Adorable toy poodle puppy in arms of its loving owner.

25 dogs that won't make you sneeze

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September 8, 2020
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25 dogs that won't make you sneeze

Sneezing, runny nose, congestion, wheezing, inflamed eyes, skin irritation: None of these is an ideal reaction to have when playing with an adorable puppy. As many as three in 10 allergy sufferers in the United States are sensitive to cats and dogs, according to the Cleveland Clinic—an unfortunate prognosis for any animal lover.

Allergies are the result of oversensitive immune systems, which can be triggered by a pet's dander, urine, or saliva to bring on allergic reactions. In addition, pet hair—which in and of itself is not an allergen—can transport other allergens such as pollen. Because of this, some people may believe they have a pet allergy when it is the dust or pollen on a pet's coat that is triggering an allergic reaction. Pet allergens are easy to transfer on clothes, which is why some homes that have never had pets in them can still have pet allergens. Allergens can also stick around for months or years on upholstery, carpets, or any other home fabrics. The good news is that relief may be on the way—research out of Japan recently identified the parts of molecules that may be responsible for allergic reactions to dogs, which means a vaccine is within reach.

Meanwhile, allergies don't have to prevent you from joining the 66% of American households with a pet at home, according to 2023-2024 data from the American Pet Products Association. Yes, there are allergy shots, nasal sprays, and antihistamine pills that can all help minimize the symptoms of pet allergies, but a more proactive approach may be to seek the right dog.

To the delight of sneezing dog lovers everywhere, the American Kennel Club has compiled a list of 25 dog breeds that are considered hypoallergenic. Though no dogs are truly 100% allergy-proof—and everyone's allergies are different—the following breeds have non-shedding coats that produce significantly less dander. Some of them are even hairless. Stacker has listed the dogs by the American Kennel Club's 2023 dog breed popularity rankings in the following compilation. Editor's note: There are no AKC popularity rankings for the first four dogs.

Read on to get excited to adopt a new furry family member.

#22. Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka (tie)

- 2023 popularity rank: Not ranked

The Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka (also called a Bolonka for short) is a type of Bichon. Its name translates to "Russian Colored Lapdog" and that's certainly apt—the breed is affectionate, good with children, and barely barks, according to the AKC. They were on the brink of extinction until the 1950s, when a group of breeders revived them.

#22. Peruvian Inca orchid (tie)

- 2023 popularity rank: Not ranked

Though coated Peruvian Inca orchid dogs exist, most of the breed is entirely hairless, making them a good choice for people with allergies. These dogs are sight hounds: Much like greyhounds and whippets, they have sleek, muscular bodies well-suited to running.

#22. Bolognese (tie)

- 2023 popularity rank: Not ranked

Like the pasta dish of the same name, the Bolognese breed originates in Italy. Though Bolognese dogs have soft, fluffy coats, they don't shed. Allergy sufferers can also ask groomers to keep the coat cropped to just one inch.

#22. Barbado da Terceira (tie)

- 2023 popularity rank: Not ranked

Don't let the Barbado da Terceira's fluffy appearance fool you—this Portuguese herding breed makes for a great guard dog thanks to their intelligence and unmatched loyalty. On top of that, the Barbado da Terceira (which translates to "Bearded of the Third Island") barely sheds or drools, according to the AKC.

#21. Irish water spaniel

- 2023 popularity rank: #177 (out of 200)

The Irish water spaniel's tight, reddish-brown curls contrast with its long, skinny tail. These active, high-energy pups are relatively easy to train, but need plenty of daily exercise.

#20. Affenpinscher

- 2023 popularity rank: #162 (out of 200)

The fearless, animated affenpinscher are known affectionately as "monkey dogs" by owners. The terrier-like dog is under one foot tall but greatly confident—not to mention loyal and amusing.

#19. Kerry blue terrier

- 2023 popularity rank: #160 (out of 200)

These sturdy, square terriers have a show-stopping coat that ranges from light blue-gray to dark slate. Named for its home county in Ireland, this breed is well-known as a hard-working dog.

#18. Löwchen

- 2023 popularity rank: #159 (out of 200)

German for "little lion," Löwchen are popular companion dogs. Just over a foot tall at the shoulder, this non-shedding dog is known for its bravery—and, of course, its tiny lion-like appearance given its mane and tail.

#17. Bedlington terrier

- 2023 popularity rank: #149 (out of 200)

Once you see a Bedlington terrier, you won't forget him anytime soon: This dog's pear-shaped head, arched back, sheep-like coat and hairless ears make him instantly recognizable. Bedlingtons are energetic, charming and fun-loving—though they like cuddling up on the couch, too.

#16. Barbet

- 2023 popularity rank: #136 (out of 200)

These rustic French water dogs have dense, curly coats that are well-suited to swimming and hunting—the barbet's original job. Calm, intelligent and amiable, these tall, sturdy dogs need regular exercise to stay at their happiest.

#15. Xoloitzcuintli

- 2023 popularity rank: #122 (out of 200)

This 3,000-year-old breed dates back to the time of the Aztecs, when they were revered as the companions of the gods. Allergy sufferers might revere them for another reason: The Xoloitzcuintli breed does not have any hair, so they don't shed dander. Owners might need to apply sunscreen to the dogs before prolonged sun exposure, however.

#14. American hairless terrier

- 2023 popularity rank: #112 (out of 200)

This breed from Louisiana comes in both hairless and coated varieties, either of which would be a good choice for people with allergies. American hairless terriers are inquisitive, intelligent, and playful.

#13. Afghan hound

- 2023 popularity rank: #111 (out of 200)

Despite the Afghan hound's long, silky locks, this dog is in fact hypoallergenic. Still, prospective owners should expect to spend plenty of time bathing, brushing, and grooming an Afghan hound.

#12. Standard schnauzer

- 2023 popularity rank: #96 (out of 200)

With their pointy ears, bushy eyebrows, and dignified whiskers, standard schnauzers are downright adorable. These fearless, high-spirited farm dogs make excellent companions and capable watchdogs.

#11. Coton de Tulear

- 2023 popularity rank: #90 (out of 200)

Known as the "royal dog of Madagascar," the Coton de Tulear's name was inspired by the breed's soft, cotton-like white coat ("coton" is French for cotton). Remarkably sympathetic and entertaining, these dogs make devoted lifelong companions.

#10. Lagotto Romagnolo

- 2023 popularity rank: #80 (out of 200)

The Lagotto Romagnolo's thick, curly, waterproof coat only sheds minimally, so these dogs would be a good match for allergy sufferers. Traditionally, these dogs are trained to hunt for precious Italian truffles.

#9. Chinese crested

- 2023 popularity rank: #79 (out of 200)

The name of this unusual-looking dog refers to its spiky hairdo, furry socks, and fluffy tail—quite the look, especially when combined with an otherwise hairless body. As you might guess, shedding is not a problem with this breed.

#8. Soft-coated Wheaten terrier

- 2023 popularity rank: #69 (out of 200)

Though the soft-coated Wheaten terrier's wavy hair is low-shedding, it also requires constant grooming to keep it from matting. These exuberant dogs have lovely, joyful personalities with just a tinge of stereotypical terrier stubbornness.

#7. Giant schnauzer

- 2023 popularity rank: #56 (out of 200)

The larger, more powerful cousin of the standard schnauzer, the giant schnauzer maintains the same characteristics: bold, valiant, intelligent, and loyal.

#6. Portuguese water dog

- 2023 popularity rank: #49 (out of 200)

This breed took its spot on the world stage in 2010 when the Obama family adopted Bo, a Portuguese water dog. A few years later, the family also adopted Sunny, another of these athletic, allergy-friendly dogs.

#5. Bichon frise

- 2023 popularity rank: #44 (out of 200)

Bichon frises have personality for miles: This breed is known as a jokester, with oodles of confidence and a love for people. They're adorable, too, with a white hypoallergenic coat that almost gives them the appearance of a teddy bear.

#4. Maltese

- 2023 popularity rank: #37 (out of 200)

Maltese only grow about 7–9 inches tall, but a long, silky coat that drapes all the way to their feet give them an outsized presence. Though they look petite and perhaps even a little precious, Maltese have hardy, adaptable personalities that leave them ready for anything.

#3. Miniature schnauzer

- 2023 popularity rank: #17 (out of 200)

The smallest of the three schnauzer breeds looks a little stockier and more gruff than their larger cousins, but still has the same low-shedding wiry coat and bright, friendly demeanor.

#2. Yorkshire terrier

- 2023 popularity rank: #13 (out of 200)

These tiny terriers are known for their hypoallergenic curtain-like head-to-toe coats (you can't even see their feet). Despite their stature, they can be solid watchdogs. Once known for their Victorian-era companionship, they are now a favorite of city-dwellers.

#1. Poodle

- 2023 popularity rank: #5 (out of 200)

The most popular breed on this list, the poodle—which comes in standard, miniature, and toy sizes—has a reputation as a bit of a prissy dog. But that couldn't be further from the truth: These regal, elegant dogs are typically eager, energetic, and extraordinarily smart. Their soft, fluffy coats can be trimmed either in the elaborate "continental" style, or the simpler sporting look.

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