 designer dog breeds today? If you've recently visited a local dog park or leafed through a celebrity magazine with photos of stars with their pets, you're already well aware designer dogs are growing in popularity.
Purebreds are being crossbred to create hybrids like the goldendoodle, cavachon, maltipoo, and puggle. Unlike mutts, which are the result of two or more breeds accidentally blending, designer dogs are intentional blends of two purebred canines—and people are paying big bucks for them. Looking to learn more about the pets of celebrities like Tiger Woods (labradoodle) and Jake Gyllenhaal (puggle)? Stacker researched the history of designer dogs as well as some of the most beloved breeds.
Read on for 10 designer dog breeds in photos.
A labradoodle is a crossbreed of a poodle and a labrador retriever.
Along with being intelligent and social pals, labradoodles are low-shedding dogs perfect for people who otherwise have pet allergies. This lovable breed is a popular designer dog that's easy to train, affectionate, energetic, and great with kids.
A beagle and a pug are crossbred to create a puggle.
The small, short-coated puggle is a mix of two breeds that each contribute unique traits. While the pug is more of a lap dog, the beagle is known for its independence—resulting in a designer dog known for its loyalty as much as its stubbornness.
The goldendoodle is a mix of a golden retriever and a poodle.
The popular goldendoodle hybrid is a smart, playful family dog. The poodle contributes intelligence and non-shedding attributes while the golden retriever side adds love and joy. This winning combination creates a perfect family pet that comes in a variety of colors and sizes.
A maltichon is a hybrid that crosses a bichon frise with a Maltese.
Cheerful and eager to please, the maltichon is a great watchdog as well as a cuddly lapdog. Maltichons are quick to entertain and they like to play with their family.
One of the original designer dogs, the cockapoo is a mix of a cocker spaniel and a poodle.
Hypoallergenic, affectionate, and highly intelligent, the cockapoo is a best friend to every member of its family. "Carpe diem" is the mantra of this loving creature, which finds joy in daily life with its sweet demeanor and easygoing nature.
A morkie is a hybrid that combines a Yorkshire terrier with a Maltese.
The diminutive morkie loves attention and affection, but is also known to be stubborn and fearless. Although it is a low-shedding dog, morkies do require daily grooming. These dogs love to nap on a lap between bursts of playful energy throughout the day.
A cavachon's purebred parents are a bichon frise and a King Charles spaniel.
The gentle and sweet cavachon's small size makes it an ideal choice for those who live in small places or like to travel. A low-shedding dog, it is also perfect for people with allergies.
The chiweenie is a mix of a Chihuahua and dachshund.
The chiweenie is a tiny dog who will grow no larger than 10 pounds, making it a great travel companion. The chiweenie is an alert and capable watchdog. While their lifespan is generally longer than those of larger breeds, they are prone to health problems.
If you combine a shih tzu and Pomeranian, you create a shiranian.
Playful and peppy, shiranians are a trusting toy breed brimming with warmth and affection. Be mindful, however, of making time for these dogs: Shiranians develop separation anxiety if left alone for long periods.
The schnoodle mixes a poodle with a schnauzer.
The ever-cheerful schnoodle is intelligent and playful, but also as loyal and protective as any good watchdog. Schnoodles can be independent and love to dig and bark. You may see them holding favorite toys with their front paws.